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| lest {conj} [formal] [example: I was frightened lest he should fall.] | 471 dass | |
| come sth. {adv} [come fall, February, etc.] | im kommenden etw. [im kommenden Herbst, Februar etc.] | |
| evermore {adv} [rise, fall] | immer mehr | |
Verbs |
| to plunge [fall, decrease dramatically] | 3458 stürzen [plötzlich fallen, auch Kurse etc.] | |
| to drop [to fall] | 2515 fallen | |
| to tumble [fall] | 1232 fallen | |
| to plunge [fall] | 1147 fallen | |
| to drop [fall vertically] | 815 abfallen | |
| to tumble [fall] | 657 stürzen [fallen] | |
| to drop [fall, decrease, drop off] | 399 nachlassen [zurückgehen] | |
| to collapse [fall apart] | 57 auseinanderfallen | |
| to plunk [esp. Am.] [throw down, fall] | 49 knallen [hinknallen, werfen, fallen] [ugs.] | |
| to fragment [fall to pieces] | 40 zerfallen | |
| to cushion sth. [fall, drop] | 32 etw. bremsen [Fall] | |
| econ. fin. to unpeg sth. [fig.] [to allow exchange rates, prices, wages, etc. to rise and fall freely] | 21 etw.Akk. freigeben [Wechselkurse, Preise, Löhne etc.] | |
| to collapse [fall apart] | 19 auseinanderbrechen | |
| to cowp [coll.] [Irish] [Scot.] [fall] | 6 stürzen [fallen] | |
| to collapse [fall apart] | auseinander fallen [alt] | |
| to collapse sth. [cause sth. to fall down or give way] | etw.Akk. zum Einsturz bringen | |
| to collapse sth. [cause sth. to fall down or give way] | etw.Akk. zum Einstürzen bringen | |
| to conform [fall into line] | sich anpassen | |
| to faceplant [or: face-plant] [coll.] [fall onto one's face] | auf die Fresse fallen [derb] [pej.] | |
| sports to fell sb. [cause sb. to fall; esp. football, boxing, etc.] | jdn. zu Fall bringen | |
| to fragment [fall to pieces] | in Bruchstücke zerfallen | |
| to sprawl [fall] | der Länge nach hinfallen | |
| hydro. naut. to uncover [to fall partially or totally dry at ebbtime] | trockenfallen [bei Ebbe ganz oder teilweise trockenfallen] | |
Nouns |
| plunge [fall] | 495 Fall {m} [Sturz] | |
| drop [fall, recession] | 298 Rückgang {m} | |
| drop [fall] | 179 Fall {m} [Sturz, Rückgang] | |
| tumble [also fig.] [decrease, fall] | 92 Absturz {m} [auch fig.] | |
| ling. mus. cadence [sequence of notes or chords; fall in pitch of the voice (at the end of a sentence phrase)] | 45 Kadenz {f} [Harmonielehre: Akkordfolge, Schlussphrase; Linguistik: das Abfallen der Stimme (am Ende eines Satzes oder Satzglieds)] | |
| cropper [coll.] [headlong fall] | 41 Sturz {m} [bes. vom Pferd] | |
| precipitation [fall down, e.g. rocks] | 29 Herabstürzen {n} | |
| constr. crossfall [also: cross fall] | Querneigung {f} [Straßenbau] | |
| theatre pratfall [staged fall] | gespieltes Hinfallen {n} | |
| precipitation [fall] | jäher Sturz {m} | |
| econ. fin. stat. rebound [fig.] [sudden rise after a fall] | plötzlicher Wiederanstieg {m} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to buck up [fall to work] | sich an die Arbeit machen [Redewendung] | |
| idiom to come apart [fall to pieces] | aus den Fugen geraten | |
| to come off [to fall from sth.] | runterfallen | |
| to come out [fall out] | ausfallen [z. B. Zähne, Haare] | |
| mil. to crap out [Am.] [sl.] [to fall asleep esp. during work hours] | pennen [ugs.] | |
| to drift off [to fall asleep] | wegnicken [ugs.] | |
| to drop off [coll.] [to fall asleep] | einschlummern | |
| to drop off [coll.] [to fall asleep] | einnicken [ugs.] | |
| to drop off [to fall asleep] | einpennen [ugs.] [salopp] | |
| to drop off [to fall asleep] | einschlafen | |
| to fall short [to fall to the ground before reaching the target] | zu kurz fallen [vor dem Ziel auf den Boden fallen] | |
| to fall to [coll.] [to fall closed, of e.g. a door] | zufallen [sich von selbst mit einem Schlag schließen] | |
| to flake out [coll.] [fall asleep] | (schnell) einschlafen | |
| econ. to go south [esp. Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [of prices: to fall] | in den Keller gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [fallen: Preise etc.] | |
| to keel over [coll.] [fall suddenly as a result of fainting or loss of balance] | umkippen [ugs.] [ohnmächtig werden oder das Gleichgewicht verlieren und umfallen] | |
| to light (on) [descend, fall or settle upon] [paratrooper, bird etc.] | landen (auf) [Fallschirmspringer, Vogel etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mil. HAHO jump [military free-fall form of insertion] | HAHO-Sprung {m} [Fallschirmsprungverfahren] | |
| mil. HALO jump [military free-fall form of insertion] | HALO-Sprung {m} [Fallschirmsprungverfahren] | |
| jobs mountain cleaner [professional working around Salzburg to prevent rock fall] | Bergputzer {m} | |
| jobs mountain cleaners [professionals working around Salzburg to prevent rock fall] | Bergputzer {pl} | |
| electr. pulse tilt [decay, fall] | Impulsabfall {m} | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to come a cropper [coll.] [fall heavily] | hinfliegen [ugs.] [(mit Schwung) hinfallen, stürzen] | |
| to come a cropper [coll.] [fall heavily] | (schwer) stürzen [hinfallen, zu Boden fallen] | |
| to fall from view [idiom] [fall into oblivion] | aus dem Blick geraten [Redewendung] [in Vergessenheit geraten] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. pol. fall of Napoleon [fall from power] | Sturz {m} Napoleons | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to come down hard on sb./sth. [fall heavily on] | auf jdn./etw. schwer fallen | |
| idiom to fall (all) over oneself [also: to fall all-over oneself] | sich (vor Begeisterung) überschlagen | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to go off to the land of Nod [esp. Br.] [coll.] [to fall asleep] | ins Schlummerland gehen [ugs.] [einschlafen] | |
| idiom to go out like a light [coll.] [fall asleep very quickly] | auf der Stelle einschlafen | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F The Lizzie McGuire Movie [Jim Fall] | Popstar auf Umwegen | |
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