| English | German | |
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SEE ALSO elektronenzyklotronresonanzheizung |
| phys. electron cyclotron resonance heating <ECRH, ECR heating> | Elektronen-Zyklotron-Resonanz-Heizung {f} <ECRH, EZR-Heizung> | |
Partial Matches |
| phys. electron cyclotron resonance <ECR> | Elektron-Zyklotron-Resonanz {f} <EZR> | |
| phys. ion cyclotron resonance <ICR> | Ionen-Zyklotron-Resonanz {f} <IZR> | |
| phys. electron cyclotron resonance heating <ECRH, ECR heating> | Elektron-Zyklotron-Resonanzheizung {f} <EZR-Heizung> | |
| phys. ion cyclotron resonance heating <ICRH, ICR heating> | Ionen-Zyklotron-Resonanzheizung {f} <IZR-Heizung> | |
| phys. delta resonance <Δ resonance> [delta baryon] | Delta-Resonanz {f} <Δ-Resonanz> [Delta-Baryon] | |
| phys. cyclotron | Zyklotron {n} | |
| phys. electrons | Elektronen {pl} | |
| spec. electron cryomicroscopy <cryo-EM> | Elektronen-Kryomikroskopie {f} | |
| chem. 18-electron rule | 18-Elektronen-Regel {f} | |
| chem. eight-electron rule | Acht-Elektronen-Regel {f} | |
| chem. octet rule [eight electron rule] | Acht-Elektronen-Regel {f} | |
| nucl. phys. electron bombardment | Beschuss {m} mit Elektronen | |
| MedTech. phys. Auger electron spectroscopy <AES> | Auger-Elektronen-Spektroskopie {f} <AES> | |
| phys. electron-hole plasma | Elektronen-Loch-Plasma {n} [Elektronenlochplasma] | |
| tech. free-electron laser <FEL> | Freie-Elektronen-Laser {m} <FEL> | |
| phys. nearly free electron model | Modell {n} der quasifreien Elektronen | |
| phys. low-energy electron diffraction <LEED> | Beugung {f} niederenergetischer Elektronen [an Oberflächen] | |
| firing | Heizung {f} | |
| heating | Heizung {f} | |
| radiator | Heizung {f} | |
| electr. dielectric heating | dielektrische Heizung {f} | |
| filament heating | elektrische Heizung {f} | |
| tech. oil-fired heating | ölgefeuerte Heizung {f} | |
| constr. hist. hypocaust heating [of the Romans] | römische Heizung {f} | |
| economical heating | sparsame Heizung {f} | |
| chem. phys. electron-donor-acceptor complex <EDAC> [also: electron donor acceptor complex] | Elektronen-Donator-Akzeptor-Komplex {m} [Charge-Transfer-Komplex] | |
| feedback | Resonanz {f} | |
| audio resonance | Resonanz {f} | |
| syntony | Resonanz {f} | |
| vibrancy | Resonanz {f} | |
| heater | Heizung {f} [ugs.] [Heizkörper] | |
| for home heating use {adv} | zur häuslichen Heizung | |
| to have the / one's heating on | die Heizung anhaben | |
| to turn down the heating | die Heizung herunterdrehen | |
| to turn up the heating | die Heizung hochdrehen | |
| tech. geothermal heating | Geothermieheizung / Geothermie-Heizung {f} | |
| response [feedback] | Resonanz {f} [fig.] | |
| chem. mesomerism | Resonanz {f} [Mesomerie] | |
| astron. phys. Lindblad resonance [rare: Lindblad's resonance] | Lindblad-Resonanz {f} | |
| phys. Mie resonance | Mie-Resonanz {f} | |
| phys. parametric resonance | parametrische Resonanz {f} | |
| faint response | schwache Resonanz {f} | |
| poor feedback | schwache Resonanz {f} | |
| strong response | starke Resonanz {f} | |
| phys. electron cyclotron resonance heating <ECRH, ECR heating> | Elektronenzyklotronresonanzheizung {f} <ECRH, EZR-Heizung> | |
| electr. MedTech. filament | Heizung {f} [Heizdraht, bei Röhren] | |
| phys. ion cyclotron resonance heating <ICRH, ICR heating> | Ionenzyklotronresonanzheizung {f} <ICRH, IZR-Heizung> | |
| constr. plumbing, heating, and air conditioning | Sanitär, Heizung, Klima <SHK> | |
| constr. plumbing, heating, and cooling | Sanitär, Heizung, Klima <SHK> | |
| to turn down the heating | die Heizung runterdrehen [ugs.] | |
| heating, ventilation, air conditioning <HVAC> | Heizung, Lüftung, Klima <HLK> | |
| constr. combined heating and hot water supply system | kombinierte Heizung {f} und Warmwasserversorgung | |
| phys. nuclear magnetic resonance <NMR> | kernmagnetische Resonanz {f} <KMR> | |
| MedTech. phys. magnetic resonance <MR> | magnetische Resonanz {f} <MR> | |
| electr. engin. LC tank circuit | LC-Resonanz-Schwingkreis {m} | |
| four-quark resonance | Vier-Quark-Resonanz {f} | |
| phys. Helmholtz resonance | Helmholtz-Resonanz {f} [auch: Helmholtzresonanz] | |
| MedTech. phys. nuclear magnetic resonance <NMR> | Nuklear-Magnet-Resonanz {f} <NMR> | |
| to meet with a positive response | auf positive Resonanz stoßen | |
| audio ling. phonet. cul-de-sac resonance | Cul-de-Sac-Resonanz {f} | |
| phys. continuum resonance Raman scattering <CRRS> | Kontinuum-Resonanz-Raman-Streuung {f} | |
| biotech. surface plasmon resonance <SPR> spectroscopy | Oberflächen-Plasmon-Resonanz Spektroskopie {f} | |
| biochem. med. fluorescence resonance energy transfer <FRET> | Fluoreszenz-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer {m} <FRET> | |
| biochem. Förster (fluorescence) resonance energy transfer <FRET> | Förster-Resonanz-Energie-Transfer {m} <FRET> | |
| to get a positive response from sb. | bei jdm. auf positive Resonanz stoßen | |
| med. MedTech. phys. cryo-electron tomography <cryo-ET> | Kryo-Elektronen-Tomografie {f} <Kryo-ET> | |
| med. MedTech. phys. cryo-electron tomography <cryo-ET> | Kryo-Elektronen-Tomographie {f} <Kryo-ET> | |
| phys. resonance Raman spectroscopy <RRS, RR spectroscopy> | Resonanz-Raman-Spektroskopie {f} <RRS, RR-Spektroskopie> | |
| phys. resonance Raman scattering <RR scattering> | Resonanz-Raman-Streuung {f} <RR-Streuung> | |
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