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Keywords contained |
| pharm. N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptors <NMDARs> | N-Methyl-D-Aspartat-Rezeptoren {pl} <NMDA-R> | |
| pharm. N-methyl-D-aspartate antagonists <NMDA antagonists> | N-Methyl-D-Aspartat-Antagonisten {pl} <NMDA-Antagonisten> | |
Partial Matches |
| acad. publ. no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.> | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> | |
| acad. libr. publ. Unverified no place, no date {adv} <n.p., n.d.> | ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.> | |
| no date <n.d.> | ohne Datum <o. D.> | |
| acad. publ. no date {adv} <n.d.> [citation] | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> [Literaturangabe] | |
| law nondisclosure agreement <NDA, N.D.A.> | Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung {f} | |
| med. no appreciable disease <n.a.d., NAD> | ohne (krankhaften) Befund <o.B., oB> [Nomenklatur] | |
| relig. Sisters of Our Lady of Zion <N.D.S., NDS> | Schwestern {pl} Unserer Lieben Frau von Sion [Sionsschwestern] <NDS, N.D.S.> | |
| philos. Doctor of Philosophy <DPhil, PhD, DPh, D.Phil., Ph.D., D.Ph.> | Doktor {m} der Philosophie <Dr. phil.> | |
| idiom I don't know the name. <N.N., NN> | nomen nescio <N. N.> | |
| electr. useful signal + noise to noise <(S+N)/N> ratio | Verhältnis {n} von Nutzsignal plus Störgeräusch zum Störgeräusch <(S+N)/N> | |
| chem. amount of substance <n, N, mol> | Molmenge {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge] | |
| chem. amount of substance <n, N, mol> | Molzahl {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge] | |
| math. set of natural numbers <ℕ, N> | Menge {f} der natürlichen Zahlen <ℕ, N> | |
| electr. n-channel / N-channel transistor | n-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m} | |
| not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA> | entfällt [in Formularen] | |
| educ. Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D> | Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.> | |
| acad. art publ. no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place] | sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort] | |
| aspartate | Aspartat {n} | |
| biochem. aspartate concentration | Aspartatkonzentration {f} [auch: Aspartat-Konzentration] | |
| biochem. aspartate kinase | Aspartatkinase {f} | |
| biochem. aspartate residue | Aspartatrest {m} | |
| biochem. aspartate residues | Aspartatreste {pl} | |
| biol. aspartate transaminase | Aspartat-Aminotransferase {f} | |
| chem. zinc aspartate | Zinkaspartat {n} | |
| pissed off {adj} [vulg.] <p.o.'d, po'd > | angepisst [vulg.] | |
| biochem. aspartate carbamoyltransferase <ACT> | Aspartat-Carbamoyl-Transferase {f} <ACT> | |
| biochem. aspartate transaminase <AST> | Aspartattransaminase {f} <AST> | |
| biochem. malate-aspartate shuttle | Malat-Aspartat-Shuttle {n} | |
| electr. D-type flip-flop <D-FF> | D-Flipflop {n} <D-FF> | |
| curr. hist. shield Louis d'or / d'Or | Schild-Louis d'or / d'Or {m} | |
| acad. art publ. no place given {adv} <N.P., n.p.> | ohne Ortsangabe <o. O.> | |
| electr. data flip-flop <D-FF, D-flipflop, D-flip-flop> | Daten-Flipflop {n} <D-FF, D-Flipflop> | |
| biochem. med. aspartate aminotransferase <ASAT, AAT, AST> | Aspartat-Aminotransferase {f} <ASAT, AAT, AST> | |
| phys. down quark <d quark, d> | Down-Quark {n} <d-Quark, d> | |
| econ. design and development <D&D> | Design und Entwicklung <D & E, D&E> | |
| mus. main droite {adv} <M.D., m.d.> [used as a direction in keyboard music] | mit der rechten Hand | |
| no risk <N/R, n.r.> | ohne Risiko | |
| not available {adj} <N/A, n/a> | nicht erreichbar | |
| not available {adj} <N/A, n/a> | nicht verfügbar | |
| mus. D minor <d, Dm> | d-Moll {n} <d, Dm> | |
| fin. direct debit <D/D> | Bankeinzug {m} [Lastschrift] | |
| douchebag <d-bag, D-bag> [Am.] [sl.] [vulg.] [pej.] | Idiot {m} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| med. incision and drainage <I&D, IND, I and D> | Inzision und Drainage <I&D, I und D> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| chem. methyl | Methyl {n} | |
| chem. methyl alcohol | Holzgeist {m} | |
| chem. methyl alcohol | Methanol {n} | |
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