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English-German translation for: Chancellor
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Dictionary English German: Chancellor

Translation 1 - 60 of 60

English German
NOUN   a chancellor | chancellors
SYNO   Chancellor | Chancellor of the Exchequer ... 
pol. chancellor
Kanzler {m}
law chancellor [equity]
Richter {m} [des Equity-Gerichts]
pol. chancellor [female]
Kanzlerin {f}
pol. chancellor [Chancellor of the Exchequer] [Br.]
Schatzkanzler {m} [Finanz- und Wirtschaftsminister]
2 Words: Nouns
pol. chancellor candidateKanzlerkandidat {m}
pol. chancellor candidate [female]Kanzlerkandidatin {f}
pol. chancellor candidatesKanzlerkandidaten {pl}
pol. chancellor democracyKanzlerdemokratie {f}
pol. chancellor maker [play on "kingmaker" in German politics]Kanzlermacher {m}
chancellor-designatedesignierter Kanzler {m}
chancellor's aircraftKanzlermaschine {f} [Flugzeug]
chancellor's airplane [Am.]Kanzlermaschine {f} [Flugzeug]
archi. hist. Chancellor's bungalow [the German Chancellor's former residential and reception building in Bonn]Kanzlerbungalow {m}
pol. chancellor's spokesmanKanzlersprecher {m}
chancellor's wifeFrau {f} des Kanzlers
pol. crisis chancellor [female]Krisenkanzlerin {f}
pol. Federal ChancellorBundeskanzler {m} <BK>
pol. Federal Chancellor [female]Bundeskanzlerin {f} <BK>
jobs pol. former chancellorAltkanzler {m}
former Chancelloralt Bundeskanzler {m} [schweiz.]
pol. former chancellorEx-Kanzler {m}
jobs pol. former chancellor [female]Altkanzlerin {f}
pol. former Chancellor [in Germany and Austria]Altbundeskanzler {m}
hist. pol. Imperial ChancellorReichskanzler {m}
hist. pol. Iron Chancellor [nickname for Reichskanzler Otto von Bismarck]Eiserner Kanzler {m}
law pol. Lord Chancellor [UK]Justizminister {m}
pol. people's chancellorVolkskanzler {m}
pol. people's chancellor [female]Volkskanzlerin {f}
pro-chancellorProkanzler {m}
hist. pol. Reich ChancellorReichskanzler {m}
pol. reserve chancellorReservekanzler {m}
pol. shadow chancellorSchattenkanzler {m}
hist. jobs pol. state chancellor [also: State Chancellor]Staatskanzler {m}
pol. vice chancellorVizekanzler {m}
admin. educ. Unverified vice chancellor [also: "vice-chancellor"]Kanzler {m} [einer Universität]
educ. vice chancellor [Br.]Rektor {m} [Universität]
pol. vice chancellor [female]Vizekanzlerin {f}
educ. vice chancellor [female] [Br.]Rektorin {f} [Universität]
pol. vice-chancellorVizekanzler {m}
pol. vice-chancellor [female]Vizekanzlerin {f}
pol. woman chancellorKanzlerin {f}
3 Words: Nouns
hist. jobs pol. chancellor (of state)Staatskanzler {m}
admin. Federal Chancellor's OfficeBüro {n} des Bundeskanzlers
hist. Imperial Vice-ChancellorReichsvizekanzler {m} [bis 1803]
Lord High ChancellorGroßkanzler {m}
admin. office of chancellorKanzleramt {n} [Posten]
vice-chancellor's officeRektorat {n} [Raum]
4 Words: Nouns
hist. pol. chancellor of the empireReichskanzler {m} [Kaiserreich]
fin. pol. Chancellor of the Exchequer [Br.]Finanzminister {m}
pol. Chancellor of the Exchequer [Br.]Schatzkanzler {m}
hist. pol. Chancellor of the ReichReichskanzler {m}
pol. former West German Chancellorehemaliger deutscher Bundeskanzler {m} [vor der Wiedervereinigung]
hist. pol. Leader and Reich Chancellor [Germany 1934 - 1945, head of state and head of government]Führer und Reichskanzler {m} [Deutschland 1934 - 1945, Staatsoberhaupt und Regierungschef]
5+ Words: Others
quote It's hard to be emperor under such a chancellor. [attributed to William I, German Emperor]Es ist nicht leicht, unter einem solchen Kanzler Kaiser zu sein. [auch: Es ist schwer, ...] [Wilhelm I. zugeschrieben]
5+ Words: Nouns
pol. candidate for (the position of) chancellorKanzlerkandidat {m}
pol. candidate for (the position of) chancellor [female]Kanzlerkandidatin {f}
Office of the Federal ChancellorBundeskanzleramt {n} [Einrichtung]
Office of the Federal ChancellorKanzleramt {n} [Bundeskanzleramt]
pol. Office of the Federal Chancellor [Austria]Bundeskanzleramt {n} <BKA> [österr.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Chancellor Manuscript [Robert Ludlum]Das Kastler-Manuskript
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A 2013-11-01: Not the same person: SPD - Sigmar Gabriel, leader of the opposition #); Pe...
A 2013-07-14: Merkel impersonates the chancellor / the chancelloresse
A 2013-07-13: hack Chancellor ? Im Sinn von ham ...
A 2013-07-13: the so-called Chancellor ?
A 2012-11-29: Chancellor
A 2012-11-29: chancellor
Q 2012-11-29: chancellor vs. chancelor
A 2012-03-23: In the UK, I think vice-chancellor would be best,
A 2012-03-03: http://www.dict.cc/?s=Chancellor+of+the+exchequer
Q 2012-03-03: chancellor
A 2011-05-07: +former chancellor+ neutral, +erstwhile chancellor+ formal, +ex-chancellor...
A 2011-05-06: erstwhile federal chancellor
A 2011-02-14: Either chancellor of X University or X University chancellor, the first is...
Q 2010-06-09: "Imagine you are the German Chancellor and you deliver a speech before the...
A 2010-01-28: one of our Chancellor's critics
A 2009-12-20: While climate chancellor M. is pushing climate slogans in Copenhagen
A 2009-09-03: Justizminister haben allenthalben sonderbare Namen: UK - Lord Chancellor, ...
Q 2006-02-22: Chancellor
A 2006-02-02: the Chancellor speedily / swiftly catching up
A 2005-12-02: Allerdings > It is true, the Chancellor ...

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