| English | German | |
| biochem. alpha-lipoic acid <α-lipoic acid, ALA> [C8H14O2S2] | Alpha-Liponsäure {f} <α-Liponsäure, ALA> | |
Partial Matches |
| astron. Alpha Centauri <α Centauri, α Cen> | Alpha Centauri {m} <α Centauri, α Cen> | |
| alpha <Α, α> [Greek letter] | Alpha {n} <Α, α> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| biochem. lipoic acid <LA> [C8H14O2S2] | Liponsäure {f} <LA> | |
| biochem. liponic acid <LA> [spv.] [lipoic acid] [C8H14O2S2] | Liponsäure {f} <LA> | |
| phys. fine-structure constant <α> | Feinstrukturkonstante {f} <α> | |
| comp. α-decidable {adj} | α-entscheidbar | |
| biochem. biol. chem. α-Aminobutyric acid [C4H9NO2] | α-Aminobuttersäure {f} | |
| chem. α-methylstyrene <AMS> [C9H10] | α-Methylstyrol {n} | |
| chem. α-pinene [C10H16] | α-Pinen {n} | |
| comp. alpha channel | Alphakanal {m} <α-Kanal> | |
| phys. alpha spectrum <α spectrum> | Alphaspektrum {n} <α-Spektrum> | |
| phys. alpha ray <α ray> | Alphastrahl {m} <α-Strahl> | |
| phys. alpha rays <α rays> | Alphastrahlen {pl} <α-Strahlen> | |
| phys. alpha radiation <α radiation> | Alphastrahlung {f} <α-Strahlung> | |
| phys. alpha particle <α particle> | Alphateilchen {n} <α-Teilchen> | |
| phys. alpha decay <α decay> | Alphazerfall {m} <α-Zerfall> | |
| astron. right ascension <RA, α> | Rektaszension {f} <α, a> | |
| phys. Sommerfeld's constant <α> [fine-structure constant] | Sommerfeldkonstante {f} <α> [Feinstrukturkonstante] | |
| biochem. alpha-fetoprotein <α-fetoprotein / AFP> | Alphafetoprotein {n} <α-Fetoprotein / AFP> | |
| chem. levo-α-acetylmethadol <LAAM> [C23H31NO2] | Levo-α-acetylmethadol {n} <LAAM> | |
| biochem. α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex | α-Ketoglutarat-Dehydrogenase-Komplex {m} | |
| biochem. α-hydroxybutyric acid [also: 2-hydroxybutyric acid] [C4H8O3] | α-Hydroxybuttersäure {f} [auch: 2-Hydroxybuttersäure] | |
| biochem. α-tomatine [also: tomatine, lycopersicin] [C50H83NO21] | α-Tomatin {n} [auch: Tomatin, Lycopersicin] | |
| pharm. α-hydroxybutanoic acid [also: 2-hydroxybutanoic acid] [C4H8O3] | α-Hydroxybutansäure {f} <GHB> [auch: 2-Hydroxybutansäure] | |
| med. (familial) alpha-lipoprotein deficiency | (familiäre) An-α-Lipoproteinämie {f} [Tangier-Krankheit] | |
| chem. α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid <AMPA> [C7H10N2O4] | α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionsäure {f} <AMPA> | |
| stat. alpha error <α error> [type I error] | Alpha-Fehler {m} <α-Fehler> [Fehler erster Art] | |
| biochem. α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor <AMPA receptor, AMPAR> | α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolpropionsäure-Rezeptor {m} <AMPA-Rezeptor, AMPAR> | |
| biochem. alpha-fetoprotein <α-fetoprotein / AFP> | Alpha-Fetoprotein {n} <α-Fetoprotein / AFP> | |
| biochem. alpha-actinin <α-actinin> | Alpha-Actinin {n} <α-Actinin> | |
| biochem. alpha-actinin <α-actinin> | Alpha-Aktinin {n} <α-Aktinin> | |
| biochem. alpha-amylase <α-amylase> | Alpha-Amylase {f} <α-Amylase> | |
| comp. alpha equivalence <α-equivalence> | Alpha-Äquivalenz {f} <α-Äquivalenz> | |
| biochem. alpha-dystrobrevin <α-dystrobrevin> | Alpha-Dystrobrevin {n} <α-Dystrobrevin> | |
| chem. alpha effect <α-effect> | Alpha-Effekt {m} <α-Effekt> | |
| anat. med. alpha efferents <α-efferents> | Alpha-Efferenzen {pl} <α-Efferenzen> | |
| biochem. alpha helix <α-helix> | Alpha-Helix {f} <α-Helix> | |
| comp. alpha equivalence <α-equivalence> | Alpha-Kongruenz {f} <α-Kongruenz> | |
| comp. math. alpha conversion <α-conversion> | Alpha-Konversion {f} <α-Konversion> | |
| biol. alpha motoneuron <α-motor neuron> | Alpha-Motoneuron {n} <α-Motoneuron> | |
| biol. alpha motor neuron <α-motor neuron> | Alpha-Motoneuron {n} <α-Motoneuron> | |
| biochem. alpha-oxidation <α-oxidation> | Alpha-Oxidation {f} <α-Oxidation> | |
| biochem. alpha turn <α-turn> | Alpha-Schleife {f} <α-Schleife> | |
| phys. alpha rays <α rays> | Alpha-Strahlen {pl} <α-Strahlen> | |
| phys. alpha radiation <α radiation> | Alpha-Strahlung {f} <α-Strahlung> | |
| med. alpha-synucleinopathies <α-synucleinopathies> | Alpha-Synucleinopathien {pl} <α-Synucleinopathien> | |
| phys. alpha particle <α particle> | Alpha-Teilchen {n} <α-Teilchen> | |
| biochem. alpha-tubulin <α-tubulin> | Alpha-Tubulin {n} <α-Tubulin> | |
| stat. Cronbach's alpha <Cronbach's α> | Cronbachs Alpha {n} <Cronbachs α> | |
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