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English-German translation for: LCP rupture
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Dictionary English German: LCP rupture

Translation 1 - 50 of 159  >>

Keywords contained
med. posterior cruciate ligament rupture <PCL rupture, LCP rupture>hinterer Kreuzbandriss {m} <HKB-Riss>
Partial Matches
med. anterior cruciate ligament rupture <ACL rupture, LCA rupture>vorderer Kreuzbandriss {m} <VKB-Riss>
med. rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament <ACL rupture>Ruptur {f} des vorderen Kreuzbandes / Kreuzbands <VKB-Ruptur>
med. anterior cruciate ligament rupture <ACL rupture>vordere Kreuzbandruptur {f} <VKB-Ruptur>
chem. liquid crystal polymer <LCP>Flüssigkristallpolymer {n} <FKP>
anat. posterior cruciate ligament <PCL, LCP> [Ligamentum cruciatum posterius]hinteres Kreuzband {n} <HKB>
to rupturebrechen
to rupturereißen
med. to rupturerupturieren
to rupturezerbrechen
to rupturezerreißen
med. ruptureBruch {m} [Eingeweidebruch]
ruptureEntzweiung {f} [Bruch]
ruptureRiss {m}
med. ruptureRuptur {f}
ruptureZerbersten {n}
to rupture [burst]platzen
tech. rupture [bursting]Bersten {n} [Zerspringen, Zerplatzen]
on rupture {adv}beim Bersten
med. to rupture oneselfsichDat. einen Bruch zuziehen [Eingeweidebruch]
med. abscess ruptureAbszessdurchbruch {m}
med. aneurysm ruptureAneurysmaruptur {f}
med. aneurysmal ruptureAneurysmaruptur {f}
med. aortic ruptureAortenruptur {f} [auch: Aortaruptur]
med. artery ruptureArterienruptur {f}
med. biceps ruptureBizepsruptur {f}
med. biliary ruptureGallenblasenruptur {f}
med. bronchus ruptureBronchusruptur {f}
tech. cable ruptureKabelbruch {m}
med. capsular ruptureKapselriss {m}
med. capsular ruptureKapselruptur {f}
MedTech. catheter ruptureKatheterriss {m}
biol. tech. cell ruptureZellbruch {m}
med. chest ruptureThoraxriss {m}
med. colon ruptureDickdarmruptur {f}
med. corneal ruptureHornhautriss {m}
med. corneal ruptureHornhautruptur {f}
med. cruciate ruptureKreuzbandriss {m}
med. cruciate ruptureKreuzbandruptur {f}
med. cyst ruptureZystenruptur {f}
med. diaphragmatic ruptureZwerchfellriss {m}
med. diaphragmatic ruptureZwerchfellruptur {f}
med. disc ruptureBandscheibenruptur {f}
med. eardrum ruptureTrommelfellruptur {f}
geol. earthquake ruptureErdbebenbruch {m}
med. gallbladder ruptureGallenblasenriss {m}
med. gallbladder ruptureGallenblasenruptur {f}
med. heart ruptureHerzriss {m}
med. heart ruptureHerzruptur {f}
med. hepatic ruptureLeberruptur {f}
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