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English-German translation for: [nerve]
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Dictionary English German: [nerve]

Translation 1 - 61 of 61

English German
anat. med. efferent {adj} [nerve, vessel]
wegführend [Nerv, Gefäß]
anat. med. afferent {adj} [nerve, vessel]
zuführend [Nerv, Gefäß]
anat. med. zool. cutaneous {adj} [e.g. gland, mycosis, nerve, pigmentation,]
Haut- [z. B. Drüse, Mykose, Nerv, Pigmentierung]
anat. audio auditory {adj} [e.g. acuity, booth, centre, defect, field, nerve]
Hör- [z. B. Schärfe, Kabine, Zentrum, Fehler, Bereich, Nerv]
anat. acoustic {adj} [e.g. duct or meatus, nerve]
Gehör- [z. B. Gang, Nerv]
med. abnerval {adj} [away from a nerve]vom Nerv weg (gelegen)
anat. zool. acoustic {adj} [e.g. centre, nerve, range]Hör- [z. B. Zentrum, Nerv, Bereich]
auricular {adj} [e.g. nerve, tube]Hör- [z. B. Nerv, Rohr]
anat. biol. optic {adj} [e.g. area, nerve, tract]Seh- [z. B. Areal, Nerv, Bahn]
to deaden sth. [nerve, passions etc.]
etw. abtöten
to deaden sth. [a nerve etc.]
etw. töten [abtöten]
anat. path [nerve pathway]
Nervenbahn {f}
anat. ganglion [nerve ganglion]
Nervenknoten {m}
anat. med. afferent [an afferent anatomical part (as a nerve)]
Afferenz {f}
anat. biol. arborization [branching structure at the end of a nerve fibre]
Verzweigung {f} [an Enden von Axonen oder Dendriten]
anat. med. efferent [an efferent part (as a blood vessel or nerve fiber)]
Efferenz {f}
anat. biol. arborisation [Br.] [branching structure at the end of a nerve fibre]Verzweigung {f} [von Axonendigungen]
anat. audio auditory [short] [auditory nerve]Gehörnerv {m}
chem. tabun [nerve agent]Tabun {n}
chem. mil. VX [short for: venomous agent X] [nerve agent] [C11H26NO2PS]VX {n} [Nervenkampfstoff]
2 Words: Nouns
anat. biol. abducens (nerve) <CN VI, CNVI, VI> [Nervus abducens] [sixth cranial nerve]Nervus abducens {m} <VI>
anat. biol. abducent nerve <CN VI, CNVI, VI> [Nervus abducens] [less common for abducens nerve]Nervus abducens {m} <VI>
anat. VetMed. accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI, XI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]Beinerv {m} <N. XI, XI> [elfter Hirnnerv, Akzessorius]
anat. VetMed. accessory nerve <CN XI, CNXI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]elfter Hirnnerv {m} <XI. Hirnnerv>
anat. acoustic nerve <CN VIII, CNVIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis] [vestibulocochlear nerve]Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv {m} [VIII. Hirnnerv]
anat. auditory nerve <CN VIII, CNVIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis] [vestibulocochlear nerve]Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv {m} [VIII. Hirnnerv]
dent. extirpation needle [nerve broach]Exstirpationsnadel {f}
med. facial palsy [paralysis of the facial nerve]Prosopoplegie {f}
anat. ganglion impar [coccygeal ganglion; lowest unpaired ganglion of the sympathetic nerve trunk]unterstes, unpaares Grenzstrangganglion {n}
anat. biol. glossopharyngeal nerve <CN IX, CNIX, IX> [Nervus glossopharyngeus] [ninth cranial nerve]Zungen-Rachen-Nerv {m} <IX>
anat. biol. hypoglossal nerve <CN XII, CNXII, XII> [Nervus hypoglossus] [twelfth cranial nerve]Unterzungennerv {m} <XII>
anat. biol. hypoglossal nerve <CN XII, CNXII, XII> [Nervus hypoglossus] [twelfth cranial nerve]Nervus hypoglossus {m}
anat. VetMed. intermediate nerve [Nervus intermedius] [part of the facial nerve (cranial nerve VII)]Nervus intermedius {m} [ein Seitenast des Facialis-Nervs]
anat. VetMed. intermediofacial nerve [Nervus intermediofacialis] [facial nerve and intermediate nerve]Nervus intermediofacialis {m} [gesamter VII. Hirnnerv]
med. oath hand [due to median nerve palsy]Schwurhand {f} [bei Medianuslähmung]
anat. oculomotor (nerve) <CN III, CNIII, III> [Nervus oculomotorius] [third cranial nerve]Augenbewegungsnerv {m} <III>
anat. oculomotor (nerve) <CN III, CNIII, III> [Nervus oculomotorius] [third cranial nerve]Nervus oculomotorius {m} <III>
anat. olfactory nerve <CN I, CNI, I> [Nervus olfactorius] [first cranial nerve]Geruchsnerv {m} <I>
anat. biol. olfactory nerve <CN I, CNI, I> [Nervus olfactorius] [first cranial nerve]Olfaktorius {m} [kurz für: Nervus olfactorius]
anat. biol. optic nerve <CN II, CNII, II> [Nervus opticus] [second cranial nerve]Optikus {m} [kurz für: Nervus opticus]
anat. optic nerve <CN II, CNII> [Nervus opticus] [second cranial nerve]zweiter Hirnnerv {m} <II. Hirnnerv> [Sehnerv]
anat. biol. pneumogastric nerve <CN X, CNX> [Nervus vagus] [tenth cranial nerve]Vagusnerv {m} <X> [zehnter Hirnnerv]
anat. VetMed. trigeminal nerve <CN V, CNV, V> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve]Trigeminus {m} <V> [kurz für: Nervus trigeminus]
anat. VetMed. trochlear nerve <CN IV, CNIV> [Nervus trochlearis] [fourth cranial nerve]Nervus trochlearis {m} [IV. Hirnnerv]
anat. audio VetMed. vestibulocochlear nerve <CN VIII, CNVIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis] [eighth cranial nerve]Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv {m} [VIII. Hirnnerv]
anat. visual nerve [optical nerve] [Nervus opticus]Sehnerv {m}
3 Words: Nouns
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve I <CN I, CNI> [Nervus olfactorius] [first cranial nerve]erster Hirnnerv {m} <I. Hirnnerv> [Riechnerv]
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve III <CN III, CNIII> [Nervus oculomotorius] [third cranial nerve]dritter Hirnnerv {m} <III. Hirnnerv>
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve IV <CN IV, CNIV> [Nervus trochlearis] [fourth cranial nerve]vierter Hirnnerv {m} <IV. Hirnnerv>
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve IX <CN IX, CNIX> [Nervus glossopharyngeus] [ninth cranial nerve]neunter Hirnnerv {m} <IX. Hirnnerv>
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve V <CN V, CNV> [Nervus trigeminus] [fifth cranial nerve]fünfter Hirnnerv {m} <V. Hirnnerv>
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve VI <CN VI, CNVI> [Nervus abducens] [sixth cranial nerve]sechster Hirnnerv {m} <VI. Hirnnerv>
anat. biol. cranial nerve VII <CN VII, CNVII, VII> [Nervus facialis] [seventh cranial nerve, facial nerve]Fazialis {m} [kurz für: Nervus facialis]
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve VII <CN VII, CNVII, VII> [Nervus facialis] [seventh cranial nerve]Gesichtsnerv {m} <VII>
anat. audio VetMed. cranial nerve VIII <CN VIII, CNVIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis] [eighth cranial nerve]achter Hirnnerv {m} <VIII. Hirnnerv>
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve XI <CN XI, CNXI> [Nervus accessorius] [eleventh cranial nerve]elfter Hirnnerv {m} <XI. Hirnnerv>
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve XII <CN XII, CNXII, XII> [Nervus hypoglossus] [twelfth cranial nerve]zwölfter Hirnnerv {m} <XII>
anat. VetMed. cranial nerve zero <CN 0, CN0> [Nervus terminalis] [terminal nerve]Terminalisnerv {m} <0> [selten] [nullter Hirnnerv]
anat. biol. eighth cranial nerve <CN VIII, CNVIII, VIII> [Nervus vestibulocochlearis, formerly: Nervus statoacusticus] [vestibulocochlear nerve]Hör-Gleichgewichtsnerv {m}
anat. med. gamma nervous system [in eutony, breathing therapy, etc.] [rarely: gamma nerve system]Gamma-Nervensystem {n} [in Eutonie, Atemtherapie etc.]
anat. nerve fiber layer <NFL> [Am.] [Stratum neurofibrarum] [also: layer of nerve fibers]Optikus-Nervenfaserschicht {f}
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