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| for {prep} [e.g. to work for a company] | 3150 bei [z. B. bei einem Unternehmen arbeiten] | |
| viable {adj} [company] | 811 rentabel | |
| econ. internal {adj} [in-company] | 497 innerbetrieblich | |
| crippled {adj} [fig.] [company] | 493 angeschlagen [Unternehmen] | |
| econ. captive {adj} [belonging to a company] | 375 unternehmenseigen | |
| sb. represents [a company etc.] | 229 jd. vertritt | |
| mother {adj} [attr.] [e.g. animal, goddess, cell, church, company] | 121 Mutter- [z. B. Tier, Gottheit, Zelle, Kirche, Firma] | |
| sb. represented [a company etc.] | 71 jd. vertrat | |
| stocks listed {adj} {past-p} [company] | 62 börsennotiert | |
| internal {adj} [within a company] | 30 betriebsintern | |
| exploration {adj} [attr.] [e.g. company, costs, phase, trip] | 27 Erkundungs- [z. B. -firma, -kosten, -phase, -reise] | |
| brew econ. brewing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. company, industry, sector, trade] | 11 Brauerei- [z. B. Konzern, Branche, Sektor, Wesen] | |
| parent {adj} [attr.] [e.g. company, ship, rock, galaxy] | 11 Mutter- [z. B. Konzern, Schiff, Gestein, Galaxie] | |
| admin. econ. pol. umbrella {adj} [attr.] [e.g. association, company, organization] | 11 Dach- [z. B. Verband, Gesellschaft, Organisation] | |
| econ. firm {adj} [attr.] [company] [e.g. growth, owner, size, value] | 7 Firmen- [z. B. Wachstum, Inhaber, Größe, Wert] | |
| econ. fin. captive {adj} [belonging to a company] | konzerneigen | |
| heating {adj} [attr.] [e.g. company, contractor, engineer, valve] | Heizungs- [z. B. Firma, Bauer, Installateur, Ventil] | |
| non- [company name PLUS product name, e.g. "non-Microsoft software"] | [Firmenname] -fremde [PLUS Produktname, z. B. "Microsoft-fremde Software"] | |
| non- [company name PLUS product name, e.g. "non-Microsoft software"] | Fremd- [Produktname OHNE Firmenname, z. B. "Fremdsoftware"] | |
| ind. pharm. pharmaceutical {adj} [e.g. company, industry, representative] | Pharma- [z. B. Unternehmen, Industrie, Referent] | |
Verbs |
| to represent sb./sth. [a company, client etc.] [also as proxy] | 2385 jdn./etw. vertreten [Interessen, Land etc.] [auch als Stellvertreter] | |
| to helm sth. [company, project, etc.] [jargon] | 241 etw. leiten [Firma etc.] | |
| econ. to absorb sth. [a company] | 194 etw. übernehmen [eine Firma] | |
| to leave [a company, a group, etc.] | 45 ausscheiden [eine Firma, Gruppe etc. verlassen] | |
| econ. to unbundle [company] | 33 entflechten | |
| econ. to refloat sth. [e.g. a company] | 30 etw.Akk. sanieren [z. B. ein Unternehmen] | |
| econ. to cannibalize sth. [a company] [split it up and sell the profitable parts] | 28 etw.Akk. filetieren [fig.] [ein Unternehmen] [die profitablen Bereiche aus dem Unternehmen herauslösen und gewinnbringend weiterverkaufen] | |
| econ. to demerge sth. [company] | 25 etw. entflechten [Unternehmen] | |
| to administer [company, department] | die Verwaltungsangelegenheiten regeln von | |
| to downsize [company etc.] | sichAkk. verkleinern [Firma etc.] | |
| mil. to outflank [troop, company] | auf dem Flügel umgehen [auch: auf den Flügeln] | |
| econ. to refloat sth. [the economy, a company, etc.] | etw.Akk. wieder zum Laufen bringen [die Wirtschaft, ein Unternehmen etc.] | |
| econ. to ruin sb./sth. [e.g. a company] | jdn./etw. in den Ruin treiben [z. B. ein Unternehmen] | |
Nouns |
| fleet [Navy, company car, airline] | 1923 Flotte {f} | |
| econ. fin. perks {pl} [e.g. use of a company car] | 962 Vergünstigung {f} | |
| premises {pl} [of a company] | 938 Firmengelände {n} | |
| econ. business [company] | 567 Unternehmen {n} | |
| comm. goodwill [of a company] | 383 Kulanz {f} | |
| econ. meltdown [of company] | 373 Zusammenbruch {m} | |
| econ. fin. accommodation [fairness from a business or company] | 220 Kulanz {f} | |
| econ. law charter [company or corporate law] | 215 Satzung {f} [Gesellschaftssatzung] | |
| econ. contractor [company] | 202 Vertragsfirma {f} | |
| comm. subsidiary [company] | 152 Tochter {f} [Firma] | |
| econ. business [company] | 149 Firma {f} | |
| companion [company, e.g. good company] | 113 Gesellschaft {f} [gute Gesellschaft etc.] | |
| transp. forwarder [company] | 106 Spedition {f} | |
| econ. Internet dotcom [company] | 105 Internetfirma {f} | |
| relocation [company] | 102 Standortwechsel {m} | |
| comm. rental [company; e.g. car rental, bicycle rental] | 82 -verleih {m} [Firma; z. B. Autoverleih, Fahrradverleih] | |
| tenant [female; also as a company, or several persons] | 71 Mieterin {f} | |
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