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English-German translation for: [Stephen]
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Dictionary English German: [Stephen]

Translation 1 - 50 of 218  >>

English German
lit. F 11/22/63 [Stephen King]Der Anschlag
lit. F 1408 [Stephen King]1408
lit. F A Face in the Crowd [Stephen King, Stewart O'Nan]Ein Gesicht in der Menge
film F A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child [Stephen Hopkins]Nightmare on Elm Street 5 – Das Trauma
lit. F A Winter's Tale: The Breathing Method [Stephen King]Ein Wintermärchen: Atemtechnik
lit. F All That You Love Will Be Carried Away [Stephen King]Alles, was du liebst, wird dir genommen
lit. F And Quiet Flows the Don [Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov, trans. Garry Stephen]Der stille Don [Michail Alexandrowitsch Scholochow] [Teil 1 von 2]
film lit. F Apt Pupil [novella: Stephen King; film: Bryan Singer]Der Musterschüler
lit. F August in Brooklyn [Stephen King]August in Brooklyn
lit. F Autopsy Room Four [Stephen King]Autopsieraum vier
lit. F Bag of Bones [Stephen King]Sara
lit. RadioTV F Band of Brothers [Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg] [based on the book Band of Brothers by Stephen E. Ambrose]Band of Brothers - Wir waren wie Brüder
lit. F Battleground [Stephen King]Schlachtfeld
lit. F Beachworld [Stephen King]Der Dünenplanet
film F Beautiful Joe [Stephen Metcalfe]Beautiful Joe
lit. F Big Wheels: A Tale of the Laundry Game (Milkman 2) [Stephen King]Der Milchmann schlägt wieder zu
film F Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure [Stephen Herek]Bill & Teds verrückte Reise durch die Zeit
film lit. F Billy Elliot [novel: Melvin Burgess, film: Stephen Daldry]Billy Elliot – I Will Dance
film F Boogeyman [Stephen T. Kay]BoogeymanDer schwarze Mann
lit. F Book Case [Stephen Greenleaf]Buch der Lügen
lit. F Cain Rose Up [Stephen King]Kains Aufbegehren
lit. F Carrie [Stephen King]Carrie
lit. F Cell [Stephen King]Puls
lit. F Chattery Teeth [Stephen King]Klapperzähne
lit. F Children of the Corn [Stephen King]Kinder des Mais
lit. F Christine [Stephen King]Christine
film F Critters [Stephen Herek]Critters - Sie beißen!
film F Critters [Stephen Herek]CrittersSie sind da!
lit. F Crouch End [Stephen King]Crouch End
lit. F Cujo [Stephen King]Cujo
film F Dangerous Liaisons [Stephen Frears]Gefährliche Liebschaften
lit. F Danse Macabre [Stephen King]Danse Macabre
lit. F Dedication [Stephen King]Zueignung
lit. F Desperation [Stephen King]Desperation
lit. F Different Seasons [Stephen King]Frühling, Sommer, Herbst und Tod
film F Dirty Pretty Things [Stephen Frears]Kleine schmutzige Tricks
lit. F Doctor Sleep [2013] [Stephen King]Doctor Sleep
lit. F Dolan's Cadillac [Stephen King]Dolans Cadillac
film F Dolittle [Stephen Gaghan]Die fantastische Reise des Dr. Dolittle
film lit. F Dolores Claiborne [novel: Stephen King, film: Taylor Hackford]Dolores
lit. F Dreamcatcher [Stephen King]Duddits
lit. F Duma Key [Stephen King]Wahn
lit. F Dying to Sin [Stephen Booth]Todesacker
lit. F Everything's Eventual [Stephen King]Im Kabinett des Todes
lit. F Everything's Eventual [Stephen King] [short story]Alles endgültig
lit. F Fall From Innocence: The Body [Stephen King]Herbstsonate: Die Leiche
lit. F Firestarter [Stephen King]Feuerkind
lit. F For Owen [Stephen King]Für Owen
lit. F Four Past Midnight [Stephen King]Nachts / Langoliers
lit. F From A Buick 8 [Stephen King]Der Buick
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