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English-German translation for: Institute
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Dictionary English German: Institute

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NOUN   an institute | institutes
VERB  to institute | instituted | instituted ... 
SYNO   to bring | to institute | to constitute ... 
NOUN   das Institut | die Institute
to institute sth.
etw. einrichten [gründen, bilden, errichten]
to institute
relig. to institute sb. [install sb., esp. as a cleric]
jdn. einsetzen [in ein Amt, bes. als Priester]
to institute
einführen [einrichten, gründen]
to institute
to institute
stiften [einsetzen]
to institute
to institute sth.etw.Akk. in Gang setzen [Redewendung]
Institut {n}
Anstalt {f}
Einrichtung {f}
2 Words: Verbs
law to institute proceedingsKlage einreichen
2 Words: Nouns
agrochemical instituteagrochemisches Institut {n} [z. B. in der früheren DDR]
libr. archival instituteArchivinstitut {n}
cosmet. med. beauty instituteSchönheitsinstitut {n}
biochemical institutebiochemisches Institut {n}
acad. bot. botanical institute <BI>botanisches Institut {n}
central instituteZentralinstitut {n}
certification instituteZertifizierungsinstitut {n}
credit instituteKreditanstalt {f}
cultural instituteKulturinstitut {n}
education instituteBildungseinrichtung {f}
educ. educational instituteBildungsinstitut {n}
educ. sociol. educational institutepädagogische Einrichtung {f}
Federal InstituteBundesanstalt {f}
film film instituteFilminstitut {n}
financial instituteGeldinstitut {n}
foreign instituteAuslandsinstitut {n}
Goethe InstituteGoethe-Institut {n}
acad. libr. institute libraryInstitutsbibliothek {f}
acad. institute structuresInstitutsstrukturen {pl}
acad. interfaculty instituteinterfakultäres Institut {n}
lending instituteGeldinstitut {n}
measuring instituteMessinstitut {n}
meteo. meteorological instituteWetteramt {n}
ecol. orn. ornithological instituteVogelschutzwarte {f}
ornithological instituteVogelwarte {f}
Panum Institute [Copenhagen]Panum-Institut {n} [benannt nach Peter Ludvig Panum]
parent instituteMutterinstitut {n}
acad. partner institutePartnerinstitut {n}
polling instituteMeinungsforschungsinstitut {n}
educ. polytechnic institutepolytechnische Lehranstalt {f}
hist. pol. Reich InstituteReichsanstalt {f}
relig. religious instituteOrdensinstitut {n}
research instituteForschungsanstalt {f}
research instituteForschungseinrichtung {f}
research instituteForschungsinstitut {n}
acad. educ. research instituteForschungsstätte {f}
research instituteVersuchsanstalt {f}
relig. secular instituteSäkularinstitut {n}
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A 2024-01-04: National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce
A 2021-01-23: Agree with the conclusions. The Hamburg Institute barked up the wrong tree...
A 2019-02-10: Image: https://www.ssmhealth.com/cardinal-glennon/fetal-care-institute/abd...
A 2015-10-19: +dafür+ >>> For the third time running, our institute has therefore been a...
A 2015-10-19: For the third time running, our institute has been awarded this special ce...
A 2015-10-19: Right from the outset, specialist training has taken place at the research...
A 2014-11-19: Another LINK, another sense https://marble-institute.com/consumers/gloss...
A 2014-04-09: A XXX delegation visiting our research institute
A 2013-04-07: Der Duden übernimmt seit der 24. Aufl. (2006) alle Empfehlungen der Instit...
A 2012-06-18: Deputy head is usually associated with schools - an institute may or may n...
A 2012-03-22: Joanne is right (16:53) - cf. IMI / THE INSTITUTE OF THE MOTOR INDUSTRY
A 2011-12-02: Using the Fraunhofer-Institute as an Example, a Concept for Online-Marketi...
Q 2011-10-05: customary credit registration institutions ? Institute zur Bonitätsprüfung...
Q 2011-10-04: customary credit registration institutions ? Institute zur Bonitätsprüfung...
A 2011-07-20: der in der SOP-Bilanz (Rechnungslegungsstandard geringerer Verbindlichkeit...
Q 2011-06-01: Sehr eilig: a policy institute
A 2011-02-05: nursery school paedagogical institute
A 2011-01-23: American Petroleum Institute
A 2010-09-22: Wallstreet Institute - oder doch eine andere Sprachenschule
A 2010-09-22: Schlechte Erfahrungen im Internet bei Wallstreet Institute

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