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English-German translation for: HIS
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Dictionary English German: HIS

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PRON  he | him | his ... 
his {pron} [determiner]
his {pron} [possessive]
his {pron} [possessive]
sein [poetisch / veraltet]
his {pron} [determiner] [female or plural object]
his {pron}
his {pron}die Seinen {pl}
his {pron}die seinen {pl}
his {pron}die Seinigen {pl}
his {pron}die seinigen {pl}
his {pron}der / die / das Seine
his {pron}der / die / das seine
his {pron}der / die / das Seinige
his {pron}der / die / das seinige
biochem. histidine <His, H> [C6H9N3O2]
Histidin {n} <His, H>
MedTech. HIS [hospital information system]KIS {n} [Krankenhausinformationssystem]
2 Words: Others
His Accidency [Am.] [ironic nickname][durch Tod des Vorgesetzten an dessen Stelle gerückt]
his equals {pron}seinesgleichen
his kind {pron}seinesgleichen
his peers {pron}seinesgleichen
2 Words: Nouns
his beloved [female]seine Geliebte {f}
His EminenceSeine Eminenz {f}
his familydie Seinigen {pl}
his family [treated as sg. or pl.]die Seinen {pl} [geh.] [veraltend] [seine Familie, seine Angehörigen]
his girlfriendseine Freundin {f}
relig. His Holiness <HH>Seine Heiligkeit {f}
law His Honour [Br.] [title]Vorsitzender Richter {m} [seltener, nicht fachspr.: vorsitzender Richter]
His Majesty <HM>Seine Majestät {f} <S. M.>
his nabs {sg} [hum.]seine Gnaden {m} [meist ironisch]
his nibs {sg} [hum.]seine Gnaden {m} [ironisch]
his schooldaysseine Schuljahre {pl}
3 Words: Others
... and his Jane [coll.] [often pej.] [said of a male person, referring to his girlfriend/wife]... und seine Tusnelda [hum.] [oft pej.]
after his behaviour [Br.]nach seinem Benehmen zu schließen
among his books {adv}unter seinen Büchern
among his qualities {adv}unter seinen Qualitäten
among his sons {adv}unter seinen Söhnen
as his successorals seinen Nachfolger
Ask his advice!Bitte um seinen Rat!
Ask his advice!Bitte ihn um seinen Rat!
Ask his name!Bitte ihn um seinen Namen!
at his age {adv}in seinem Alter
at his back {adv}hinter ihm
at his bedside {adv}an seinem Bett
at his behest {adv}auf sein Geheiß [geh.]
at his bid {adv}auf sein Geheiß [geh.]
at his bidding {adv}auf sein Bitten
at his birth {adv}bei seiner Geburt
at his charge {adv}auf seine Kosten
at his command {adv}auf sein Geheiß (hin) [geh.]
at his command {adv}auf seine Anweisung (hin)
at his command {adv}auf seinen Befehl (hin)
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A 2024-12-06: Right, Fleischhauer is entertaining. A couple of years ago, he left "DER S...
A 2024-09-10: the constitution is (always) my/her/his guiding principle, to be (strict...
A 2024-06-26: Ask Paul, it's his entry.
Q 2024-01-04: His birthday is
A 2023-11-22: I see that reverso has abandoned or lost his account
A 2023-11-11: It seems to be his favorite pastime ;-)
A 2023-10-17: his / her
A 2023-08-20: The phonetician Daniel Jones and his book
A 2023-08-18: the Queen in "Alice in Wonderland" : "Off with her / his / their head!"
Q 2023-04-19: Elon Musk used quite the exotic word in his latest interview: "speciesist"
A 2023-03-26: As John247 registered only yesterday and this was his first question/activ...
A 2022-12-29: When he learnt that I was living in Mainz, he shared some of his memories ...
A 2022-08-15: Love transcends him as a subject, love lies rather in his work for the cre...
A 2022-07-13: Vorschlag: By virtue of his managerial authority the employer may stipula...
A 2022-07-12: his coming / arrival / etc. spells (impending) evil / doom / gloom
Q 2022-05-05: What could "his No. 2" be?
A 2021-12-10: beat someone at his or her own game
A 2021-05-31: earnestly, with all his heart
A 2021-04-24: his mobility was reset / restored with the help of crutch support
A 2021-03-29: To reattach his nose to his face

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