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English-German translation for: Facial
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Dictionary English German: Facial

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ADJ   facial | more facial | most facial
NOUN   a facial | facials
SYNO   facial | facial nerve ... 
facial {adj}
anat. facial {adj} [concerning the face]
facial {adj}im Gesicht [nachgestellt]
cosmet. facialkosmetische Gesichtsbehandlung {f}
film facial [vulgar for: ejaculation on the face of a person]Gesichtsbesamung {f} [vulg.]
2 Words: Nouns
(facial) expressionGschau {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [Gesichtsausdruck]
cosmet. facial (treatment)Gesichtsbehandlung {f}
anat. facial angleGesichtswinkel {m}
anat. facial artery <FA> [Arteria facialis]Gesichtsarterie {f}
anat. facial artery <FA> [Arteria facialis]Gesichtsschlagader {f}
med. facial asymmetryGesichtsasymmetrie {f}
med. facial atrophyGesichtsatrophie {f}
anat. facial boneGesichtsknochen {m}
anat. med. facial bonesGesichtsknochen {pl}
anat. med. facial bones {pl} [viscerocranium]Gesichtsschädel {m}
med. facial burnGesichtsverbrennung {f}
anat. facial canal [Canalis facialis]Fazialiskanal {m}
cosmet. facial careGesichtspflege {f}
anat. facial characteristicsGesichtszüge {pl}
cosmet. facial cleaningGesichtsreinigung {f}
cosmet. facial cleanserGesichtsreiniger {m}
cosmet. facial cleansingGesichtsreinigung {f}
facial cleftGesichtsspalte {f}
facial color [Am.]Gesichtsfarbe {f}
facial colour [Br.]Gesichtsfarbe {f}
law facial compositePhantombild {n}
anat. facial contourGesichtskontur {f}
dent. med. facial crookednessGesichtsschiefe {f}
med. facial cutSchnittwunde {f} im Gesicht
med. facial dimensionGesichtsdimension {f}
anat. orn. facial discGesichtsschleier {m} [bei Eulen]
med. facial dysmorphia <FD>Gesichtsdysmorphie {f}
med. facial erysipelasGesichtsrose {f}
facial expressionGemütsausdruck {m}
facial expressionGesichtsausdruck {m}
facial expressionGesichtsmimik {f}
facial expressionMiene {f}
facial expressionMimik {f}
facial expressionsGesichtsausdrücke {pl}
facial expressions {pl}Mimik {f}
facial featureGesichtszug {m}
anat. med. facial featuresGesichtsakren {pl}
biol. facial featuresGesichtszüge {pl}
med. facial functionFazialisfunktion {f}
facial hairBartwuchs {m} [bes. weiblicher]
facial hairGesichtsbehaarung {f}
facial hair [of a woman]Damenbart {m}
facial hair [single hair]Gesichtshaar {n}
facial hair {sg}Gesichtshaare {pl}
facial identityGesichtsidentität {f}
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Q 2018-03-03: enlarged facial features
Q 2016-07-13: facial forensic examiner
A 2015-11-13: Ich beziehe mich auf Jim46 ... just as there are many with facial expressions.
A 2012-06-13: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=facial+cleansing+tissues&bav=on.2,o...
A 2012-06-13: In that case I'd use "pre-treated facial cleansing cloths"
A 2012-06-13: Facial tissues with lifting and smoothing agents for care of mature skin.
A 2011-09-15: nö .... http://www.livestrong.com/article/156836-facial-muscles-tension-ex...
A 2011-03-17: paste (the lotion) onto your facial skin
A 2009-04-20: fascinating facial expressiveness
A 2008-10-27: facial maxillary sinus wall
A 2008-10-20: facial hair (usually hair on the chin or on the nose)
A 2008-08-08: his facial expression turned to/became one of confusion
A 2008-06-16: ? by gently raising facial hair
A 2008-04-09: which is a facial massage basically?
A 2008-04-09: it probably means face/facial massage
A 2008-03-02: going a bit far, I think...they dont mean facial cancer, just the pockmark...
A 2008-03-02: result in facial disfigurement
A 2007-11-25: cold facial masks http://www.proz.com/kudoz/1670620
A 2007-06-21: firms facial contours
A 2007-03-03: they have both of it (the dance-thing and the facial expression)

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