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English-German translation for: Council
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Dictionary English German: Council

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NOUN   a council | councils
admin. pol. council
Rat {m}
Gremium {n}
pol. council
Ratsversammlung {f}
admin. pol. council [Br.]
Kommune {f}
Kollegium {n}
Führungsgremium {n}
relig. council
Konzil {n}
med. council [meeting for consultation]
Konsil {n}
hist. law pol. council
Kolleg {n} [veraltet] [Kollegium]
med. council [meeting for consultation]
Konsilium {n}
2 Words: Nouns
pol. accession councilThronbesteigungsrat {m}
econ. law pol. administrative councilVerwaltungsrat {m}
advisory councilBeirat {m}
advisory councilBeratungsgremium {n}
hist. pol. advisory councilHofrat {m}
bibl. Apostolic CouncilApostelkonvent {m}
bibl. Apostolic CouncilApostelkonzil {n}
EU association councilAssoziationsrat {m}
hist. Aulic CouncilReichshofrat {m} [Körperschaft]
pol. borough councilGemeinderat {m} [Gremium]
pol. Cantonal Council [also: cantonal council] [Switzerland]Kantonsrat {m} [Kantonsparlament]
relig. Christian councilChristenrat {m}
relig. church councilKirchenkonzil {n}
relig. church councilKirchenrat {m}
relig. church council [congregation or parish]Ältestenrat {m}
admin. pol. city councilStadtmagistrat {n} [veraltend] [Stadtverwaltung]
pol. city councilStadtparlament {n}
pol. city councilStadtrat {m} [Gremium]
admin. pol. community council [Br.]Gemeinderat {m} [Gremium]
law constitutional councilVerfassungsrat {m}
Coordinating CouncilKoordinierungsrat {m}
coordination councilKoordinierungsrat {m}
admin. council area [Br.]Verwaltungsgebiet {n}
council board <CB> [IEC]Ratsausschuss {m} [IEC]
hist. pol. council bodyRatsgremium {n}
archi. pol. council chamberRathaussaal {m}
archi. council chamberRatsstube {f}
hist. pol. council communismRätekommunismus {m}
pol. council constitutionRatsverfassung {f}
pol. council democracyRätedemokratie {f}
EU Council DirectiveRichtlinie {f} des Rates
pol. council electionKommunalwahl {f}
RealEst. urban council estate [Br.]Siedlung {f} mit Sozialwohnungen
relig. council fathersKonzilsväter {pl}
RealEst. council flat [Br.]Gemeindewohnung {f} [österr.]
RealEst. council flat [Br.]Sozialwohnung {f}
council hallRatsaal {m}
council hallRatssaal {m}
RealEst. council homeGemeindewohnung {f} [österr.]
council homeSozialwohnung {f}
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A 2022-11-27: Gemeindekirchenrat EKD > parish church council +Please enter vocab into...
A 2022-03-07: British Council lesson
A 2022-02-07: Works Council 101 Training
A 2020-01-07: "Kommune" does not refer specifically to a city council or local administration
A 2019-04-30: The bloke plays a substantial role in getting ready for the German EU Coun...
A 2018-05-17: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=JMz9Wq7PNcWzsAeolJ_wDw&q=%22s...
Q 2018-05-17: student council president
Q 2017-03-03: Council (poet.)
A 2016-09-30: Council
A 2016-09-05: 2nd attempt: ... imposed by +the UN+ Security Council
A 2016-09-05: Copy-and-paste error: ... imposed by +the+ Security Council
A 2016-08-14: WO (1) did not sound wrong to Orby Parish Council
A 2016-08-12: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akela_(The_Jungle_Book) mentions the council.
A 2016-08-12: He's never going to make the council -
A 2016-08-12: council - race you to the top
A 2016-06-15: Council valuation
Q 2016-06-15: CHESS statements; Council Valuation; folio number
A 2016-05-09: I think either parents' council or parents' association should be ok...
A 2015-05-19: +Hoftag+ > great council of the realm Simply calling it +assembly,+ is too...
A 2015-05-05: ammended regulations passed by the German Bundesrat Federal Council

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