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| anat. belly {adj} [attr.] [e.g. circumference, button, dance] | 548 Bauch- [Umfang, Nabel, Tanz] | |
| Internet Submit [button on PC screen] | 510 Absenden | |
| Internet Like [button on Facebook] | Gefällt mir | |
Verbs |
| to undo sth. [a button] | 829 etw. aufknöpfen | |
| to undo sth. [a knot, the top button, the jacket, a package, etc.] | 621 etw. öffnen [einen Knoten, den obersten Knopf, das Jackett, ein Paket etc.] | |
| to hit sth. [press] [a button, a key, etc.] | 440 etw.Akk. drücken [einen Knopf, eine Taste etc.] | |
| to unfasten sth. [a button, the belt, etc.] | 398 etw. aufmachen [leicht ugs.] [einen Knopf, den Gürtel etc.] | |
| to undo sth. [a knot, the top button, the jacket, a package, etc.] | 264 etw. aufmachen [leicht ugs.] [einen Knoten, den obersten Knopf, das Jackett, ein Paket etc.] | |
| cloth. to misbutton [coll.] [rare] [to button wrong] [shirt etc.] | sich verknöpfen [ugs.] [Hemd usw.] | |
| to open sth. [by pressing a button] | etw. aufdrücken [durch Knopfdruck öffnen] | |
Nouns |
| cloth. stud [button] | 151 Knopf {m} | |
| comp. Review [button on computer screen] | 32 Überprüfen [Schaltfläche am Computerbildschirm] | |
| textil. shank [button] | 30 Öse {f} [bei Knöpfen] | |
| electr. engin. failsafe [button] | 28 Öffner {m} [ugs. für Taste mit Öffnerfunktion] | |
| comp. control [graphic interface control button] | 26 Schaltfläche {f} | |
| cloth. cuff [with button fastener] | 15 Ärmelbündchen {pl} | |
| comp. RadioTV play [icon, button] | 14 Wiedergabe [ohne Artikel] [Icon, Taste] | |
| comp. Enter [key, button] | 11 Eingabe {f} [Taste, Schaltfläche] | |
| [button on a ticket machine which allows free short-term parking] | Brötchentaste {f} [Parkscheinautomat] | |
| mus. [Swiss diatonic button accordion] | Schwyzerörgeli {n} [schweiz.] [auch: Örgeli] | |
| mus. bandoneon [button accordion] | Bandoneon {n} | |
| mus. bandoneon [button accordion] | Bandonion {n} | |
| bandoneon [button accordion] | Knopfharmonika {f} [österr.] | |
| Internet Home [button] | Home [Schaltfläche] | |
| pushbutton [spv. for: push button] | [Drucktaste, Drucktaster, Taster, Druckknopf usw.] | |
| mus. Schwyzerörgeli [diatonic button accordion used in Swiss folk music] | Schwyzerörgeli {n} [schweiz.] | |
2 Words: Others |
| Internet Report User [button] | Nutzer melden [Schaltfläche] | |
| toys Try me! [sign (at a button) on toys] | [auf Produkten, die im deutschen Sprachraum angeboten werden, oft unübersetzt; sinngemäß: Probier mich aus!] [Schild (bei einem Knopf) auf Spielzeugen] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to fly off [button] | abspringen [Knopf] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| tech. button press [less frequent than: touch / push / press of a button] | Knopfdruck {m} | |
| electr. RadioTV contrast control [button, knob etc. on a monitor] | Kontraststeller {m} [ugs. für: Kontrastregler] | |
| MedTech. tech. emergency stop [e.g. function, switch, button] [ANSI] | Not-Halt {m} [z. B. Funktion, Schalter, Knopf] [ISO, EN] | |
| comp. hamburger button [coll.] [menu button] | Hamburger-Menü-Icon {n} [ugs.] | |
| comp. key function [action of a button] | Tastenfunktion {f} | |
| memory recall [key / button] | Speicheranzeigetaste {f} [Taschenrechner] | |
| tech. operator control [i. e. button, key] | Bedienelement {n} [z. B. Knopf, Taste] | |
| MedTech. radiation blocking [switch, button] | Strahlungssperre {f} [Schalter, Taster] | |
| tech. SET button [also: set button] | SET-Taste {f} [auch: Set-Taste / Settaste] | |
| tech. system button [physical button not a GUI button] [system key] | Systemtaste {f} | |
| MedTech. tracheal button [tracheostomy button] | Trachealknopf {m} [selten] [Tracheotomiekanülen-Manschette] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| tech. to press and hold sth. [button etc.] | etw. gedrückt halten [Taste etc.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| add-in memory [key / button] | Speicheradditionstaste {f} [Taschenrechner] | |
| photo. back cover release [e.g. button, knob] | Rückwandentriegelung {f} | |
| comp. collapsed menu icon [hamburger button / menu] | Hamburger-Menü-Icon {n} [ugs.] | |
| electr. tech. cut-off button [also: cutoff button] | Trenntaste {f} | |
| MedTech. tech. emergency switching off [function, switch, button for complete system] [ANSI] | Not-Aus {m} [Funktion, Schalter, Knopf für Gesamtsystem] [ISO, EN] | |
| mus. Styrian harmonica / harmonika [bisonoric diatonic button accordion] | Knöpferlharmonika {f} [österr.] [Steirische Harmonika] | |
| mus. Styrian harmonica / harmonika [bisonoric diatonic button accordion] | Steirische Harmonika {f} | |
| subtract from memory [key / button] | Speichersubtraktionstaste {f} [Taschenrechner] | |
| ecol. textil. the green button [also: the Green Button] [certification mark for sustainable textiles] | der Grüne Knopf {m} | |
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