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English-German translation for: Emotions
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Dictionary English German: Emotions

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NOUN   an emotion | emotions
Gefühle {pl}
Empfindungen {pl}
Emotionen {pl}
emotionsAffekte {pl}
emotionsErgriffenheiten {pl}
emotionsErregungen {pl}
psych. emotionsLeidenschaften {pl} [Affekte]
2 Words: Verbs
Unverified to enchain sb.'s emotions [idiom]jdn. faszinieren
2 Words: Nouns
conflicting emotionswiderstrebende Gefühle {pl}
conflicting emotionswiderstreitende Gefühle {pl}
Emotions Anonymous <EA>Emotions Anonymous {pl} <EA>
grand emotionsgroße Gefühle {pl}
intense emotionsstarke Gefühle {pl}
mixed emotionsgemischte Gefühle {pl}
shallow emotions {pl}oberflächliche Gefühle {pl}
3 Words: Others
overcome by emotions {adj} [postpos.]von Gefühlen überwältigt
3 Words: Verbs
psych. to appeal to emotionsGefühle ansprechen
to control one's emotionsseine Emotionen in Schach halten
to deal with sb.'s emotionsmit jds. Gefühlen umgehen
to dissemble one's emotionsandere Gefühle vortäuschen
to dissemble one's emotionsseine Gefühle vertuschen
idiom to play on sb.'s emotions [coll.]auf die Gefühlstube drücken [ugs.] [hum.]
to quiver with emotionsvor Aufregung zittern
to vent one's emotions [idiom]seinen Gefühlen freien Lauf lassen [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
control of emotionsEmotionskontrolle {f}
psych. detachment of emotionsAbspaltung {f} von Gefühlen
outburst of emotionsAusbruch {m} der Emotionen
pent-up emotionsaufgestaute Gefühle {pl}
psych. world of emotionsGefühlswelt {f}
wrought-up emotionserhitzte Emotionen {pl}
4 Words: Others
powered / driven by emotions {adj} [postpos.]von Gefühlen angetrieben
4 Words: Verbs
to appeal to the emotionsdie Emotionen anheizen
to yield to one's emotionsseinen Gefühlen nachgeben
4 Words: Nouns
a vortex of emotions [fig.]ein Strudel {m} von Gefühlen [fig.]
roller coaster of emotions [fig.]Berg-und-Tal-Fahrt {f} der Emotionen [fig.]
roller-coaster of emotionsWechselbad {n} der Gefühle
wallowing in one's emotionsGefühlsschwelgerei {f}
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A 2016-12-06: resonance ... 1.1 The power to evoke enduring images, memories, and emotions
A 2014-11-18: insight into each other's emotions
Q 2014-04-23: Never rely on other people for your positive emotions!
A 2013-12-11: relying on / driven by reason rather than emotions
Q 2012-07-23: to be run by emotions
A 2012-03-31: economy of emotions
A 2012-03-31: economization of emotions
A 2011-07-19: There's no place for emotions or pride here...
Q 2011-05-08: Incidental Emotions - wie übersetzen?
Q 2011-01-21: upwelling of emotions
A 2010-02-09: +affect+ is quite neutral; equally neutral: had emotions that influenced h...
A 2010-02-09: emotions that were reflected in his game
A 2010-02-09: Boris was a sensitive human with emotions which affected his game
Q 2010-01-01: Emotions pouring
A 2009-08-10: The original saying is 'Life is a roller coaster of emotions, and I'm not ...
A 2009-08-02: i categorised those emotions. there weren't all that many of them. it all ...
A 2008-09-05: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22gamut+of+emotions%22&btnG=Suche&meta=
A 2008-07-29: emotions are a mine field
Q 2008-03-05: to show and share emotions
A 2007-08-19: or: control of emotions ?

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