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Partial Matches |
| hist. mil. German Army [Imperial German Army between 1871 and 1919] | Deutsches Heer {n} | |
| hist. Reich's flag | Reichsflagge {f} [1871-1919, 1933-1945 offizielle Nationalflagge, Schwarz-Weiß-Rot] | |
| mil. armed forces {pl} [esp. of Germany from 1919 to 1945] | Wehrmacht {f} [bes. die deutschen Streitkräfte von 1919 bis 1945] [sonst veraltet für: Streitkräfte eines Landes] | |
| hist. sports dead-ball era [also: deadball era] [Am.] [history of Major League Baseball, app. 1901-1919] | Deadball-Ära {f} [US-amerik. Baseball-Liga, 1901 bis 1919] | |
| hist. pol. Spartacist Uprising | Spartakusaufstand {m} [1919] | |
| geogr. hist. pol. Greater Romania [1919 -1940] | Großrumänien {n} | |
| hist. pol. Paris Peace Conference [1919] | Pariser Friedenskonferenz {f} | |
| hist. pol. Spartacist | Spartakist {m} [Mitglied des Spartakusbundes 1918 - 1919] | |
| hist. Wettins [dynasty] | Wettiner {pl} [bis 1919 sächsisches Herrscherhaus] | |
| hist. Hungarian Soviet Republic [1919] | Föderative Ungarische Sozialistische Räterepublik {f} | |
| hist. Polish-Soviet War [1919-1921] | Polnisch-Sowjetischer Krieg {m} | |
| pol. Third International [Comintern: founded 1919 by Lenin] | Dritte Internationale {f} | |
| hist. House of Wettin [dynasty] | Wettiner {pl} [bis 1919 sächsisches Herrscherhaus] | |
| automot. vintage car | Oldtimer {m} [insb. ein zwischen 1919 und 1930 gebauter] | |
| hist. pol. Hungarian Soviet Republic [1919] | Ungarische Räterepublik {f} [offiziell: Föderative Ungarische Sozialistische Räterepublik] | |
| hist. pol. Council of People's Deputies | Rat {m} der Volksbeauftragten [deutsche Interimsregierung 1918/1919] | |
| hist. Irish War of Independence [Irish: Cogadh na Saoirse] [1919-1921] | Irischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg {m} | |
| hist. mil. Imperial German Army Air Service [WW I German air force 1916-1919] | Luftstreitkräfte {f} | |
| hist. Tan War [coll.] [Irish War of Independence] | Irischer Freiheitskrieg {m} [ugs.] [Irischer Unabhängigkeitskrieg, 1919-21] | |
| automot. veteran car [Br.] | Oldtimer {m} [vor 1919 gebaut, genauer vor 1905] | |
| veteran cars [Br.] | Oldtimer {pl} [vor 1919 gebaut, genauer vor 1905] | |
| hist. mil. [oath of allegiance of the German Forces from 1919 to 1934] | Reichswehreid {m} | |
| hist. pol. Wafd Party [1919-1952] | Wafd-Partei {f} | |
| hist. Emperor Wilhelm's Land [former German colony] [rare] | Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land {n} [ehemalige dt. Kolonie in Nordost-Neuguinea, 1885-1919] | |
| hist. pol. Volkstag [parliament of the Free City of Danzig, 1919 - 1939] | Volkstag {m} [Parlament der Freien Stadt Danzig] | |
| theatre Berlin State Opera | Lindenoper {f} [ugs.] [Staatsoper Unter den Linden (ab 1743: Königliche Oper, ab 1919: Preußische Staatsoper, ab 1955: Deutsche Staatsoper)] | |
| hist. mil. first lieutenant [German forces before 1871] | Premierlieutenant {m} [Oberleutnant in deutschen Streitkräften vor 1871] | |
| hist. mil. second lieutenant [German forces before 1871] | Secondelieutenant {m} [Leutnant in deutschen Streitkräften vor 1871] | |
| hist. Wars of German Unification [1864 - 1871] | Deutsche Einigungskriege {pl} [1864 - 1871] | |
| hist. German Empire [1871-1918] | Deutsches Kaiserreich {n} | |
| hist. German Empire [1871-1918] | Deutsches Reich {n} | |
| hist. mil. free corps [Prussian Army before 1871] | Freitruppen {pl} | |
| hist. Standard of the German Emperor [1871 - 1918] | Kaiserstandarte {f} | |
| hist. pol. Communard [member or supporter of the 1871 Paris Commune] | Kommunarde {m} | |
| hist. ling. German {adj} [1871-1945, used by German speakers outside the territory] | reichsdeutsch | |
| hist. pol. foundation of the German Reich | Reichsgründung {f} [Gründung des Deutschen Reiches 1871] | |
| hist. [period (1871-1873) when many industrial firms were founded in Germany] | Gründerjahre {pl} | |
| hist. [period (1871-1873) when many industrial firms were founded in Germany] | Gründerzeit {f} | |
| hist. Communard [member or supporter of the 1871 Paris Commune] | Kommunard {m} [veraltet] [Kommunarde] | |
| hist. pol. Imperial (State of) Germany [1871-1918] [German Empire] | Deutsches Reich {n} [Deutsches Kaiserreich] | |
| hist. [German 1871-1945, used by German speakers outside the territory] | Reichsdeutscher {m} | |
| hist. Treaty of Frankfurt [1871] | Friede {m} von Frankfurt | |
| lit. F The Little Moorland Princess / The Princess of the Moor | Das Heideprinzesschen [Eugenie John, alias E. Marlitt] [1871: Das Haideprinzeßchen; ab ca. 1900: Das Heideprinzeßchen] | |
| hist. Second Reich [term predominantly used by the Nazis] [German Empire, 1871–1918] | Zweites Reich {n} [Begriff geprägt von Arthur Moeller van den Bruck 1923 für das Deutsche Kaiserreich von 1871] | |
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