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English-German translation for: [capitalized]
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Dictionary English German: [capitalized]

Translation 1 - 70 of 70

English German
archi. deconstructivist {adj} [also capitalized]dekonstruktivistisch
masonically {adv} [often capitalized]freimaurerisch
uncapitalized {adj} [not capitalized]ohne Großbuchstaben [nachgestellt]
comp. wontfix {adj} [often capitalized] [a tag in bug-tracking systems stating that a bug will not be fixed][Ein Tag in Bugtrackern, der besagt, dass ein Fehler nicht behoben wird.]
cosmet. med. to botox sth. [also capitalized] [inject botulinum toxin esp. for cosmetic purposes]
etw.Akk. aufspritzen [z. B. Lippen durch Injektion mit Botox® fülliger machen]
cosmet. med. to botox sth. [also capitalized] [inject botulinum toxin, esp. for cosmetic purposes]
etw.Akk. unterspritzen [mit Botox® aufspritzen]
gastr. to french sth. [Am.] [often capitalized] [rib bones]etw. parieren [Karree]
milquetoast [esp. Am.] [often capitalized]
Angsthase {m} [ugs.]
EU gastr. cognac [also capitalized; brandy from Cognac, France]
Cognac® {m} [geschützte Herkunftsangabe]
mil. naut. (the) navy [often capitalized]
Navy {f}
philistine [sometimes capitalized] [female]
Banausin {f}
bey [as a title, often capitalized]Bey {m}
relig. biblicist [often capitalized]Biblizist {m}
gastr. cancoillotte [also: cancoyotte] [also capitalized]Cancoillotte {m} [französischer Kochkäse]
flickertails [also capitalized] [nickname for North Dakotans]Prärieziesel {pl} [selten] [Spitzname für Menschen aus North Dakota (USA)]
biol. med. haemophilus [Br.] [also capitalized: Haemophilus (bacteria genus)]Hämophilus {m} [Haemophilus (in fachspr. Fügungen)]
hist. law kanun [Albanian customary law] [capitalized as a proper noun]Kanun {m} [albanisches Gewohnheitsrecht]
oenol. marsala [often capitalized]Marsala {m}
philhellene [often capitalized]Philhellene {m}
hist. porphyrogenite [sometimes capitalized]Purpurgeborener {m}
sensei [capitalized as address]Sensei {m}
hist. unit sextarius [also capitalized]Sextarius {m}
acad. jobs ling. sinologist [also capitalized: Sinologist]Sinologe {m}
acad. jobs ling. sinologist [female] [also capitalized: Sinologist] [female]Sinologin {f}
tzigane [sometimes capitalized: Tzigane]Zigeuner {m} [diskriminierend]
med. yersinia [often capitalized]Yersinien {pl}
2 Words: Others
dent. med. MedTech. x-ray {adj} [spv., Am.] [capitalized in Br.]Röntgen-
2 Words: Verbs
dent. med. to x-ray [spv., Am.] [capitalized in Br.]röntgen
2 Words: Nouns
hist. law alms ordinance [capitalized as the title of a specific ordinance]Almosenordnung {f}
geogr. Amazon rainforest [also capitalized]Amazonas-Regenwald {m}
acad. archaeo. hist. antiquarian society [capitalized as part of proper name]Altertumsverein {m}
libr. cantonal library [capitalized as proper name]Kantonsbibliothek {f}
acad. journ. publ. central journal [capitalized in titles]Zentralblatt {n}
central prison [capitalized as a proper noun]Zentralgefängnis {n}
geogr. geol. chalk hill [capitalized as a proper name]Kreidehügel {m}
art chromo-luminism [chromo-luminarism] [often capitalized]Chromo-Luminarismus {m}
climbing geogr. Dhaulagiri massif [also capitalized: Dhaulagiri Massif]Dhaulagiri Himal {n}
admin. law disciplinary court [capitalized as a proper noun]Disziplinarhof {m}
law pol. emancipation act [capitalized when referring to a specific act]Emanzipationsgesetz {n}
gastr. garibaldi (biscuit) [also capitalized] [Br.]Garibaldi-Keks {m} [Doppelkeks mit Johannisbeerfüllung]
cloth. garibaldi (blouse) [also capitalized]Garibaldi-Bluse {f}
comm. hist. hay market [also: hay-market] [capitalized as a proper noun]Heumarkt {m}
hell-mouth [also: hellmouth] [often capitalized] [entrance to Hell]Höllenschlund {m}
math. hexagrammum mysticum [also capitalized]Hexagrammum mysticum {n} [auch: Hexagrammum Mysticum]
Honorary Consul [capitalized as honorary title for a Person, the title of a book and a movie]Honorarkonsul {m}
acad. ind. industrial museum [capitalized as a proper name]Gewerbemuseum {n}
MedTech. mucor infection [often capitalized: Mucor infection]Mucor-Infektion {f}
astron. naval observatory [capitalized when part of a proper name]Marinesternwarte {f}
pol. peace project [capitalized as a proper noun]Friedensprojekt {n}
biol. tools petri dish [often capitalized: Petri dish]Laborschale {f}
hist. pol. relig. prince bishop [also: prince-bishop] [sometimes capitalized]Prinzbischof {m}
climbing prusik knot [often capitalized: Prusik knot]Prusikknoten {m}
relig. rabbis conference [also: rabbis' conference] [capitalized as part of a proper name]Rabbinerkonferenz {f}
hist. law relig. religious concession [capitalized as a proper noun]Religionskonzession {f}
lit. Schiller society [society capitalized in proper names]Schillerverein {m}
admin. site management [sometimes capitalized]Standortleitung {f}
archi. society house [often capitalized as the name of a specific building]Gesellschaftshaus {n}
hist. spinning house [workhouse for women] [capitalized as proper name]Spinnhaus {n} [Arbeitshaus für Frauen]
rail state railway [capitalized as part of a proper name]Staatseisenbahn {f}
archi. art statue court [often capitalized as a proper name, e.g. The Statue Court in the Vatican Belvedere]Statuenhof {m} [Areal, auf dem Statuen aufgestellt sind]
gastr. summit restaurant [capitalized as proper name] [often left untranslated]Gipfelrestaurant {n}
law supreme court [often capitalized]Obertribunal {n} [veraltet]
Unverified Writers Guild [always capitalized]Autorenverband {m}
3 Words: Nouns
relig. little prayer book [capitalized as a book title]Betbüchlein {n} [veraltet]
hist. mirror of nobility [guidebook] [capitalized as a title]Adelsspiegel {m}
art paul veronese green [often capitalized: Paul Veronese green] [emerald green]Paul-Veronese-Grün {n} [auch: Paul-Veronesergrün]
acad. oenol. school of viticulture [capitalized as proper name]Weinbauschule {f}
ten buck two [coll.] [also capitalized]Timbuktu {n} [Stadt in Mali als Inbegriff für einen fernen / nahezu unerreichbaren Ort]
4 Words: Nouns
lit. relig. mirror for / of virgins [guidebook] [capitalized as a title] [speculum virginum]Jungfrauenspiegel {m}
5+ Words: Nouns
hist. the man in the iron mask [often capitalized] [an unidentified prisoner arrested during the reign of French king Louis XIV and held in prison until his death]die Eiserne Maske {f} [kurz für: der Mann mit der eisernen Maske] [ein geheimnisvoller Staatsgefangener von Ludwig XIV., inhaftiert von 1669-1703]
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