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English-German translation for: Mountains
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Dictionary English German: Mountains

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NOUN   a mountain | mountains
geogr. mountains {pl}
Gebirge {n}
Berge {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
to move mountains [fig.] [idiom]Berge versetzen [fig.] [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. Acacus Mountains {pl}Akakus-Gebirge {n}
geogr. Adams MountainsAdams Mountains {pl}
geogr. Admirality MountainsAdmiralitätsberge {pl}
geogr. Ahaggar Mountains {pl}Ahaggar-Gebirge {n}
geogr. Ala MountainsAla-Berge {pl}
geogr. geol. alpine mountains {pl} [never: Alpine ...] [rare]Hochgebirge {n}
geogr. Altai MountainsAltai {m} [Gebirge]
geogr. Altai Mountains {pl}Altaigebirge {n} [Altai]
geogr. Andes MountainsAnden {pl}
geogr. Apennine MountainsApenninen {pl}
geogr. Apennine Mountains {pl}Apennin {m}
geogr. Appalachian MountainsAppalachen {pl}
geogr. Arakan Mountains {pl}Arakan-Joma-Gebirge {n}
geogr. Atlas Mountains {pl}Atlas {m} [Gebirge]
geogr. Atlas Mountains {pl}Atlasgebirge {n}
geogr. Baetic Mountains {pl}Betische Kordillere {f}
geogr. Baikal Mountains {pl}Baikalgebirge {n}
geogr. Balkan Mountains {pl}Balkangebirge {n}
geogr. Banat Mountains {pl}Banater Gebirge {n}
geogr. Barisan Mountains {pl}Barisangebirge {n} [auch: Barisan-Gebirge]
geogr. barren mountains {pl}Kahlgebirge {n}
geogr. Bowers MountainsBowers Mountains {pl}
geogr. Bush MountainsBush Mountains {pl}
geogr. Cantabrian Mountains {pl}Kantabrisches Gebirge {n}
geogr. Caraballo MountainsCaraballo-Berge {pl} [auch: Caraballoberge]
geogr. Cardamom Mountains [Krâvanh Mountains, Chuŏr Phnum Krâvanh]Kardamomgebirge {n} [die Krâvanh-Berge, das Gebirge Chuor Phnum Krâvanh]
geogr. Cardamom Mountains [Krâvanh Mountains]Kardamom-Berge {pl} [Krâvanh-Berge]
geogr. Carpathian MountainsKarpaten {pl}
geogr. Carpathian Mountains {pl}Karpatengebirge {n}
geogr. Cascade Mountains {pl}Kaskadengebirge {n}
geogr. Caucasus Mountains {pl}Kaukasus {m}
geogr. Chartreuse Mountains {pl}Chartreuse {f}
geogr. Churchill MountainsChurchill Mountains {pl}
geogr. coastal mountains {pl}Küstengebirge {n}
geogr. Concord MountainsConcord Mountains {pl}
geogr. Cordillera Mountains {pl}Kordillerengebirge {n} [selten für: Kordilleren]
geogr. Dachstein mountains {pl}Dachsteingebirge {n}
geogr. Duncan MountainsDuncan Mountains {pl}
geogr. Dzhugdzhur Mountains {pl}Dschugdschur {m}
geogr. Dzhugdzhur Mountains {pl}Dschugdschurgebirge {n}
geogr. Ellsworth Mountains {pl}Ellsworthgebirge {n}
geogr. Erz Mountains {pl}Erzgebirge {n}
geogr. Fichtel Mountains {pl}Fichtelgebirge {n}
geol. fold mountains {pl}Faltengebirge {n}
geol. folded mountains {pl}Faltengebirge {n}
geogr. Franconian Mountains {pl}Fränkische Alb {f}
geogr. Freyberg MountainsFreyberg Mountains {pl}
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A 2018-02-11: From https://www.dict.cc/?s=bergen not mountains :-)
Q 2017-09-18: Queue hair pulling and daydreaming about your next trip to the mountains.
A 2016-11-27: Nalick being Californian, she may be equally familiar with San Francisco a...
Q 2015-06-02: Can you move mountains for me?
A 2014-07-01: I'm going to spend my holiday in the mountains.
A 2014-07-01: I'm going to spend my holidays in the mountains.
A 2014-07-01: I am / I'm heading for the mountains
Q 2012-07-15: the valleys are as low as the mountains are high
A 2012-02-26: blue collar work / mountains to deal with
A 2011-03-25: The panther - at home in the mountains.
A 2011-02-03: Also to recommend (hotel and restaurant):15 km away from Frankfurt in Kron...
A 2010-06-30: mountains or climbing mountains
A 2009-11-04: It depends if you think of mountains as part of the name or just a description.
Q 2009-11-04: Northern Vosges mountains
A 2009-10-14: Courage can move mountains.
A 2009-05-02: *BelieF can move mountains* as opposed to *I believe I can move mountains*
A 2009-04-11: We are *always* online, you didn't know that?? ;.)) Have a good time in th...
A 2009-03-05: Above the Centre looms the fortress, silhouetted against a backdrop of sol...
A 2009-02-21: Bergfahrt (hier) ~ Fahren in den Bergen > driving in the mountains / hills...
A 2008-11-24: Nur in den Snowy Mountains

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