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English-German translation for: LC mortality
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: LC mortality

Translation 1 - 50 of 173  >>

Keywords contained
med. lung cancer mortality <LC mortality>Lungenkrebsmortalität {f}
Partial Matches
med. breast cancer mortality <BC mortality>Brustkrebsmortalität {f}
electr. engin. LC circuitLC-Schwingkreis {m}
med. laryngeal cancer <LC>Larynxkarzinom {n}
tech. transp. lashing capacity <LC>aufnehmbare Kraft {f}
phys. transp. lashing capacity <LC>Zurrkraft {f}
chem. ecol. pharm. lethal concentration <LC>letale Konzentration {f}
chem. ecol. pharm. lethal concentration <LC>Letalkonzentration {f}
med. leukocyte count <LC>Leukozytenzählung {f}
econ. liaison committee <LC>Verbindungsausschuss {m} <VA>
biochem. light chain <LC>Leichtkette {f}
chem. tech. liquid chromatography <LC>Flüssigchromatografie {f}
chem. tech. liquid chromatography <LC>Flüssigkeitschromatografie {f}
chem. liquid chromatography <LC>Flüssigkeitschromatographie {f}
phys. liquid crystal <LC>Flüssigkristall {m}
med. liver cirrhosis <LC>Leberzirrhose {f} <LZ>
audio low channel <LC>Tieftonkanal {m}
geogr. Saint Lucia <.lc>Saint Lucia {n}
geogr. Saint Lucia <.lc>St. Lucia {n}
electr. engin. LC tank circuitLC-Resonanz-Schwingkreis {m}
med. Long Covid {sg} <LC>Corona-Langzeitfolgen {pl} [Long Covid]
med. light-chain <LC> amyloidosisLeichtkettenamyloidose {f}
anat. med. locus coeruleus <LC> [Locus coeruleus]Locus caeruleus {m} <LC>
bot. zool. of least concern {adj} <LC> [postpos]ungefährdet
electr. liquid crystal display <LC display, LCD>LC-Display {n} <LCD>
comm. fin. negotiable letter of credit <netotiable LC / L/C>Negoziierungsakkreditiv {n}
anat. med. locus coeruleus <LC> [Locus coeruleus] [a blue area of the brain stem]Locus coeruleus {m} <LC> [veraltet] [Locus caeruleus] [bläulicher Fleck seitlich im Boden des IV. Ventrikels]
anat. med. locus ceruleus <LC> [Am.] [Locus coeruleus] [a blue area of the brain stem]Locus caeruleus {m} <LC> [bläulicher Fleck seitlich im Boden des IV. Ventrikels]
mortalityEndlichkeit {f} [Sterblichkeit]
med. mortalityLetalität {f}
mortalityMortalität {f}
med. stat. mortalitySterblichkeit {f}
mortalityVergänglichkeit {f} [menschlich]
fin. revolving letter of credit <revolving LC, revolving L/C, RLC>revolvierendes Akkreditiv {n}
med. stat. mortality [rate]Sterblichkeitsrate {f}
stat. mortality {sg}Sterbefälle {pl} [insgesamt]
biol. med. VetMed. adult mortalityAdult-Mortalität {f}
biol. med. VetMed. adult mortalityAdultmortalität {f}
insur. aggregate mortalityGesamtsterblichkeit {f}
med. cancer mortalityKrebsmortalität {f}
child mortalityKindersterblichkeit {f}
ecol. zool. coral mortalityKorallensterblichkeit {f}
med. early mortalityFrühsterblichkeit {f}
zool. egg mortalityEimortalität {f}
zool. egg mortalityEisterblichkeit {f}
sociol. elderly mortalityAlterssterblichkeit {f}
med. zool. embryo mortalityEmbryomortalität {f}
med. zool. embryo mortalityEmbryosterblichkeit {f}
med. VetMed. embryonic mortalityembryonale Sterblichkeit {f}
med. VetMed. embryonic mortalityEmbryonalsterblichkeit {f}
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