| English | German | |
| bare {adj} [legs, feet, chest, etc.; also: branch, wall, floor] | 1434 nackt [Beine, Füße, Oberkörper etc.; auch: Ast, Wand, Boden] | |
| naked {adj} [children, legs etc.; also: bulb, branch, truth] | 418 nackt [Kinder, Beine etc.; auch: Glühbirne, Ast, Wahrheit] | |
| dead {adj} [tree, branch, skin cells, etc.; also: numb (foot, fingers, etc)] | 392 abgestorben [tot (Baum, Ast, Hautzellen etc.); auch: ohne Empfindung (Fuß, Finger etc.)] | |
| bot. leafy {adj} [branch, tree] | 72 grün [belaubt] | |
| pine {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bark, branch, coffin, cone, forest, needle, resin] | 67 Kiefern- [z. B. Rinde, Zweig, Sarg, Zapfen, Wald, Nadel, Harz] | |
| bot. willow {adj} [attr.] [e.g. branch, rod, switch] | 51 Weiden- [z. B. Zweig, Rute, Gerte] | |
| laurel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. branch, forest, leaf, tree, wreath] | 42 Lorbeer- [z. B. Zweig, Wald, Blatt, Baum, Kranz] | |
| anat. med. mandibular {adj} [e.g. branch, tooth, fracture] | 20 Unterkiefer- [z. B. Ast, Zahn, Fraktur] | |
| -ics {suffix} [when a branch of science, usually with the singular (ethics is)] | -ik | |
| branchless {adj} [without branch offices] | ohne Filialen [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| to sway sth. [head, hips, branch, tree top] | 158 etw. wiegen [Kopf, Hüften, Zweig, Wipfel] | |
Nouns |
| log [small length of a tree trunk or thick branch] | 986 Holzklotz {m} | |
| stick [tree branch] | 973 Stock {m} [eines Baums] | |
| acad. med. surgery [branch of medicine] | 617 Chirurgie {f} | |
| educ. electr. electronics [usually treated as sg.] [branch of physics] | 183 Elektronik {f} [Fachgebiet] | |
| log [small length of a tree trunk or thick branch] | 180 Holzblock {m} | |
| comm. store [branch store] | 135 Filiale {f} | |
| bot. shoot [young branch] | 111 Trieb {m} [Spross] | |
| chapter [Am.] [local branch of a society / association] | 35 Ortsgruppe {f} | |
| ind. industry [branch of industry] | 34 Industriezweig {m} | |
| agency [office, branch] | 31 Geschäftsstelle {f} | |
| area [branch] | 23 Sparte {f} [Teilgebiet] | |
| hunting twig [or branch] | 21 Bruch {m} [vom Baum gebrochener Zweig] [jagdliches Brauchtum] | |
| fork [e.g., of a branch] | 12 Gabel {f} [z. B. eines Astes] | |
| acad. med. psych. psychosomatics [treated as sg.] [branch of science] | 11 Psychosomatik {f} [Fachgebiet] | |
| hist. pol. Sturmabteilung [paramilitary branch of the NSDAP] | 9 Sturmabteilung {f} <SA> | |
| acad. educ. discipline [branch of learning] | 7 Wissenschaftszweig {m} | |
| burl [Am.] [a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch] | 5 Wurzelholz {n} [ugs.] [Maserknolle, Holzkropf] | |
| burr [Br.] [a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch] | 5 Wurzelholz {n} [ugs.] [Maserknolle, Holzkropf] | |
| hunting [branch marking the place where game was initially wounded] | Anschussbruch {m} | |
| admin. [branch of local police department responsible for food safety in Austria, Switzerland] | Lebensmittelpolizei {f} [(amtliche) Lebensmittelüberwachung in Österreich und der Schweiz] | |
| hunting [branch worn on a successful hunter's hat] | Beutebruch {m} | |
| hist. mil. [three-star general of the artillery branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.] | General {m} der Artillerie | |
| [trade union representing a specific professional branch] | Spartengewerkschaft {f} | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent in aviator's branch of the Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Flieger <G.d.Fl., GdFl., Gen.d.Fl.> | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General equivalent of the infantry branch of German Armed Forces of the 19th and 20th cent.] | General {m} der Infanterie | |
| hist. mil. [U.S. Lt. General general equivalent of the paratroop branch of German Wehrmacht] | General {m} der Fallschirmtruppen <G.d.Falls., GdFalls., Ge.Falls.> | |
| hist. Albertines [branch of the House of Wettin] | Albertiner {pl} [Zweig der Wettiner] | |
| bur [Br.] [a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch] | Holzkropf {m} [Maserknolle] [Wucherung am Baum, die ein gemasertes Holz ergibt] | |
| relig. spec. Burkhanism [Ak Jang: branch of Lamaism with elements of shamanism] | Burchanismus {m} | |
| burl [Am.] [a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch] | Holzkropf {m} [Maserknolle] | |
| burr [Br.] [a rounded outgrowth on a tree trunk or branch] | Holzkropf {m} [Maserknolle] [Wucherung am Baum, die ein gemasertes Holz ergibt] | |
| hist. Ernestines [branch of the House of Wettin] | Ernestiner {pl} [Zweig der Wettiner] | |
| comp. goto [a form of branch or jump statement] | GOTO / Goto {n} [Sprungbefehl, Sprunganweisung] | |
| Mahayana [branch of Buddhism] | Mahajana {n} [Eine der zwei Hauptrichtungen des Buddhismus] | |
| mil. service [branch of military service] | Waffengattung {f} | |
| acad. med. surgery [branch of medicine] | Wundarznei {f} [veraltet bzw. historisch] [Chirurgie] | |
| med. surgery [branch of medicine] | Wundarzneikunst {f} [veraltet]. [Chirurgie] | |
| hist. relig. spec. Waterlanders [branch of Dutch Mennonites] | Waterländer {pl} | |
| tech. wye [Y-branch] | Hosenstück {n} | |
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