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English-German translation for: A/O
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Dictionary English German: A O

Translation 1 - 7 of 7


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account of <a/o>auf Konto von
account of <a/o>auf Rechnung von
Keywords contained
med. alert and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]wach und orientiert
med. alert and oriented {adj} <A&O, A/O>wach und orientiert
med. awake and oriented {adj} <A&O, A/O>wach und orientiert
med. aware and orientated {adj} <A&O , A/O> [esp. Br.]wach und orientiert
med. aware and oriented {adj} <A&O, A/O>wach und orientiert
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A 2024-09-22: A Hund is a oba scho, der Saupreiss, der greislige.
A 2023-04-04: Except maybe b. I would probably replace b entries with a or c, or split t...
A 2021-10-13: From the DRW, a old example (my emphasis).
A 2021-01-29: Preferably +contributing towards writing a book+ — which sounds a bit vagu...
A 2017-12-28: Ever since I had slipped away from a squad car as a boy by entering a one-...
A 2017-11-30: it figured high on the agenda of ..., became a central part / plank / them...
A 2017-11-27: Hmm. I see "following" as something akin to "taking the formula of ... as ...
A 2017-07-06: Maybe in Ghana or Africa it's very well possible to say "I have a burning"...
A 2017-07-03: Perhaps logic helps, if French does not: an +operation+ is an +action+ and...
Q 2016-11-17: What is correct a or b?
Q 2016-11-09: What is correct a or b?
A 2015-12-01: +Bathing+ as against +swimming+ — if it's the sea or even a pool, most peo...
A 2015-11-17: O tempora o emoji
A 2015-07-03: Cf. Encyclopaedia of Medieval Knights > Medieval Knights > Becoming a Knight
A 2015-06-16: You shouldn't trust a site which "issues" a password to you, unless it is ...
A 2015-04-03: Die Welt, Katholische Nachrichten, and a plethora of German newspapers al...
A 2014-09-03: Perhaps the date for a one-off payment?
Q 2014-06-14: A oder AN?
A 2013-11-27: I do not think there is a one-to-one translation. Variant: high-class grumbling
A 2013-11-12: After all, does not Th. M. tend to act in a way so as to shape the essence...

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