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English-German translation for: K's
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Dictionary English German: K's

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yesterweek's {adj} [archaic]letztwöchig
2 Words: Others
last week's {adj} [attr.]letztwöchig
this week's {adj} [attr.]dieswöchige
2 Words: Nouns
med. Ahlbaeck's diseaseMorbus Ahlbäck {m} [auch: Morbus Ahlbaeck]
med. psych. Beck's triadBeck'sche Triade {f}
med. Beck's triad [cardiology]Beck-Trias {f} [Kardiologie]
anat. Bochdalek's gap [Trigonum lumbocostale (diaphragmatis)]Bochdalek-Lücke {f}
book's contentBuchinhalt {m}
anat. biol. Buck's fascia [Fascia penis profunda]Buck-Faszie {f}
anat. biol. Buck's fascia [Fascia penis profunda]Buck'sche Faszie {f}
buck's night [Aus.] [coll.]Junggesellenabschied {m}
buck's party [Aus.] [coll.]Junggesellenabschied {m} <JGA>
buck's party [Aus.] [coll.]letzter Abend {m} in Freiheit [ugs.] [Junggesellenabschied]
med. Chaddock's reflex [also: Chadock reflex]Chaddock-Reflex {m}
med. Chadwick's sign [also: Chadwick sign]Chadwick-Zeichen {n}
med. Chvostek's sign <CS> [also: Chvostek sign]Chvostek-Zeichen {n}
cock's combHahnenkamm {m}
orn. cock's featherHahnenfeder {f}
gastr. jobs cook's assistantHilfskoch {m}
gastr. cook's knifeKochmesser {n}
cook's mateKüchenhilfe {f}
cook's room [dated]Küche {f}
math. Cook's theoremSatz {m} von Cook
med. Czermak's testCzermak-Versuch {m}
cosmet. duck's ass <D.A.> [Am.] [also duck's tail or ducktail] [haircut style]Entenschwanzfrisur {f}
duck's billEntenschnabel {m}
gastr. orn. duck's eggEntenei {n}
biol. Elek's testElek-Test {m}
phys. Fick's lawFick-Gesetz {n} [Fick'sches Gesetz]
med. Fick's signFick'sches Zeichen {n}
med. Frank's sign [also: Frank sign] [a diagonal ear lobe crease]Frank-Zeichen {n}
zool. Hancock's organHancock'sches Organ {n}
math. Harnack's inequalityHarnack-Ungleichung {f}
math. Harnack's principle [also: Harnack principle]Harnack'sches Prinzip {n}
math. Harnack's theorem [also: theorem of Harnack]Satz {m} von Harnack
med. Hatchcock's sign [also: Hatchcock sign]Hatchcock-Zeichen {n}
med. MedTech. Haudek's nicheHaudek-Nische {f} [auch: Haudek'sche Nische]
hawk's eyes [fig.]Adleraugen {pl} [fig.]
mineral. hawk's-eye [gemstone]Falkenauge {n} [Schmuckstein]
dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease]Heck-Krankheit {f} [fokale epitheliale Hyperplasie]
dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease]Heck'sche Krankheit {f}
dent. med. Heck's disease [also: Heck disease]hecksche Krankheit {f} [Morbus Heck]
med. Jack's test [also: Jack test] [podology]Jack-Test {m} [Podologie]
med. Jellinek's sign [also: Jellinek sign]Jellinek-Zeichen {n}
med. Kienböck's phenomenon <K.'s phenomenon> [paradoxical diaphragm phenomenon]Kienböck-Zeichen {n} <K.-Zeichen>
med. Kock pouch <K-pouch>Kock'sche Tasche {f}
med. Koplik's sign [also: Koplik sign] [Koplik spots]Koplik-Zeichen {n} [Koplik-Flecken]
med. Koplik's spots [also: Koplik spots]Koplik-Flecken {pl}
med. Koplik's spots [also: Koplik spots]Koplik-Wangenflecken {pl}
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A 2022-07-20: Acoustically confirming MichaelK's remark
A 2021-10-19: Agree with MK's reference to a person who +ends up+ encountering divine grace
A 2021-03-07: ... and look back at K's first years in office.
A 2021-02-15: Paraphrasing MichaelK's interpretation with reference to my earlier sugges...
A 2020-09-08: ja, MichaelK's "civil" ist besser
A 2020-07-20: +WordReference.com Language Forum+ conffirming MichaelK's suggestion
A 2020-07-10: I generally agree with MichaelK's thoughts for BE, as well,
A 2020-07-01: Expanding on MichaelK's suggestions
Q 2020-04-03: ... the temperance crank's account ...
Q 2020-02-28: Translating a sentence from a bank's regulations.
A 2019-03-04: Corroborating MK's turn of phrase
A 2018-12-30: "Pack's an" ist nicht gleich "so geht's"
A 2018-07-19: Here's a BE vote for MichaelK's answers :-)
A 2017-10-17: MK's suggestion seems to be spot on
A 2017-08-17: Black's LINK
A 2017-06-02: Alex-k's explanation isn't quite right.
A 2017-01-25: Word of warning! If you compare the images, MichaelK's suggestion could no...
A 2016-10-30: Huck's father was made of sterner stuff, wasn't he?
A 2016-03-22: Thank's a lot!
Q 2016-03-17: Happy St. Patrick's Day

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