| English | German | |
| – |
| astron. gamma-ray astronomy <γ-ray astronomy> | Gamma-Astronomie {f} <γ-Astronomie> | |
| acad. astron. gamma-ray astronomy <γ-ray astronomy> | Gammastrahlenastronomie {f} <γ-Strahlenastronomie> | |
| astron. γ-ray astronomy | Gammaastronomie {f} <γ-Astronomie> [auch: Gamma-Astronomie] | |
| acad. astron. γ-ray astronomy | Gammastrahlenastronomie {f} <γ-Strahlenastronomie> | |
Partial Matches |
| phys. gamma ray <γ ray, γ-ray> | Gammastrahl {m} <γ-Strahl> | |
| acad. astron. X-ray astronomy | Röntgenastronomie {f} | |
| astron. gamma-ray astronomy satellite | Gammastrahlen-Astronomiesatellit {m} | |
| astron. X-ray astronomy satellite | Röntgenastronomie-Satellit {m} | |
| astron. X-ray astronomy satellite | Röntgenastronomiesatellit {m} | |
| gamma <Γ, γ> [Greek letter] | Gamma {n} <Γ, γ> [griechischer Buchstabe] | |
| biochem. γ-glutamyl transferase <γ-GT, GGT, gamma-GT> | γ-Glutamyltransferase {f} <γ-GT, GGT, Gamma-GT> | |
| acad. astron. astronomy | Astronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. astronomy | Himmelskunde {f} | |
| acad. astron. astronomy | Sternkunde {f} | |
| astronomy | Sternkunst {f} [geh.] [veraltet] [Astronomie] | |
| phys. Grüneisen parameter <γ> | Grüneisen-Parameter {m} <γ> | |
| biochem. γ-valerolactone [C5H8O2] | γ-Valerolacton {n} | |
| astron. amateur astronomy | Amateurastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. jobs astronomy professor | Astronomieprofessor {m} | |
| astron. astronomy project | Astronomie-Projekt {n} [auch: Astronomieprojekt] | |
| astron. astronomy satellite | Astronomiesatellit {m} | |
| astron. backyard astronomy | Amateurastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. extragalactic astronomy | extragalaktische Astronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. geodetic astronomy | Astrogeodäsie {f} | |
| acad. astron. infrared astronomy | Infrarot-Astronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. infrared astronomy | Infrarotastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. IR astronomy | Infrarot-Astronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. IR astronomy | IR-Astronomie {f} | |
| astron. lunar astronomy | Mond-Astronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. neutrino astronomy | Neutrinoastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. observational astronomy | beobachtende Astronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. radar astronomy | Radarastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. radio astronomy | Radioastronomie {f} | |
| astron. rocket astronomy | Raketenastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. solar astronomy | Solarastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. spherical astronomy | sphärische Astronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. stellar astronomy | Stellarastronomie {f} | |
| acad. astron. micro-wave astronomy | Mikrowellen-Astronomie {f} | |
| astron. micro-wave astronomy | Mikrowellenastronomie {f} | |
| phys. photino <γ͂> [hypothetical elementary particle] | Photino {n} <γ͂> [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen] | |
| math. Euler constant <γ> [0.57721...] | Euler-Konstante {f} <γ> [0,57721...] | |
| biol. gamma motoneuron <γ-motor neuron> | Gamma-Motoneuron {n} <γ-Motoneuron> | |
| astron. hist. late Babylonian mathematical astronomy | spätbabylonische mathematische Astronomie {f} | |
| math. Euler's constant <γ> [0.57721...] | Euler-Konstante {f} <γ> [0,57721...] | |
| math. Euler's constant <γ> [0.57721...] | Euler'sche Konstante {f} <γ> [0,57721...] | |
| math. Euler's constant <γ> [0.57721...] | Eulersche Konstante {f} [alt] <γ> [0,57721...] | |
| math. Euler's constant <γ> [0.57721...] | eulersche Konstante {f} <γ> [0,57721...] | |
| math. Euler-Mascheroni constant <γ> [0.57721...] | Euler-Mascheroni-Konstante {f} <γ> [0,57721...] | |
| phys. alpha ray <α ray> | Alphastrahl {m} <α-Strahl> | |
| phys. beta ray <β ray> | Betastrahl {m} <β-Strahl> | |
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