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English-German translation for: NN Karzinom
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: NN Karzinom

Translation 1 - 48 of 48

NOUN   das NN-Karzinom | die NN-Karzinome
med. adrenocortical carcinoma <ACC>Nebennierenrindenkarzinom {n} <NN-Karzinom>
Partial Matches
comm. net net <nn, NN>netto netto <nn, NN>
mean sea level <MSL>Meeresniveau {n} <NN>
comm. net-net <nn, NN>netto-netto <nn, NN>
med. NN interval [ECG]NN-Intervall {n} [EKG]
geogr. naut. above sea level {adv}über NN / Normalnull [veraltet] [noch ugs.]
med. cancerKarzinom {n}
med. carcinomaKarzinom {n}
med. adenosquamous carcinoma <ASC>adenosquamöses Karzinom {n}
med. basaloid carcinoma <BC>basaloides Karzinom {n}
med. bronchial carcinomabronchogenes Karzinom {n}
med. bronchogenic carcinoma <BC>bronchogenes Karzinom {n}
med. cholangiocellular carcinoma <CCC>cholangiozelluläres Karzinom {n}
med. gastrointestinal carcinomagastrointestinales Karzinom {n}
med. glottic carcinomaglottisches Karzinom {n}
med. large-cell carcinoma <LCC>großzelliges Karzinom {n}
med. small-cell carcinoma <SCC>kleinzelliges Karzinom {n}
med. cloacogenic carcinoma <CC>kloakogenes Karzinom {n}
med. bowel cancerkolorektales Karzinom {n}
med. colorectal cancerkolorektales Karzinom {n}
med. colorectal carcinomakolorektales Karzinom {n}
med. metastasizing carcinomametastasierendes Karzinom {n}
med. non-small cell carcinoma <NSCC>nichtkleinzelliges Karzinom {n}
med. mammary Paget disease <MPD> [also: mammary Paget's disease]Paget-Karzinom {n}
med. Paget disease of the nipple [also Paget's disease of the nipple]Paget-Karzinom {n}
med. Paget's disease of the breastPaget-Karzinom {n}
med. urothelial carcinoma <UC>urotheliales Karzinom {n}
med. pancreatic carcinoma <PC>Bauchspeicheldrüsenkarzinom {n} <BSD-Karzinom>
med. adrenocortical carcinoma <ACC>adrenokortikales Karzinom {n} <ACC>
med. bronchioloalveolar carcinoma <BAC>bronchioloalveoläres Karzinom {n} <BAC>
med. embryonal carcinoma <EC>embryonales Karzinom {n} <EC>
med. fibrolamellar carcinoma <FLC>fibrolamelläres Karzinom {n} <FLC>
med. invasive carcinoma <IC>invasives Karzinom {n} <IK>
med. nasopharyngeal carcinoma <NPC>nasopharyngeales Karzinom {n} <NPC>
med. squamous cell carcinoma <SCC> [Epithelioma spinocellulare]spinozelluläres Karzinom {n} <SZK>
med. carcinoma of unknown primary <CUP> [short] [carcinoma of unknown primary origin]Karzinom {n} unbekannter Primärlokalisation
med. head and neck carcinoma <HNC>Kopf-Hals-Karzinom {n}
med. hepatocellular carcinoma <HCC>hepatozelluläres Karzinom {n} <HCC; HZK>
med. Merkel cell carcinoma <MCC>Merkel-Zell-Karzinom {n} <MZK> [Rsv.]
med. hereditary nonpolyposis colon cancer <HNPCC>hereditäres nichtpolypöses kolorektales Karzinom {n} <HNPCC>
med. hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer <HNPCC>hereditäres nichtpolypöses kolorektales Karzinom {n} <HNPCC>
med. adenoid cystic carcinoma <ACC, AdCC>adenoid-zystisches Karzinom {n} [auch: adenoidzystisches Karzinom]
datum lineNormalnull {n} <N. N., NN> [Vermessung]
med. ductal carcinoma in situ <DCIS>duktales Karzinom {n} in situ [Carcinoma in situ der Brustdrüse]
med. lobular carcinoma in situ <LCIS> [Carcinoma lobulare in situ]lobuläres Karzinom {n} in situ [lobuläres Carcinoma in situ der Brustdrüse]
to be announced <TBA>(noch) zu nennender Name <NN, N. N.> [Nomen nescio, Nomen nominando]
geogr. naut. sea level <SL>Normalnull {n} <N. N., NN>
naut. metres above sea level [Br.] [reference height of Western Germany until 1992]Meter {pl} über Normalnull <m. ü. N. N., m. ü. NN> [Deutsche Referenzhöhe, gültig bis 1992 (alte Bundesländer und West-Berlin)]
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