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| |
| kinda {adv} [coll.] [kind of] | 1593 irgendwie | |
| kinda {adv} [coll.] [kind of] | 926 ziemlich | |
| gracious {adj} [courteous, kind] | 704 liebenswürdig [höflich, freundlich] | |
| generous {adj} [kind] | 396 großmütig | |
| gracious {adj} [kind, friendly] | 331 freundlich | |
| newfangled {adj} [pej.] [of a new kind or fashion, needlessly novel] | 284 neumodisch [pej.] | |
| kinda {adv} [coll.] [kind of] | 280 quasi [irgendwie] | |
| agreeable {adj} [kind, pleasant] | 221 liebenswürdig | |
| any {pron} [no matter what kind] [referring to a feminine noun] | 174 jede [jede beliebige] | |
| considerate {adj} [kind] | 85 freundlich [aufmerksam, rücksichtsvoll] | |
| vintage {adj} [best of its kind] | 54 beste | |
| charitable {adj} [friendly, kind] | 53 freundlich | |
| pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind] | 13 Klein- | |
| pony {adj} [attr.] [something very small of its kind] | 5 Mini- | |
| amorevolous {adj} [archaic] [kind, loving, charitable] | liebevoll | |
| mixed {adj} [made up of items of more than one kind] | gemischt [aus verschiedenen Bestandteilen bestehend] | |
Nouns |
| goodness [quality of being good or kind] | 1102 Güte {f} | |
| med. revulsion [one kind of bloodletting] | 649 Revulsion {f} [eine Art des Aderlasses] | |
| doll [Am.] [coll.] [kind person] | 76 Schatz {m} [Kosewort] | |
| gentry {sg} [often treated as pl.] [coll.] [often pej.] [people, esp. of a particular group or kind] | 54 Leute {pl} [bes. einer bestimmten Gruppe oder einer besonderen Art] | |
| stripe [kind, sort] | 24 Schlag {m} [Art] | |
| fixer [coll.] [person who makes arrangements for other people, esp. of an illicit or devious kind] | 20 [Mittelsmann, der durch Schmiergeldzahlungen unlautere geschäftliche Transaktionen ermöglicht] | |
| lollapaloosa [Am.] [sl.] [also spelled lollapalooza, lallapalooza or lalapalooza] [something outstanding of its kind] | 15 [etwas Außergewöhnliches oder besonders Hervorragendes] | |
| archi. art Lüftlmalerei [kind of trompe l'oeil on houses in Bavaria, Austria, etc.] | 13 Lüftlmalerei {f} [auch: Lüftelmalerei] | |
| art cloth. textil. Rexine® [Br.] [also: rexine] [a kind of imitation leather] | 11 Kunstleder {n} | |
| sports [a kind of football pool] | Fußball-Tippspiel {n} | |
| educ. publ. [a kind of graduation magazine] | Abiturzeitung {f} | |
| gastr. [an Austrian cooked sausage, a kind of kielbasa sausage] | Burenheidl {f} [auch: Burnheitl, Burenhäutl] [wienerisch für: Burenwurst] | |
| gastr. [an Austrian cooked sausage, a kind of kielbasa sausage] | Burenwurst {f} [grobe österreichische Brühwurst] | |
| gastr. [kind of white wine cup with fruit, "cold duck"] | Kalte Ente {f} [Getränk] | |
| cloth. hist. bavaroy [obs.] [kind of cloak or surtout] | Überrock {m} [veraltet] | |
| gastr. blins [also blini, blintzes or blintchiki] [a kind of pancakes] | Bliny {pl} [auch Blini, Plinzen oder Plinsen] [Art Pfannkuchen] | |
| doll [Am.] [coll.] [kind man] | prima Kerl {m} | |
| hist. drum [evening tea party of a kind that was popular in the late 18th and early 19th century] | Abendgesellschaft {f} [bes. im späten 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert] | |
| med. meralgia [pain especially of a neuralgic kind in the thigh] | Meralgie {f} | |
| hist. textil. osnaburg [a kind of coarse linen or cotton used for such items as furnishings and sacks] | [grober Leinen- od. Baumwollstoff, z. B. für Säcke, Sklavenkleidung] | |
| cloth. hist. pantofle [archaic] [a kind of slipper] | Pantoffel {m} | |
| gastr. quark [a kind of fromage blanc] | Bibeleskäs {m} [südwestd.] [alemannisch] [Quark] | |
| gastr. quark [a kind of fromage blanc] | Zieberlaskäs {m} [auch: Ziebeleskäs, Ziewerlaskees] [fränk.] [Quark] | |
| softie [coll.] [gentle, kind, sensitive young man] | Softie {m} [ugs.] [auch pej.] | |
| stock [kind of people] | Schlag {m} [Menschenschlag, Menschentyp] | |
| the ultimate [the best achievable or imaginable of its kind] | das Nonplusultra {n} [oft hum. oder iron.] | |
| truck [payment in kind] | Naturallohn {m} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| brush with sb./sth. [usually of the unpleasant kind] | kurze Begegnung {f} mit jdm./etw. [meist der unerfreulichen Art] | |
| coal allowance [as income in kind] | Kohledeputat {n} | |
| armour relig. weapons dastar bunga [kind of Sikh turban] [also: dastar bungga] | Dastar Bunga {m} [Art (von) Turban] [auch: Dastar Bungga] | |
| relig. Unverified deliverance ministry [a kind of exorcism] | Befreiungsdienst {m} [bes. in der charismatischen und der pfingstkirchlichen Bewegung] | |
| gastr. jammy dodger [Br.] [kind of jammy bisquit] | Spitzbube {m} [südd.] [österr.] [schweiz.] [auch: Spitzbub] [Gebäck] | |
| sports missile-throwing [Br.] [projecting objects of any kind from the stands to the pitch by spectators] | Werfen {n} von Gegenständen [auf das Fußballfeld] | |
| comm. mobile shop [any kind of shop, esp. fast food, operated out of a vehicle] | Verkaufswagen {m} [Verkaufsfahrzeug] | |
| econ. money rent [in contrast to labor rent and rent in kind] | Geldrente {f} | |
| nice girl [kind girl] | nettes Mädchen {n} | |
| nice girl [kind girl] | nettes Mädel {n} [ugs.] [häufiger auch iron.] | |
| gastr. ship bread [kind of hardtack, also in tins] | Schiffsbrot {n} [Weiterentwicklung des Schiffszwiebacks, bes. auch in Dosen] | |
3 Words: Others |
| if you will [if you want to be so kind] [idiom] | wenn du so gut sein willst [Redewendung] | |
| of every description [sort, type, kind] | jeder Art | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be a dandy [coll.] [dated] [excellent thing of its kind] | ein Knüller sein [ugs.] | |
| to be all heart [Am.] [idiom] [be very kind and generous] | herzensgut sein | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| gastr. galette des rois [Am.] [regional] [kind of king cake] | [eine Art Dreikönigskuchen, die in Louisiana in der Faschingszeit gegessen wird] | |
| acc. econ. in specie distribution [also: distribution in kind] | Sachausschüttung {f} | |
4 Words: Others |
| of a different cast {adj} [different sort, kind] | von anderer Art | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to be a sucker for sb./sth. [sl.] [cannot resist a person or a particular kind of thing, task etc.] | jdm./etw. nicht widerstehen können | |
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