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| |
| towards {prep} [in relation to sb./sth.] | 3967 gegenüber [+Dat.] [in Bezug auf jdn./etw.] | |
| popular {adj} [with sb.] | 3305 beliebt [bei jdm.] | |
| determined {adj} {past-p} [by sb./sth.] | 1045 festgelegt [von jdm./etw.] | |
| favourable {adj} [Br.] [well-disposed towards sb./sth.] | 513 wohlgesonnen [ugs.] [wohlgesinnt] | |
| encroaching {adj} [on sb.'s personal space] | 399 übergriffig [Verhalten] | |
| warmly {adv} [welcoming sb., saying sth.] | 379 herzlich | |
| caring {adj} {pres-p} [looking after sb.] | 374 sorgend | |
| [they say sb.] is | 87 [man sagt, jd.] sei | |
| conning {adj} [coll.] [swindling or tricking of sb.] | 86 betrügend | |
| sb. quoth [archaic] [sb. said] | 58 jd. sprach [geh.] [veraltend] [jd. sagte] | |
| read {adj} {past-p} [aloud to sb.] | 57 vorgelesen | |
| squealing {adj} {pres-p} [coll.] [informing on sb.] | 33 verratend | |
| sb. durst [archaic or regional] [sb. dared] | 30 jd. wagte | |
| trashing {adj} {pres-p} [hitting (sb.)] | 29 verhauend [ugs.] [(jdn.) schlagend] | |
| pertained {past-p} [to sb./sth.] | 25 gehört [zu jdm./etw.] | |
| stripping {pres-p} [removing ones or sb.'s clothes] | 18 entkleidend | |
| sb. sayeth [archaic] [sb. says] | 17 jd. sagt | |
| sb. developes [criticized usage / term for sb. develops] | 12 jd. entwickelt | |
| relig. transfiguring {adj} {pres-p} [elevating, exalting] [also fig.: sb.'s face, the past, etc.] | 9 verklärend [auch fig.: jds. Gesicht, die Vergangenheit] | |
| sb. awakened [roused sb. from sleep] | 6 jd. erweckte | |
| [you] stressed [put strain on sb.] | 5 [du] stresstest | |
| [literally, sb. swallowed a clown for breakfast, meaning sb. is too funny] | jd. hat einen Clown verschluckt / gefrühstückt [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Jemand ist übermäßig zum Spaßen aufgelegt] | |
| [sb. gives] | jd. giebt [Rechtschreibung vor 1901] [jd. gibt] | |
| proverb [Sb. must do whatever makes sb. happy.] | Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich. | |
| following sb./sth. {adv} [in imitation of sb./sth.] | in Anlehnung an jdn./etw. [jdm./etw. folgend] | |
| lite {adj} [fig.] [postpos.] [coll.] [simpler, weaker version of sb./sth.] | light [fig.] [nachgestellt] [weniger anspruchsvoll, einfacher] | |
| sb. philanders [sb. dallies] | jd. schäkert [von einem Mann] | |
| sb. philanders [sb. flirts] | jd. flirtet [von einem Mann] | |
| sb. roughhouses sb./sth. [engages in violence against sb./sth.] | jd. misshandelt jdn./etw. | |
| agr. bibl. sb. soweth [archaic] [sb. sows] | jd. sät | |
| sb./sth. awakes [rouses sb. from sleep] | jd./etw. weckt | |
| sb./sth. awoke [roused sb. from sleep] | jd./etw. weckte | |
| sb./sth. crieth [archaic] [sb./sth. cries] | jd./etw. schreit | |
| sb./sth. passeth sth. [archaic] [fig.] [sb./sth. leaves sth. behind] | jd./etw. lässt etw.Akk. hinter sich [fig.] [jd./etw. überwindet etw.] | |
| squinting {adj} {pres-p} [Am.] [looking at sth./sb. with envy] | missgünstig blickend | |
| sth. poops sb. [coll.] [exhausts sb.'s energy ] | etw. pumpt jdn. aus | |
| sth. widened sb. [made sb. look thicker or broader; e.g. perspective, garment] | etw. machte jdn. breiter [ließ jdn. dicker oder breiter erscheinen; z. B. Blickwinkel, Kleidungsstück] | |
| sth. widens sb. [makes sb. look thicker or broader; e.g. perspective, garment] | etw. macht jdn. breiter [lässt jdn. dicker oder breiter erscheinen; z. B. Blickwinkel, Kleidungsstück] | |
| talking {adj} {pres-p} [with / to sb.] | sich unterhaltend [mit jdm.] [ein Gespräch führend] | |
| tousling {adj} {pres-p} [esp. sb. hair] | zerzausend [jds. Haare] | |
| unbeknownst {adv} [to sb.] | ohne Wissen [+Gen.] | |
Verbs |
| to persuade sb. [talk sb. round] | 5022 jdn. überreden | |
| to undermine sth. [fig.] [e.g. sb.'s reputation] | 3095 etw. untergraben [z. B. jds. Ruf] | |
| to intrigue sb. [fascinate sb.] | 2757 jdn. faszinieren | |
| to cling [hold on tightly to sb.] | 2202 klammern [an, bei jdm.] | |
| to confound sb./sth. [confuse sb., mix sth. up] | 2025 jdn./etw. durcheinanderbringen [jdn. verwirren, etw. in Unordung bringen] | |
| to reciprocate sth. [sb.'s feelings, a favour, etc.] | 1996 etw.Akk. erwidern [jds. Gefühle, einen Gefallen etc.] | |
| to accommodate sb. [provide lodging for sb.] | 1884 jdn. unterbringen [eine Unterkunft verschaffen] | |
| to prevail [over sb.] | 1588 siegen | |
| to ransom sb. [obtain the release of sb. by paying a ransom] | 1280 jdn. freikaufen | |
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