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English-German translation for: [theorem]
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Dictionary English German: [theorem]

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math. [two carabinieri theorem, two militsioner theorem, two gendarmes theorem, double-sided theorem, two policemen and a drunk theorem; regional expressions for the squeeze / sandwich theorem]Sandwich-Satz {m} [Satz von den zwei Polizisten]
2 Words: Nouns
asses' bridge [5th proposition in Euclid's 1st book = any very difficult statement of a theorem]sehr schwieriger Ausdruck {m} eines Theorems
math. Bachet's conjecture [Lagrange's four-square theorem]Satz {m} von Lagrange [Vier-Quadrate-Satz]
math. phys. Bernoulli's theorem [also: theorem of Bernoulli]Satz {m} von Bernoulli
math. Bézout's theorem [also: theorem of Bézout]Satz {m} von Bézout
math. Bloch's theorem [also: Bloch theorem, theorem of Bloch]Satz {m} von Bloch
math. Bose's theorem [theorem of Bose]Satz {m} von Bose
math. Brahmagupta's theorem [also: theorem of Brahmagupta]Satz {m} von Brahmagupta
math. Brianchon's theorem [also: theorem of Brianchon]Brianchon'scher Satz {m}
math. Brianchon's theorem [also: theorem of Brianchon]brianchonscher Satz {m}
math. Brianchon's theorem [also: theorem of Brianchon]Satz {m} von Brianchon
math. Brooks' theorem [also: theorem of Brooks]Satz {m} von Brooks
math. Cantor's theorem [also: theorem of Cantor]Satz {m} von Cantor
math. Carmichael's theorem [also: theorem of Carmichael]Satz {m} von Carmichael
math. Carnot's theorem [also: theorem of Carnot]Satz {m} von Carnot
math. Casey's theorem [also: theorem of Casey]Satz {m} von Casey
math. Catalan's conjecture [Mihăilescu's theorem]Catalan'sche Vermutung {f}
math. Catalan's conjecture [Mihăilescu's theorem]catalansche Vermutung {f}
math. Ceva's theorem [also: theorem of Ceva]Satz {m} von Ceva
math. Chebyshev's theorem [also: Chebyshev theorem, theorem of Chebyshev]Satz {m} von Tschebyscheff
math. stat. Cochran's theorem [also: Cochran theorem]Satz {m} von Cochran
math. phys. divergence theorem [Gauss' theorem]gaußscher Integralsatz {m}
math. Easton's theorem [also: theorem of Easton]Satz {m} von Easton
math. Egorov's theorem [also: Severini-Egoroff theorem, Severini-Egorov theorem]Satz {m} von Jegorow
math. Engel's theorem [also: theorem of Engel]Satz {m} von Engel
math. Euclid's lemma [Euclid's first theorem]Lemma {n} von Euklid
math. Fagin's theorem [also: theorem of Fagin]Satz {m} von Fagin
math. Fejér's theorem [also: theorem of Fejér]Satz {m} von Fejér
math. Feuerbach's theorem [Feuerbach theorem, theorem of Feuerbach]Satz {m} von Feuerbach
math. Fodor's theorem [also: theorem of Fodor]Satz {m} von Fodor
math. Fraïssé's theorem [theorem of Fraïssé]Satz {m} von Fraïssé
math. Frucht's theorem [also: theorem of Frucht]Satz {m} von Frucht
math. Fubini's theorem [also: theorem of Fubini]Satz {m} von Fubini
math. Gantmacher's theorem [also: Gantmacher theorem, theorem of Gantmacher]Satz {m} von Gantmacher
math. Gentzen's Hauptsatz [cut-elimination theorem]Gentzen'scher Hauptsatz {m}
math. Girsanov theorem [also: Girsanov's theorem]Satz {m} von Girsanow
math. Godunov's theorem [also: theorem of Godunov]Satz {m} von Godunow [auch: Satz von Godunov]
math. Goodstein's theorem [also: theorem of Goodstein]Satz {m} von Goodstein
math. Green's theorem [also: theorem of Green]Satz {m} von Green [auch: Satz von Gauß-Green]
math. Hamilton's theorem [also: theorem of Hamilton]Satz {m} von Hamilton
math. Harnack's theorem [also: theorem of Harnack]Satz {m} von Harnack
material Heine's theorem [also: Heine theorem]Satz {m} von Heine
math. Helly's theorem [also: theorem of Helly]Satz {m} von Helly
math. Henkin's theorem [also: theorem of Henkin]Satz {m} von Henkin
math. Heron's theorem [also: theorem of Heron]Satz {m} von Heron
math. Hindman's theorem [also: theorem of Hindman]Satz {m} von Hindman
math. Hjelmslev's theorem [also: theorem of Hjelmslev]hjelmslevscher Mittelliniensatz {m}
math. Hjelmslev's theorem [also: theorem of Hjelmslev]Satz {m} von Hjelmslev
math. Hölder's theorem [also: Holder's theorem, theorem of Hölder, theorem of Holder]Satz {m} von Hölder
math. Hopf theorem [also: Hopf's theorem]Satz {m} von Hopf [auch: Satz von Brouwer-Hopf]
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