| English | German | |
| electr. RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | Horizontal-Synchronimpuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| electr. RadioTV horizontal sync pulse <HSYNC / H SYNC / H-sync / H-Sync pulse> | horizontaler Synchronisationspuls {m} <HSYNC / H-Sync Puls> | |
| electr. RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | Vertikal-Synchronimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
| electr. RadioTV vertical sync pulse <VSYNC / V SYNC / V-sync / V-Sync pulse> | vertikaler Synchronisationsimpuls {m} <VSYNC / V-Sync Puls> | |
Partial Matches |
| telecom. h-sync signal | HSync-Signal {n} [horizontale Synchronisation] | |
| tech. telecom. sync pulse | Spaltimpuls {m} | |
| tech. telecom. sync pulse | Sync-Puls {m} | |
| tech. telecom. sync pulse | Syncpuls {m} | |
| phys. unit British thermal unit per hour <BTU/h, Btu/h> | [Maßeinheit der Leistung im englischsprachigen Raum; ca. 0,293 W] | |
| shipping and handling {sg} <S/H, S&H> | Versandkosten {pl} <VK> | |
| econ. Heckscher-Ohlin theory <HOT, H-O-T, HO theory, H-O theory> | Faktorproportionentheorie {f} | |
| comm. costs for shipping and handling <S/H costs, S&H costs> | Kosten {pl} für Versand und Bearbeitung | |
| electr. two-pulse {adj} [attr.] <2-pulse> | Zweipuls- <2-Puls-> | |
| electr. high-voltage pulse <HV pulse> | Hochspannungsimpuls {m} | |
| electr. sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit> | Abtasthalteschaltung {f} | |
| electr. sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit> | Momentanwertabtastung {f} [S&H-Schaltung] | |
| electr. sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit> | Sample-and-Hold-Schaltung {f} <S & H-Schaltung, S-&-H-Schaltung, S/H-Schaltung> | |
| comm. shipping and handling charges <S/H charges, S&H charges> | Versand- und Bearbeitungskosten {pl} | |
| electr. telecom. lazy Henry <lazy H, Lazy-H> [antenna type] | Fauler Heinrich {m} [auch: Lazy-H] [Antennentyp] | |
| film sync | Synchronisation {f} | |
| sync | Übereinstimmung {f} | |
| unit horse power <HP, H.P., hp, h.p.> | Pferdestärke {f} <PS> | |
| phys. hole-hole-electron process <h-h-e process> | Loch-Loch-Elektron-Prozess {m} <h-h-e-Prozess> | |
| film in sync | lippensynchron | |
| tech. in sync {adj} {adv} | synchron | |
| mus. to lip-sync | lippensynchron singen | |
| photo. flash sync | Blitzsynchronisation {f} | |
| photo. flash sync | Synchronblitz {m} | |
| RadioTV lip-sync | Lippensynchronisation {f} | |
| film lip-sync | Lippensynchronität {f} | |
| telecom. sync signal | S-Signal {n} [Synchronisationssignal bzw. Synchronsignal] | |
| telecom. sync signal | Sync-Signal {n} [Synchronisationssignal] | |
| telecom. sync signal | Synchronisationssignal {n} | |
| to sync [coll.] [to synchronise] | synchronisieren | |
| idiom out of sync {adv} | nicht im Gleichklang | |
| film out of sync | nicht lippensynchron | |
| out of sync {adj} | nicht synchron | |
| telecom. v-sync signal | VSync-Signal {n} [vertikale Synchronisierung] | |
| audio film lip-sync [lip-synching] | Lip Sync {n} [kurz für: Lip Synchronisation] [lippensynchroner Ton] | |
| to act in sync [Am.] [sl.] | abgestimmt handeln | |
| to be out of sync [coll.] | nicht harmonieren | |
| unit horsepower {pl} <HP, H.P., hp, h.p.> | Pferdestärken {pl} <PS> | |
| unit horsepower <HP, H.P., hp, h.p.> | Pferdestärke {f} <PS> | |
| to be out of sync with sb./sth. [regarding efforts, ideas etc.] | nicht konform sein mit jdm./etw. | |
| ling. print h [letter] | h {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling. print H [letter] | H {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| drugs H [sl.] | Heroin {n} | |
| meteo. hail <h> | Hagel {m} | |
| chem. phys. helion <h> | Helion {n} <h> | |
| electr. unit henry <H> | Henry {n} <H> | |
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