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English-German translation for: [dead]
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Dictionary English German: [dead]

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defunct {adj} [no longer living, dead]
verstorben <verst.> [geh.]
gone {adj} [also fig.: dead]
fort [auch fig.: tot] [nur prädikativ]
gone {past-p} [dead]
gestorben <gest.>
gone {adj} [dead]
stone {adv} [absolutely: e.g. stone cold, stone dead]
med. stillborn {adj} [dead at birth]
stillgeboren [Neol.] [totgeboren]
[dead smart, snazzy] {adj} totschick [FALSCH für: todschick]
bot. marcescent {adj} [foliage, dead leaves][verwelkt, aber noch nicht abgefallen (Blätter, Herbstlaub)]
zool. saprophagous {adj} [feeding on dead organic matter]saprophag [verfaulte organische Materie fressend]
med. stillborn {adj} [dead at birth]still geboren [Neol.] [tot geboren]
to keen [wail in grief for a dead person]
wehklagen [geh.] [um einen bzw. eine Tote]
to bewail sb. [the dead]
jdn. beklagen [geh.] [die Toten]
to rob [from the helpless or dead]
fleddern [aus der Gaunersprache]
to deflesh sth. [a bone, a dead animal, etc.]etw.Akk. entfleischen [einen Knochen, ein totes Tier etc.]
FoodInd. to skin sth. [dead animal]etw. abschwarten [Schlachtkörper]
stiff [coll.] [dead body]
Leiche {f}
body [dead body]
Leiche {f}
mus. dirge [for the dead]
Grabgesang {m}
body [dead body]
Leichnam {m} [geh.]
lit. threnody [lament for the dead]
Totenklage {f}
esot. psych. relig. visitation [unexpected appearance of a ghost, a dead person, the Virgin Mary, etc.]
Erscheinung {f} [unerwartetes Sehen eines Geistes, eines Verstorbenen, der Jungfrau Maria etc.]
bodies [dead bodies]
Leichen {pl}
cremains {pl} [the remains of a dead body after cremation]
Asche {f} [die eingeäscherten menschlichen Überreste]
skeleton [of a dead body]
Totengerippe {n} [veraltet]
[last Sunday before Advent commemorating the dead]
Totensonntag {m}
[people appearing to be dead]Scheintote {pl}
[Sunday before Advent on which the dead are commemorated]Ewigkeitssonntag {m}
mus. Deadhead [coll.] [fan of the Grateful Dead]Deadhead {m} [Grateful Dead-Fan]
med. sports granddaddy [coll.] [dead leg]Knöck {m} [fränk.] [Pferdekuss]
med. sports granddaddy [coll.] [dead leg]Negerboandl {n} [bayer.] [Pferdekuss]
archaeo. relig. Hodayot [Dead Sea scrolls] <1QH>Hodajot {pl} <1QH>
myth. lemure [ghost of a dead person in Roman mythology]Lemure {m} [Lemur] [Geist eines Verstorbenen in der römischen Mythologie]
mole [dead fetus]Windei {n} [Mole]
med. mole [dead foetus]Mole {f} [abgestorbene Leibesfrucht]
archaeo. bibl. hist. pesharim [biblical commentaries in the Dead Sea Scrolls]Pescharim {pl}
archaeo. bibl. hist. pesher [type of biblical commentary in the Dead Sea Scrolls]Pescher {m}
remains [dead body]tote Überreste {pl} [Leichenteile]
2 Words: Others
Unverified brown bread {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [cockney rhyming slang: dead][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: tot]
drop-dead {adj} [coll.] [extremely, e.g. drop-dead beautiful]umwerfend [ugs.]
long-gone {adj} [coll.] [dead for a long time]lange tot
2 Words: Verbs
comm. to go begging [coll.] [dead article]keinen Abnehmer finden [Ladenhüter]
to play possum [expression] [pretend to be dead]sichAkk. tot stellen
2 Words: Nouns
electr. anchor tower [dead-end tower]Abspannmast {m} [Freileitungsmast]
body recovery [dead body]Leichenbergung {f}
archaeo. bibl. hist. continuous pesharim [Dead Sea scrolls]fortlaufende Pescharim {pl}
agr. textil. dead wool [wool taken from dead sheep]Sterblingswolle {f}
archi. death-lantern [also: death lantern] [lantern of the dead] [usu. a column surmounted by a lantern; in a churchyard or cemetery]Totenleuchte {f} [Totenlaterne, auch «Lanterne des morts» als Teil eines Eigennamens in Frankreich]
agr. textil. fallen wool [wool taken from dead sheep]Sterblingswolle {f}
med. fetus papyraceus [a dead fetus pressed flat by the growth of a living twin]Fetus papyraceus {m}
gastr. flat drink [dead drink]schales Getränk {n}
for. forest cover [living and dead matter on the forest floor]Waldbodendecke {f}
biol. med. incidental host [dead end host]Zufallswirt {m}
law rest right [of the dead]Ruherecht {n} [der Toten]
archaeo. relig. Temple Scroll [Dead Sea scrolls] <11QTS>Tempelrolle {f} <11QTS, 11QTR>
archaeo. relig. Thanksgiving Hymns [Dead Sea scrolls] <1QH>Hymnenrolle {f} <1QH>
archaeo. relig. War Scroll <1QM> [Dead Sea scrolls]Kriegsrolle {f} <1QM>
archaeo. relig. Wicked Priest [Dead Sea scrolls]Frevelpriester {m} [Qumran Schriftrollen]
3 Words: Others
He's bought it. [coll.] [He's dead.]Es hat ihn erwischt. [ugs.] [Er ist tot.]
electr. out of service {adj} [dead]stromlos
electr. out of service {adj} [dead]tot [außer Betrieb, z. B. Telefonleitung]
3 Words: Verbs
to begin to rot [meat, fruits, dead body, etc.]in Fäulnis übergehen [Fleisch, Obst, Leiche etc.]
3 Words: Nouns
archaeo. relig. Man of Lies [Dead Sea scrolls]Lügenmann {m}
archaeo. relig. Midrash on Eschatology [Dead Sea scrolls] <4Q174, formerly 4QFlor>Midrasch {m} zur Eschatologie <4Q174, früher 4QFlor>
agr. plucking after slaughter [dead plucking]Schlachtrupf {m} [Totrupf]
hist. sleep of death [sleep of the dead]Todesschlaf {m}
hist. relig. Teacher of Righteousness [Dead Sea scrolls]Lehrer {m} der Gerechtigkeit
4 Words: Nouns
rail dead-man's vigilance device [a hybrid between a dead-man's switch and a vigilance control]Totmannknopf {m} [ugs. für: Sicherheitsfahrschaltung]
5+ Words: Others
He is no longer with us. [He is dead.]Er ist nicht mehr. [verhüllend: Er ist gestorben.]
bibl. Let the dead bury the dead.Lasst die Toten die Toten begraben.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Let the Old Dead Make Room for the Young Dead [Milan Kundera]Die alten Toten müssen den jungen Toten weichen
lit. F The House of the Dead [also: Memoirs from the House of The Dead / Notes from the Dead House / Fyodor Dostoevsky]Aufzeichnungen aus einem Totenhaus [Fjodor Dostojewski]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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