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| top {adj} [first-rate] | 608 erstklassig | |
| principal {adj} [attr.] [main, first in order or importance] | 462 Haupt- [wichtigste, erste] | |
| former {adj} [attr.] [first mentioned] | 450 erstgenannt | |
| crack {adj} [first-rate] | 185 erstklassig | |
| principal {adj} [first in importance] | 60 bedeutendste | |
| first {adv} [for the first time] | 36 erstmals | |
| primary {adj} [first-rate] | 34 erstklassig | |
| top {adj} [first-rate, excellent] | 22 toll [ugs.] | |
| primary {adj} [earliest, first] | 13 erste [Aufgabe usw.] | |
| top {adj} [attr.] [first-class, best] | 7 beste [attr.] [erstklassige] [z. B. beste Qualität, bester Wein, bestes Hotel] | |
| ling. [able to be used in the forefield (first position) of a German sentence] {adj} | vorfeldfähig | |
| [first and foremost] {adv} | zu allererst [FALSCH für: zuallererst] | |
| quote [German quote from 1806 to the effect that peace and order are the citizen's first duty] | Ruhe ist die erste Bürgerpflicht. [Redewendung] | |
| ling. [not usable in the forefield (first position) of a German sentence] {adj} | vorfeldunfähig | |
| sterling {adj} [excellent, first-rate] | von höchster Qualität [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| to see sth. [experience, witness] [e.g. the turn of the century, the first lunar landing] | 42 etw.Akk. erleben [z. B. die Jahrhundertwende, die erste Mondlandung] | |
| [a hoax foreign word created in Germany in the first half of the 20th century] | repunsieren | |
| ling. to clip sth. [shorten vowels, syllables, esp. first and last] | etw.Akk. verkürzen [Aussprache von Vokalen, Silben, bes. am Wortanfang oder Ende] | |
| to meet sb. [for the first time] | jds. Bekanntschaft machen | |
Nouns |
| deposit [first payment] | 2020 Anzahlung {f} | |
| introduction [first contact] | 904 Vorstellung {f} [erster Kontakt] | |
| aughts [first decade of a century] | 122 Nullerjahre {pl} [ugs.] [das erste Jahrzehnt eines neuen Jahrhunderts] | |
| film mus. theatre premiere [first performance, showing ever] | 93 Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> | |
| film theatre premiere [first performance of a production, film] | 62 Premiere {f} | |
| paradox [a seemingly contradictory statement that might be true] [a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true] | 53 Paradoxon {n} [geh.] [Widerspruch in sich selbst] | |
| film theatre premiere [first performance in a country or language] | 29 Erstaufführung {f} | |
| law [provisions permitting abortion within the first three months of pregnancy] | 20 Fristenregelung {f} [Abtreibung] | |
| VetMed. zool. paunch [first stomach of ruminant; rumen] | 18 Pansen {m} | |
| film [first showing in Germany] | 7 Deutschlandstart {m} | |
| sports ["autumn championship": first place at half-season, esp. in soccer] | 5 Herbstmeisterschaft {f} | |
| lifer [birdwatching jargon for the first-ever personal sighting of a bird species] | 5 [Vogelbeobachtungsjargon für die allererste persönliche Sichtung einer Vogelart] | |
| lit. [common title for the first draft of Goethe's "Faust"] | Urfaust {m} [Goethe] | |
| med. [crossing or wandering eyes of babies during the first few months of life] | Babyschielen {n} | |
| [family whose first child is a girl] | Bixnmacherei {f} [bayer.] [hum.] [pej.] | |
| gastr. [first draft from a freshly tapped cask of beer] | Bieranstich {m} | |
| philat. [first German postage stamp] | Schwarzer Einser {m} [Briefmarke] | |
| acad. educ. Unverified [first of two reviewers of a thesis in an examination committee, usually the advisor] [female] | Erstgutachterin {f} | |
| mus. [first part of Minnelied bar form] | Aufgesang {m} [Minnelied] | |
| educ. [first year at a German secondary school] | Sexta {f} [veraltend] | |
| admin. [German unemployment benefit paid after the first 12-18 months of unemployment] | Arbeitslosengeld II {n} <Alg II, ALG II> | |
| [German unemployment benefit paid after the first 12-18 months of unemployment] | Hartz IV {n} [ugs.] [Arbeitslosengeld II] | |
| admin. [German unemployment benefit paid during the first 12-18 months of unemployment] | Arbeitslosengeld I {n} <Alg I, ALG I> | |
| publ. relig. [Lutheran prayer book first edited by Michael Cubach in 1654] | Cubach {m} | |
| zool. [male fawn of roe deer, chamois, or ibex, in its first year of life] | Bockkitz {n} [Kitzbock] | |
| ling. [numeric semi-hidden slogans such as 88 for Heil Hitler formed by taking the alphabetical order of the first letter of each word in the slogan] | Szenecode {m} | |
| educ. relig. [unofficial title used by a theologian in German speaking regions after completion of the first (theoretical) examination] | Kandidat {m} der Theologie <cand. theol.> [deutschspr. Raum] | |
| hist. mus. ABBA® [Swedish pop group] [ABBA is an acronym of the first letters of the band members' first names] | ABBA® {f} [schwedische Popgruppe] | |
| math. addend [formerly often: any of the summands, but not the first one (the "augend")] | Addend {m} [heute selten] [zweiter / dritter / ... Summand] | |
| math. addend [formerly often: any of the summands, but not the first one (the "augend")] | zweiter / dritter / ... Summand {m} [früher oft: Addend] | |
| FoodInd. affination [raw sugar; first refining step] | Affinierung {f} [Rohzucker] | |
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