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| |
| dodgy {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [person, area, business] | 1965 zwielichtig | |
| fringe {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, event, group, parties, sport] | 1092 Rand- [z. B. Gebiet, Veranstaltung, Gruppe, Parteien, Sportart] | |
| gray {adj} [Am.] [area] | 327 unbestimmt [Bereich] | |
| local {adj} [e.g. area, bishop, bonus, call, charge, knowledge] | 304 Orts- [z. B. Bereich, Bischof, Zulage, Gespräch, Gebühr, Kenntnisse] | |
| vast {adj} [area] | 94 weit [Gelände] | |
| ecol. arboreous {adj} [area] | 88 waldreich | |
| geogr. arboreous {adj} [area] | 78 bewaldet | |
| for. forest {adj} [attr.] [e.g. animal, area, belt, consumption, damage] | 52 Wald- [z. B. Tier, Gebiet, Gürtel, Verbrauch, Schäden] | |
| cleared {adj} {past-p} [area] | 39 geräumt | |
| RealEst. living {adj} [attr.] [e.g. room, quarters, area] | 35 Wohn- | |
| coextensive {adj} [in area] | 32 deckungsgleich | |
| admin. unincorporated {adj} [of an area] | 22 gemeindefrei | |
| agr. growing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, environment, region] | 21 Anbau- [z. B. Gebiet, Milieu, Region] | |
| unexploited {adj} [resources, area, market, etc.] | 21 unerschlossen | |
| constr. building {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, industry, boom, costs, project] | 18 Bau- [z. B. Gebiet, Branche, Boom, Kosten, Projekt] | |
| rail railroad {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [e.g. area, embankment, gate, police] | 16 Bahn- [z. B. Gelände, Damm, Schranke, Polizei] | |
| speech {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, coding, community, defect, therapist] | 12 Sprach- [Region (des Gehirns), Codierung, Gemeinschaft, Fehler, Therapeut] | |
| dining {adj} [attr.] [e.g. room, area, table] | 10 Ess- [z. B. Zimmer, Bereich, Tisch] | |
| gastr. cooking {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, classes, skills, apple] | 9 Koch- [z. B. Bereich, Kurs, Künste, Apfel] | |
| agr. hort. planting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, bed, density, machine, tool] | 5 Pflanz- [z. B. Fläche, Beet, Dichte, Maschine, Gerät] | |
| sanitary {adj} [e.g. area, cleaner, engineering] | 5 Sanitär- [z. B. Bereich, Reiniger, Technik] | |
| [Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)] | DACH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz] | |
| [Acronym used to represent the dominant states of the German speaking area: Germany (D), Austria (A), Switzerland (CH)] | D-A-CH [Kunstwort für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz] | |
| geogr. arboreous {adj} [area] | waldig | |
| coextensive {adj} [in area] | flächengleich | |
| geogr. hist. Mesoamerican {adj} [refers to pre-Columbian Central America, esp. as a culture area] | mesoamerikanisch | |
| mountainous {adj} [e.g. area or region] | Berg- [bergig, gebirgig] [z. B. Region od. Land] | |
| anat. biol. optic {adj} [e.g. area, nerve, tract] | Seh- [z. B. Areal, Nerv, Bahn] | |
| Posted [Am.] [on a sign on private property or outdoor area] | Durchgang verboten [Schild auf einem Außengelände] | |
| rail railway {adj} [attr.] [Br.] [e.g. area, embankment, fare, gate] | Bahn- [z. B. Gelände, Damm, Tarif, Schranke] | |
| sitting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, height, meditation, posture, statue] | Sitz- [z. B. Ecke, Höhe, Meditation, Haltung, Statue] | |
| geogr. subtidal {adj} [area] | [Fläche] unterhalb des mittleren Tidenniedrigwassers <unterhalb MTNW> | |
| unpopulated {adj} [area] | menschenleer [Gegend] | |
| uptown {adv} [esp. Am.] [in an affluent area] | im Nobelviertel | |
| urban uptown {adv} [esp. Am.] [in an affluent area] | im Villenviertel | |
| waiting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. area, line, room] | Warte- [z. B. Bereich, Schlange, Zimmer] | |
| wooded {adj} [e.g. area, landscape, site, steppe, valley] | Wald- [bewalded] [z. B. Fläche, Landschaft, Grundstück, Steppe, Tal] | |
Verbs |
| to comb [area] | 395 durchkämmen [Gebiet] | |
| aviat. to approach [an area] | 375 einfliegen [in Bereich, Gebiet fliegen] | |
| to people [continent, planet, large area, etc.] | 242 besiedeln [Kontinent, Planet, großes Gebiet etc.] | |
| to designate sth. [an area for sth. etc.] | 211 etw. ausweisen [für bestimmten Zweck vorsehen] | |
| constr. urban to redevelop sth. [e.g. an urban area] | 78 etw.Akk. sanieren [durch teilweisen Abriss und Neubau umgestalten] [z. B. einen Stadtteil] | |
| to squat [occupy an abandoned or unoccupied area of land and/or a building] | 63 [ein Haus / ein Grundstück] besetzen | |
| mil. to mine sth. [an area, a port, a road, etc.] | 51 etw.Akk. verminen [ein Gebiet, einen Hafen, eine Straße etc.] | |
| law to confine sb./sth. [to a restricted area] | 49 jdn./etw. konfinieren [veraltet] [verweisen, in ein bestimmtes Gebiet verbannen] | |
| to bar sth. [area, door etc.] | 42 etw. abriegeln | |
| travel to travel sth. [area] | 35 etw.Akk. bereisen | |
| to roam sth. [area] | 30 etw.Akk. durchstreichen [geh.] [durchstreifen] | |
| traffic transp. to service sth. [e.g. bus stop, sales area] | 23 etw. bedienen [z. B. Haltestelle, Vertriebsgebiet] | |
| to bar sth. [area, door etc.] | 20 etw.Akk. absperren | |
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