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Dictionary English German: 2

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SYNO   2 | ii | two | II | deuce
two <2> [the digit / figure]
Zwei {f} <2> [die Ziffer]
mineral. kunatite [CuFe2(PO4)2(OH)2×4H2O]Kunatit {m}
2 Words: Others
med. MedTech. double-lumen {adj} [attr.] <2-lumen>zweilumig <2-lumig>
tech. dual-axis {adj} [attr.] <2-axis>zweiaxial <2-axial>
agr. two-furrow {adj} <2-furrow> [attr.] [plough]zweischarig <2-scharig> [Pflug]
two-layered {adj} <2-layered>zweilagig <2-lagig> [zweischichtig]
two-part {adj} [attr.] <2-part>Zweier- <2er->
tech. two-pedal {adj} [attr.] <2-pedal>zweipedalig <2-pedalig>
textil. two-ply {adj} <2-ply>zweilagig <2-lagig> [zweifädig, zweisträhnig]
two-ply {adj} <2-ply> [attr.] [e.g. toilet paper, napkins]zweilagig <2-lagig> [z. B. Toilettenpapier, Servietten]
electr. two-pulse {adj} [attr.] <2-pulse>Zweipuls- <2-Puls->
tech. two-way {adj} <2-way>Zwei-Weg- <2-Weg->
2 Words: Nouns
chem. 1,2-dichloroethane [C2H4Cl2]1,2-Dichlorethan {n}
bibl. 2 Maccabbees2. Makkabäerbuch {n}
sports 2 wood [also: 2-wood] [golf]Holz {n} 2 [Golf]
chem. 2-butyne [CH3C≡CCH3]2-Butin {n}
chem. 2-ethylhexanol <EH-2> [C8H18O]2-Ethylhexanol {n} <EH-2>
chem. 2-methylisoborneol <MIB> [C11H20O]2-Methylisoborneol {n} <MIB>
math. 2-norm2-Norm {f}
chem. 2-propenol [allyl alcohol]2-Propen-1-ol {n} [auch: Prop-2-en-1-ol] [Allylalkohhol]
biochem. 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate <2,3-BPG>2,3-Bisphosphoglycerat {n} <2,3-BPG>
5:2 relationship [Br.]Wochenendbeziehung {f}
cloth. half chest chest, 1/2 chest>halbe Oberweite {f} Oberweite, 1/2 Oberweite>
math. radical 2 [square root of 2]Quadratwurzel {f} aus 2
math. root 2Wurzel 2 {f}
econ. second quarter <Q2, Q-2>zweites Quartal {n}
stat. second quartile <Q2, Q-2>zweites Quartil {n} <Q2>
educ. secondary school <ISCED level 2 + 3>Schule {f} im Sekundarbereich
math. unit square degree <deg2, sq.deg., (°)²>Quadratgrad {m} <deg², (°)²>
pol. Stasi 2.0Stasi 2.0 {f}
EU telegrey 2 [Br.] [RAL 7046]Telegrau {n} 2 [RAL 7046]
pharm. tobramycin sulfate [Am.] [C36H84N10O38S5, (C18H37N5O9)2•5H2SO4]Tobramycinsulfat {n}
pharm. tobramycin sulphate [Br.] [C36H84N10O38S5, (C18H37N5O9)2•5H2SO4]Tobramycinsulfat {n}
W-2 [Am.] [wage and tax statement]Lohnsteuerbescheinigung {f}
Internet Web 2.0Web 2.0 {n}
3 Words: Others
MedTech. 2-on-1 {adj} {adv} [image / format subdivision, split]2fach [Bildunterteilung, Formatunterteilung, Bildschirm]
MedTech. 2-on-1 {adj} {adv} [image / format subdivision, split]2-fach [Bildunterteilung, Formatunterteilung, Bildschirm]
pharm. every 2 hours {adv} <q2h> <q.2h.>jede 2. Stunde
3 Words: Verbs
to increase by 2%um 2 % zunehmen
to increase by 2%sich um 2 % erhöhen
3 Words: Nouns
sports 1-2 defeat [less common] [2-1 defeat]1:2-Niederlage {f}
sports 1-2 defeat [less common] [2-1 defeat]2:1-Niederlage {f} [weniger üblich] [1:2-Niederlage]
electr. 12/2 wire [two insulated AWG 12 wires in one cable] [Am.]Doppelader {f} <DA> 3,3 mm² (im) Querschnitt
sports 2-1 defeat1:2-Niederlage {f}
sports 2-1 defeat2:1-Niederlage {f} [weniger üblich] [1:2-Niederlage]
electr. 2-core cable2-polige Leitung {f}
2-do list [coll.] [to-do list]2-do-Liste {f} [ugs.] [To-do-Liste]
chem. 2-ethylbutyl acetate [C8H16O2]2-Ethylbutylacetat {n}
tech. 2-finger gripper2-Finger-Greifer {m}
chem. pharm. 2-hydroxycinnamic acid [C9H8O3] [also: ortho-coumaric acid]o-Cumarsäure {f}
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A 2024-12-15: Danke 176.2.67... ich korrigiere!
Q 2024-11-20: DEL- GL no. 2! Was soll das, liuthar!
A 2024-10-10: 2 more truly or correctly • my parents, or rather my mother and stepfather
Q 2024-10-02: Grundwasserflurabstand 2 Einträge: Hier bräuchten wir einen Spezialisten
Q 2024-08-23: Avoid over hyphenating (2) – names
A 2024-08-14: 1. train shed & 2. train depot
Q 2024-06-21: Deaths of 2 members
A 2024-05-10: Eieiei, die 2-Literbombe Lambrusco kenne ich auch aus meinen rühmlichen (s...
A 2024-03-24: To Elysio – mixing up (1) gifts, from (2) money/assets in the hands of another
Q 2024-03-01: Please wait 1-2 minutes.
Q 2023-12-29: Polysemie und "one translation per entry" (GL #2)
A 2023-12-18: 2. relitigate 3. equitable mortgage
Q 2023-11-17: water cycle : Should this be split up into 2 entries?
A 2023-10-12: 1 ist richtig, 2 ist falsch.
A 2023-08-23: https://contribute.dict.cc/?action=edit&id=839365&goback=2
A 2023-06-08: I recommend the earlier Gruffalo books (for approximately 2 to 6 year olds)
A 2023-04-09: Was machen wir mit den 2 Einträgen Busse
A 2023-04-08: 2 Reopen: Mal schaun wie eure Reaktion ist
A 2023-03-19: Schwerblech's comment confirmed #2
A 2023-03-17: Kein 2. N

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