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English-German translation for: Eisenstein polynomial
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Dictionary English German: Eisenstein polynomial

Translation 1 - 50 of 76  >>

math. Eisenstein polynomialEisenstein-Polynom {n}
Partial Matches
math. Eisenstein integerEisenstein-Zahl {f}
math. Eisenstein seriesEisensteinreihe {f}
film F Eisenstein in Guanajuato [Peter Greenaway]Eisenstein in Guanajuato
math. Eisenstein's criterion [also: Eisenstein criterion]Eisensteinkriterium {n}
math. Eisenstein's irreducibility criterion [also: irreducibility criterion of Eisenstein]Irreduzibilitätskriterium {n} von Eisenstein
polynomial {adj}mehrnamig
spec. polynomial {adj}polynomial
math. polynomial {adj}vielgliedrig
math. polynomialPolynom {n}
math. Alexander polynomialAlexander-Polynom {n}
math. Bell polynomialBell-Polynom {n}
math. Bernoulli polynomialBernoulli-Polynom {n}
math. Bernstein polynomialBernstein-Polynom {n}
math. Bernstein polynomialBernsteinpolynom {n}
math. characteristic polynomialcharakteristisches Polynom {n}
math. Chebyshev polynomialTschebyscheff-Polynom {n}
math. Chebyshev polynomialTschebyschow-Polynom {n}
math. chromatic polynomialchromatisches Polynom {n}
math. optics correction polynomialKorrekturpolynom {n}
math. cyclotomic polynomialKreisteilungspolynom {n}
math. cyclotomic polynomialzyklotomisches Polynom {n}
math. Fibonacci polynomialFibonacci-Polynom {n}
math. Gegenbauer polynomialGegenbauer-Polynom {n}
math. Hahn polynomialHahn-Polynom {n}
math. phys. Hermite polynomialhermitesches Polynom {n}
math. Hilbert polynomialHilbert-Polynom {n}
math. Hilbert polynomialHilbertpolynom {n}
math. homogeneous polynomialhomogenes Polynom {n}
math. Hurwitz polynomialHurwitzpolynom {n} [auch: Hurwitz-Polynom]
math. irreducible polynomialirreduzibles Polynom {n}
math. Jacobi polynomialJacobi-Polynom {n}
math. Jones polynomialJones-Polynom {n}
math. Lagrange polynomialLagrange-Polynom {n}
math. Laguerre polynomialLaguerre-Polynom {n}
math. Laurent polynomialLaurent-Polynom {n}
math. Legendre polynomialLegendre-Polynom {n} [auch: Legendrepolynom]
math. minimum polynomialMinimalpolynom {n}
math. monic polynomialnormiertes Polynom {n}
math. orthogonal polynomialOrthogonalpolynom {n}
math. polynomial (function)ganzrationale Funktion {f}
math. polynomial convexityPolynomialkonvexität {f}
math. polynomial convexityPolynomkonvexität {f}
math. polynomial discriminantDiskriminante {f} eines Polynoms
math. polynomial divisionPolynomdivision {f}
math. polynomial equationPolynomgleichung {f}
math. polynomial functionPolynomfunktion {f}
math. polynomial interpolationPolynominterpolation {f}
math. polynomial matrixpolynomiale Matrix {f}
math. polynomial matrixpolynomiale Matrize {f}
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