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English-German translation for: Campaign
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Dictionary English German: Campaign

Translation 1 - 50 of 273  >>

English German
NOUN   a campaign | campaigns
VERB  to campaign | campaigned | campaigned ... 
SYNO   campaign | political campaign | run ... 
pol. to campaign
wahlkämpfen [ugs.]
to campaign
to campaignsich einsetzen
to campaignsich engagieren
pol. to campaignWahlkampf betreiben
pol. to campaignWahlkampf führen
pol. to campaignauf die Straße gehen [Wahlwerbung treiben]
pol. to campaignsich am Wahlkampf beteiligen
to campaign [also fig.]zu Feld ziehen [auch fig.]
Kampagne {f}
pol. campaign
Wahlkampf {m}
mil. campaign
Feldzug {m}
Aktion {f}
mil. campaign
Einsatz {m} [länger dauernd]
pol. campaign [leadership]
Wahlkampfleitung {f}
sports campaign
Saison {f}
Kampf {m}
hist. mil. campaign [military]
Heerzug {m} [Feldzug]
pol. campaign [team]
Wahlkampfteam {f}
agr. the campaign [coll.] [sugar beet campaign]Rübenerntezeit {f} [Zuckerrübenkampagne]
2 Words: Verbs
to campaign against sb./sth.gegen jdn./etw. agitieren
to campaign against sb./sth.sichAkk. gegen jdn./etw. starkmachen [ugs.]
idiom to campaign forsich stark machen für [alt] [ugs.]
to campaign for sb./sth.für jdn./etw. eintreten
to campaign for sb./sth.sichAkk. für jdn./etw. starkmachen [ugs.]
to campaign for sth.sich für etw.Akk. engagieren
2 Words: Nouns
mil. (military) campaignKriegszug {m} [veraltet]
acceptance campaignAkzeptanzkampagne {f}
market. ad campaignAnzeigenkampagne {f}
market. ad campaign [coll.]Werbekampagne {f}
market. advertisement campaignAnzeigenkampagne {f}
market. advertising campaignWerbeaktion {f}
market. advertising campaignWerbefeldzug {m}
market. advertising campaignWerbekampagne {f}
market. advertising campaignWerbeoffensive {f}
RadioTV advertising campaignWerbeschaltung {f}
aviat. mil. air campaignLuftwaffeneinsatz {m}
hist. Alexander's campaign [Alexander the Great]Alexanderzug {m}
pol. awareness campaignAufklärungskampagne {f}
hist. mil. Balkans CampaignBalkanfeldzug {m}
stocks bear campaignBaisse-Manöver {n}
agr. beet campaignRübenkampagne {f}
market. billboard campaignPlakataktion {f}
bombing campaignBombardierungskampagne {f}
brutal campaignbrutaler Feldzug {m}
pol. campaign adviserWahlkampfberater {m}
pol. campaign aideWahlkampfhelfer {m}
pol. campaign aide [female]Wahlkampfhelferin {f}
pol. campaign appearanceWahlkampfauftritt {m}
pol. campaign budgetWahlkampfbudget {n}
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A 2021-06-04: ergänzend zu #928928 campaign life (= Ofenreise)
A 2021-06-03: campaign (-life) - Betriebsdauer / -zeit
A 2019-06-11: campaign drives ?
A 2013-07-02: In marketing German, a "Flight" is a part of a marketing campaign.
A 2013-03-23: Is his sister going to use that in her campaign?
A 2013-03-10: These are words that Nissan has made up for a marketing campaign (the ones...
A 2012-01-20: campaign pennant
Q 2012-01-20: campaign pennant
A 2011-11-28: building blocks campaign
Q 2011-09-19: campaign`s tight controls over questions
Q 2011-06-13: "campaign pk"
A 2011-05-03: gernot, whose campaign was it? If you're talking about Martin Luther King,...
A 2011-05-03: During his first major campaign in 1967, he was publicly opposed by the Bl...
A 2011-04-20: The old coteries continue to operate in the new democracy. \ This marked t...
A 2011-02-09: awareness campaign
Q 2011-02-09: awareness campaign
Q 2011-01-19: campaign chairman
Q 2010-12-28: Noticed General Winter's latest campaign?
A 2010-09-26: voter education campaign/message - Wahlaufklärungskampagne / Mitteilungen ...
A 2010-08-24: door-to-door campaign

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