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English-German translation for: I-V
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Dictionary English German: I V

Translation 1 - 10 of 10


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MedTech. I.V. poleInfusionsbaum {m}
MedTech. I.V. poleInfusionsständer {m}
I.V. standTropfständer {m} [ugs.]
med. intravenous infusion <i.v. inf., IV infusion>intravenöse Infusion {f} <i.v.-inf, IV-Infusion>
med. intravenous injection <IV injection, i.v. injection>intravenöse Injektion {f} <i.v.-Injektion>
med. intravenous injections <IV injections, i.v. injections>intravenöse Injektionen {pl} <i.v.-Injektionen>
MedTech. intravenous pole <IV pole, I.V. pole>Infusionsständer {m}
Keywords contained
electr. current-voltage characteristic <I-V curve>Strom-Spannungs-Kennlinie {f}
MedTech. safety intravenous cannula <safety I.V. cannula, safety IV cannula>Sicherheitsinjektionskanüle {f}
MedTech. wall-mounted I.V. / IV bottle holderInfusionsarm {m} mit Wandhalterung
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A 2023-04-25: I voted "Delete".
A 2023-04-24: T r i v i a https://transblawg.co.uk/
A 2021-03-01: Eine Stelle bei V. Woolf (Orlando), die ich nicht vergessen habe und immer...
A 2019-07-25: Me, too. I voted on it.
A 2019-02-05: *H i l f e !* Wo sind denn unsere *n a t i v e E n g l i s h s p e a k...
A 2018-05-23: I voted "Delete" on all of them. No sources. These were from the very begi...
A 2018-02-22: 14 GHits: Pons exklusiv plus ein paar türkische Abschreiber. I voted Delete.
A 2017-09-14: I won't endorse any, but neither will I vote to delete given your wishes
A 2017-09-13: E x p l e t i v e https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/expletive
A 2017-03-29: I voted "delete".
A 2015-07-01: I just remebered the 90's when I visited Texas the last time
A 2015-04-05: 11:04 - I ventured the remark that +limpet+ - apart from +Sesselkleber+ - ...
A 2015-04-02: So I virtually had no choice but to give a modest sum in order to back you...
A 2015-04-01: Yes, I voted delete .....
A 2015-03-30: I vaguely remember being told it should be hyphenated
A 2013-10-28: I vote emphatically for including such grammatical information everywhere!
A 2012-12-01: Thank you all - I very much like "wine merchant licence" and will use that.
A 2011-07-19: I vote for...
A 2011-06-16: I vote for "basic research".
A 2011-05-20: I vote for #3

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