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English-German translation for: EC standard
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Dictionary English German: EC standard

Translation 1 - 50 of 897  >>

NOUN   an EC standard | EC standards
EU EC standardEG-Norm {f}
Partial Matches
econ. EU law acceleration directives 2003/54/EC and 2003/55/EC [gas]Beschleunigungsrichtlinien {pl} 2003/54/EG und 2003/55/EG [Gas]
MedTech. standard average glandular dose <standard AGD, sAGD> [EUR 17538]Standardwert {m} der mittleren Parenchymdosis [EUR 17538]
geogr. Ecuador <.ec>Ecuador {n}
geogr. Ecuador <.ec>Ekuador {n} [Rsv.]
geogr. Ecuador <.ec>Equador {n} [Rsv.] [selten]
biol. enterochromaffin <EC>Enterochromaffin {n} <EC>
EU Eurocode <EC>Eurocode {m} <EC>
fin. ec cardEC-Karte {f}
fin. ec cardec-Karte {f}
EU EC DirectivesEU-Richtlinien {pl}
EU pol. EC TreatyEG-Vertrag {m}
material creep modulus <Ec>Kriechmodul {m} <Ec> [Materialkennwert]
EC cashpoint [Cashpoint®]ec-Geldautomat {m}
engin. unit Eckert number <Ec>Eckert-Zahl {f} <Ec>
phys. electron capture <EC>Elektroneneinfang {m} <EC, ε, ϵ>
electr. electronic conductor <EC>Elektronenleiter {m}
chem. elemental carbon <EC>elementarer Kohlenstoff {m}
med. embryonal carcinoma <EC>embryonales Karzinom {n} <EC>
med. emergency cerclage <EC>Notfallcerclage {f} <NC>
med. endometrial cancer <EC>Endometriumkrebs {m}
med. endometrial cancer <EC>Gebärmutterschleimhautkrebs {m}
biol. endothelial cell <EC>Endothelzelle {f} <EZ>
med. epidermoid cyst <EC>Epidermoidzyste {f}
econ. med. sociol. error culture <EC>Fehlerkultur {f} <FK>
sports European championship <EC>Europameisterschaft {f} <EM>
admin. EU European Commission <EC>EU-Kommission {f} <EK, KOM>
admin. EU European Commission <EC>Europäische Kommission {f} <EK, KOM>
hist. European Community <EC>Europäische Gemeinschaft {f} <EG>
med. QM evidence class <EC>Evidenzklasse {f} <EK>
chem. exclusion chromatography <EC>Ausschlusschromatografie {f} <AC>
chem. exclusion chromatography <EC>Ausschlusschromatographie {f} <AC>
home ec [coll.]Hauswirtschaft {f}
EU EC type-approvalEG-Betriebserlaubnis {f}
med. esophageal cancer <EC> [Am.]Ösophaguscarcinom {n} [Rsv.] <Ösophagus-CA>
law EC Merger Regulation <ECMR>EG-Fusionskontrollverordnung {f} <FKVO>
engin. unit elasto-capillary number <Ec>Elasto-Kapillarzahl {f} <Ec>
accession to the ECBeitritt {m} zur Europäischen Gemeinschaft
EC certificate of conformityEG-Konformitätsaussage {f}
econ. EU MedTech. EC design-examination certificateEG-Auslegungsprüfbescheinigung {f}
EU EC Eco-Audit OrdinanceEG-Öko-Audit-Verordnung {f}
econ. EU tech. EC type-examination certificateEG-Baumusterbescheinigung {f}
EU QM EC type-examination certificateEG-Baumusterprüfbescheinigung {f}
curr. East Caribbean dollar <XCD, EC$>Ostkaribischer Dollar {m} <XCD, EC$>
anat. elastic cartilage <EC, Cae> [Cartilago elastica]elastischer Knorpel {m}
med. emergency contraception <EC> [official WHO term]Nachverhütung {f} [Notfallverhütung]
med. endometrial cancer <EC> [carcinoma corporis uteri]Endometriumkarzinom {n} <EK>
med. endometrial cancer <EC> [carcinoma corporis uteri]Gebärmutterkörperkrebs {m}
med. endometrial cancer <EC> [carcinoma corporis uteri]Korpuskarzinom {n}
law Regulation (EC) No. 40/94 on the Community trade markVerordnung {f} (EG) Nr. 40/94 über die Gemeinschaftsmarke
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