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English-German translation for: [during]
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Dictionary English German: [during]

Translation 1 - 50 of 176  >>

English German
over {prep} [during]
während [+Gen.] [ugs. auch +Dat.]
conformist {adj} [esp. during Nazi time]
anpasslerisch [ugs.] [pej.] [häufig auf die Nazizeit bezogen]
over {prep} [during]
in [+Dat.]
dark {adj} [during dawn or dusk]
mus. tech. ADD [SPARS code: analog tape recorder used during initial recording, digital tape recorder used during mixing / editing and for mastering]analoge Aufnahme, digitale Abmischung, digitales Mastering <ADD> [SPARS-Code]
dent. chairside {adj} [next to or in the vicinity of the dental chair during treatment][neben oder nahe des Behandlungsstuhls beim Zahnarzt]
mus. tech. DAD [SPARS code: digital tape recorder used during initial recording, analog tape recorder used during mixing / editing, digital mastering]digitale Aufnahme, analoge Abmischung, digitales Mastering <DAD> [SPARS-Code]
dark {adj} [during dawn or dusk]dumper [österr. regional: dämmrig]
dark {adj} [during night]nachtdunkel [geh.]
Helau! [local German greeting during carnival season]Helau! [regionaler Narrenruf]
perennial {adj} [present during all seasons]das ganze Jahr hindurch
bot. postgenital {adj} [during flower ontogenesis]postgenital [im Verlauf der Ontogenese]
unpublished {adj} [not published during the author's lifetime; published posthumously]nachgelassen [Werke, etc.]
hist. unrationed {adj} [goods during wartime]markenfrei [nicht rationiert, ohne Bezugsschein erhältlich]
to suspend sb. [temporarily remove from a post during investigation]
jdn. beurlauben [bis auf weiteres von seinen Dienstpflichten entbinden]
agr. [to work during the summer on a seasonal Alpine pasture]sennen [bayer.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [als Senn / Sennin arbeiten]
brew to lager sth. [to store beer during a period of aging]etw.Akk. lagern [bes. in Lagerkellern, Bierkellern]
to rattle [during Holy Week, on Good Friday]klöppern [auch: schlöttern] [fränk.] [ratschen an den Kartagen]
hist. goon [Br.] [coll.] [guard in a German prisoner-of-war camp during the WWII]
Wache {f} [Wachposten / Aufseher in einem deutschen Kriegsgefangenenlager im 2. WK]
squirter [coll.] [mostly vulg.] [woman who is gushing fluid during orgasm]
Spritzerin {f} [ugs.] [selten, wenn nicht vulg.] [noch seltener auch Abspritzerin]
spillage [during filling]
Schüttverlust {m} [verschüttete Menge beim Füllen]
hist. carpetbagger [pej.] [USA: term Southerners gave to Northerners who moved to the South during the Reconstruction era]
Carpetbagger {m} [pej.] [USA: Nordstaatler, der nach dem Sezessionskrieg in den unterlegenen Süden kam, Art "Glücksritter"]
brownout [during war]
Verdunkelung {f} [im Krieg]
agr. jobs relig. [church supplied farm helper as a stand-in for a farmer's wife during illness, etc.]
Dorfhelferin {f}
[rotating time period during which a resident of e.g. an apartment is responsible for cleaning shared areas in and around the building such as sidewalks, driveways, hallways, etc.]
Kehrwoche {f} [südd.] [bes. schwäb.]
educ. mainstreaming [educating disabled students in regular classes during specific time periods]
[zeitweiliger gemeinsamer Unterricht von behinderten und nicht-behinderten Schülern]
mil. panzer [German battle tank, especially of the type used during WW II]
Panzer {m} [Kampfpanzer]
hist. [plane which flew food etc. into Berlin during the 1948 airlift]
Rosinenbomber {m} [hum.]
rheum [mucus produced by the eyes during sleep]
Augenschleim {m}
oenol. must [grape juice during fermentation]
Sturm {m} [österr.]
twilight [the light during dusk or dawn]
Dämmerschein {m} [geh.] [Licht während der Dämmerung]
hist. [“wellspring of life” or “fountain of life”, SS-supported association during the Third Reich]
Lebensborn {m} [von der SS getragener und staatlich geförderter Verein während des 3. Reiches]
pol. [recruitment agreements between Germany and Turkey and other South European countries during the Wirtschaftswunder (in force from 1955 to 1973)]
Anwerbeabkommen {n}
hist. traffic autobahn [built during the Third Reich period]
Reichsautobahn {f} [1934 bis 1945]
hist. mil. bonesack [nickname for German parachute jump smock during WW II]
Knochensack {m} [Scherzname für Sprunganzug der dt. Fallschirmjäger im 2. WK]
hist. mil. bushwhacking [guerrilla warfare during the American Revolutionary and Civil Wars]
[eine Form des Guerillakrieges während des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges u. Sezessionskrieges]
hist. ["Abitur" examination sat early by students conscripted during wartime]Notabitur {n} [Deutschland]
hist. ["Matura" examination sat early by students conscripted during wartime]Kriegsmatura {f} [Österreich]
[advantage of being the incumbent chancellor during elections]Kanzlerbonus {m}
hist. [blood witness, term for martyr used during the Third Reich]Blutzeuge {m} [NS-Begriff]
hist. [care packages sent to soldiers, prisoners of war etc. during WWI]Liebesgaben {pl} [1. WK]
[confetti and streamers to be tossed e.g. during parades]Wurfartikel {pl}
med. [crossing or wandering eyes of babies during the first few months of life]Babyschielen {n}
[curried sausage bought and consumed during a football / soccer match]Stadioncurrywurst {f}
hist. jobs mil. [day worker esp. for earthworks during a fortress war]Tagearbeiter {m} [bes. für das Ausführen von Erdarbeiten im Festungskrieg]
mil. [derogatory acronym for "Greatest Field Commander of all Time", a title initially publicized by Nazi propaganda to refer to Adolf Hitler during the early years of WWII]GröFaZ {m} [ugs.] [auch: Gröfaz] [abfälliges Kürzel für "Größter Feldherr aller Zeiten", Nazi-Propaganda-Bezeichnung für Adolf Hitler aus den Anfangsjahren des 2. WK]
hist. [derogatory term for the Social Democratic Party of Germany during and after WWI]Kaisersozialisten {pl} [pej.]
admin. [German unemployment benefit paid during the first 12-18 months of unemployment]Arbeitslosengeld I {n} <Alg I, ALG I>
hist. pol. [Germany during the time when Bonn was seat of government]Bonner Republik {f}
[gherkin / pickle bought and consumed during a football / soccer match]Stadiongurke {f}
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