| English | German | |
| Gentlemen. [leave-taking formula] | Meine Herren. [Verabschiedungsformel] | |
| Sincerely, ... [formula for ending a letter] | Mit freundlichen Grüßen ... | |
Nouns |
| relig. [work to develop a unified theology for Lutheranism, culminating in the Formula of Concord = Konkordienformel] | Konkordienwerk {n} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| math. to plug in [value in formula / equation] | einsetzen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| FoodInd. med. AA formula [amino acid based formula for babies] | AA-Formula {f} [Muttermilchersatz aus einem Gemisch reiner Aminosäuren] | |
| FoodInd. baby milk [Br.] [infant formula] | Babymilch {f} | |
| med. Bazett's formula [also: Bazett formula] | Bazett-Formel {f} | |
| math. Bienaymé equation [rare] [Bienaymé formula] | Gleichung {f} von Bienaymé | |
| math. Bienaymé formula [also: Bienaymé's formula] | Formel {f} von Bienaymé | |
| math. Cayley's formula [also: formula of Cayley] | Cayley-Formel {f} | |
| sports championship victory [Formula One] | Titelgewinn {m} | |
| complementary feeding [to a baby's diet of breastmilk or formula] | Beikost {f} [für Säuglinge] | |
| automot. sports Formula One <F1, Formula 1> | Formel Eins {f} <Formel 1> | |
| ling. greeting phrase [greeting formula] | Grußformel {f} | |
| math. Heron's formula [also: formula of Heron] | Heron'sche Formel {f} [auch: Formel von Heron] | |
| math. Heron's formula [also: formula of Heron] | heronsche Formel {f} | |
| math. Itō's formula [also: formula of Ito] | Itō-Formel {f} | |
| math. Liouville's formula [also: formula of Liouville, Abel-Jacobi-Liouville identity] | liouvillesche Formel {f} | |
| math. Little's law [also: Little's lemma, Little's principle, Little's result, Little's theorem, Little's formula] | Littles Gesetz {n} [auch: Littles Theorem, Formel von Little, Satz von Little] | |
| pharm. magistral formula [Formula magistralis] | Formula magistralis {f} [schweiz.] | |
| pharm. magistral formula [Formula magistralis] | magistrale Zubereitung {f} [österr.] | |
| math. Mertens' theorem [also: theorem of Mertens] [Cauchy's product formula; resultant system; number theory] | Satz {m} von Mertens [Cauchy-Produktformel; Resultantensystem; Zahlentheorie] | |
| EU pharm. officinal formula [Formula officinalis] | Defekturarzneimittel {n} | |
| pharm. officinal formula [Formula officinalis] | Formula officinalis {f} [schweiz.] | |
| pharm. officinal formula [Formula officinalis] | offizinale Zubereitung {f} [österr.] | |
| law philos. Radbruch's formula [also: Radbruch formula] | Radbruchformel {f} | |
3 Words: Others |
| Go back, Satan! [exorcism formula] | Weiche, Satan! [Exorzismusformel] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| Andler's batchsize formula [Andler lot size formula] | Andler-Formel {f} | |
| Andler's batchsize formula [Andler lot size formula] | Andlersche Losgrößenformel {f} [alt] | |
| math. Cauchy product formula [also: Cauchy's product formula] | Cauchy-Produktformel {f} | |
| math. Cauchy-Binet formula [also: formula of Cauchy-Binet] | Cauchy-Binet-Formel {f} [auch: Formel von Cauchy-Binet] | |
| math. Cauchy-Binet theorem [also: theorem of Cauchy-Binet, Cauchy-Binet formula] | Satz {m} von Binet-Cauchy | |
| math. Gauss' Easter formula [also: Gauss's Easter formula] | Gauß'sche Osterformel {f} | |
| math. Gauss' Easter formula [also: Gauss's Easter formula] | gaußsche Osterformel {f} | |
| math. Gauss' Easter formula [also: Gauss's Easter formula] | Gaußsche Osterformel {f} [alt] | |
| math. Newton-Cotes formula <NC formula, N-C-F> | Newton-Cotes-Formel {f} <NC-Formel, N-C-F> | |
| pharm. small-scale preparation [small-scale / traditional compounding] [Formula magistralis] | magistrale Rezeptur {f} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| math. integral formula of Cauchy [Cauchy's integral formula] | Cauchy'sche Integralformel {f} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| I would like to express my gratitude to my father. [formula of thanks in books etc.] | Mein Dank gilt meinem Vater. [Dankesformel in Büchern etc.] | |
| bibl. quote relig. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. [Mt 28:19] [Trinitarian formula] | Im Namen des Vaters und des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes. [Mt 28,19] [trinitarische Formel] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| law conditio sine qua non formula [archaic: condicio sine qua non formula] | Conditio-Formel {f} [Conditio-sine-qua-non-Formel, veraltet: Condicio-sine-qua-non-Formel] | |
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