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English-German translation for: Lebanese pound LBP L
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Dictionary English German: Lebanese pound LBP L

Translation 1 - 50 of 313  >>

curr. Lebanese pound <LBP, L£>Libanesisches Pfund {n} <LBP, L£>
Partial Matches
chem. volume concentration <l/l, L/L, σ>Volumenkonzentration {f} <l/l, σ>
chem. volume fraction <ψ, l/l, L/L>Volumenanteil {m} <ψ, l/l, L/L, Vol.-%>
unit ton <l. t., l. tn., L.T., LT> [Br.] [long ton] [2240 lb]britische Tonne {f} <tn. l.> [ca. 1016,05 kg]
unit liter <l, L, ℓ> [Am.]Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ>
unit litre <l, L, ℓ> [Br.]Liter {m} [auch {n}] <l, L, ℓ>
biochem. L-3,4-dihydroxyphenylalanine <L-DOPA>L-3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanin {n} <L-DOPA>
med. low back pain <LBP> [lumbago]Hexenschuss {m} [ugs.]
chem. volume ratio <l/l, ψ>Volumenverhältnis {n} <l/l, ψ>
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]nach Belieben
pharm. quantum libet {adv} <qu. l.; q. l.; QL> [as much as you please]so viel beliebt
pharm. limulus amebocyte lysate test <LAL test, L.A.L. test>Limulus-Amöbozyten-Lysat-Test {m} <LAL-Test>
Lebanese {adj}libanesisch
ethn. LebaneseLibanese {m}
ethn. Lebanese {pl}Libanesen {pl}
ethn. Lebanese [female]Libanesin {f}
ethn. Lebanese {pl} [female]Libanesinnen {pl}
Lebanese cucumberLandgurke {f}
rail Chicago Elevated <Chicago El, Chicago L, El, L>Chicago-Hochbahn {f} [Hoch- und U-Bahn von Chicago, USA]
unit grams per liter [Am.] <g/l, g/L>Gramm {pl} pro Liter <g/l, g/L>
chem. unit millimoles per liter [Am.] <mmol/l, mmol/L>Millimol {pl} pro Liter <mmol/l, mmol/L>
chem. unit millimoles per litre [Br.] <mmol/l, mmol/L>Millimol {pl} pro Liter <mmol/l, mmol/L>
bot. T
hist. Lebanese Civil War [1975-1990]Libanesischer Bürgerkrieg {m}
profit and loss <P/L, P&L>Gewinn und Verlust <GuV>
naut. length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP>Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL>
biochem. FoodInd. lethality value <L, L-value>Letalitätswert {m} <L, L-Wert>
bot. T
to pound(mehrmals) schlagen
to poundhämmern
to poundpochen
to poundstoßen [zerstoßen]
to poundtrommeln [Herz, Ohren]
to poundzerstampfen
to poundzertrümmern
poundAbstellplatz {m} [für Autos etc.]
curr. pound <£, ₤>Pfund {n} <£, ₤>
hydro. to pound [waves]schlagen [Wellen]
geogr. pound [Aus.]synklinales Becken {n}
unit pound <lb.>Pfund {n} <lb.> [0,45 kg]
gastr. to pound meatFleisch klopfen
hydro. naut. (canal) poundKanalhaltung {f} [nach DIN 4054]
unit avoirdupois poundAvoirdupois-Pfund {n} [0,45359237 kg]
dog poundHundeasyl {n}
dog poundstädtischer Hundezwinger {m}
dog poundTierheim {n} [für Hunde]
forward poundTerminpfund {n}
gastr. pound cakeEischwerkuchen {m}
gastr. pound cakeGleichschwer {m}
gastr. pound cakePfundkuchen {m}
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