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English-German translation for: Near
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Dictionary English German: Near

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ADJ   near | nearer | nearest
VERB  to near | neared | neared ... 
SYNO   to approach | to come near ... 
near {adj}
near {prep} [also: near to] [close to]
bei [+Dat.] [in der Nähe]
near {prep}
nahe [+Dat.]
near {prep}
near {adv}
near {adj}
near {adv}
near {adj}
near {adj}
near {adv}ran [ugs.] [heran]
near {prep}in der Nähe [+Gen.]
near {prep}in der Nähe von
near {adv} [nearly]nahezu [beinahe]
to near
to near [esp. night, morning, seasons, etc.]
herannahen [bes. Nacht, Morgen, Jahreszeiten etc.] [geh.]
to nearnahe herankommen
to nearsich nähern
to near(zeitlich) näher rücken
to near sth.etw.Dat. näher kommen
2 Words: Others
come near {past-p}herangekommen
coming nearherankommend
from near {prep}aus der Nähe von
near (to) {prep}in der Nähe von
near about {adv} [coll.]ungefähr
near by {adv}dabei [neben, nahe]
near by {adv}nahe bei
near by {adv}in der Nähe
near capacity {adv}annähernd ausgelastet
near capacity {adv}fast ausgelastet
near capacity {adv}nahezu ausgelastet
near capacity {adv}fast an der Kapazitätsgrenze
near capacity {adv}nah an der Kapazitätsgrenze
near capacity {adv}nahe an der Kapazitätsgrenze
near capacity {adj} [venue]fast ausverkauft [Veranstaltungsort]
near completion {adj}kurz vor der Fertigstellung
near completion {adj} [pred.]kurz vor (der) Fertigstellung [nachgestellt]
geogr. Near Eastern {adj}mittelöstlich
geogr. Near Eastern {adj}nahöstlich
geogr. Near Eastern {adj}vorderasiatisch
archaeo. hist. Near Eastern {adj}vorderorientalisch
near enough {adv} [Br.] [coll.]nahezu
near me {adv}in meiner Nähe
near side {adj}diesseitig [Ufer]
near the {prep} [prep+art]am [an dem]
near the {prep} [prep+art]beim [bei dem]
near water {adv}in der Nähe von Wasser
acc. near-balance {adj}beinahe ausgeglichen
hydro. near-bed {adj} [rivers etc.]sohlnah
near-black {adj}fast schwarz
near-complete {adj}fast vollständig
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A 2020-10-29: NEAR(hechten, sich,5) = "hechten" und "sich" (Flexionen davon) im Satz mi...
Q 2019-06-16: nähig (nähige Kuh, nähiges Rind) - near-term ODER was schlagt ihr vor
Q 2019-03-25: you are full of shit with your hands waving near
A 2017-12-30: Well done! Posting your ad in +this+ forum will no doubt promote manual la...
A 2017-02-01: 1.3 close to ~ *Very* near to (being or doing something):
A 2016-08-08: near-infrared laser
Q 2016-08-08: A near-infrared laser penetrates the superficial skin
A 2016-07-03: Or: it is often filmed near Miami Beach.
A 2016-04-21: near und distant / remote
A 2016-03-11: Johann Gottlieb Lohse, probably living near Budiffen, Germany about 1870.
A 2015-09-13: near term potential ~ potential in the immediate future > unmittelbare Erf...
A 2015-09-13: ergibt Sinn, wenn man das zusammen sieht: "for late stage, near term patients"
Q 2015-09-13: near term potential
Q 2015-02-18: Johann Gottlieb Lohse, probably living near Budiffen, Germany about 1870.
Q 2015-01-07: have a near miss with missle
A 2014-12-29: Das ist ein Zitat: Fifteen going on forty, but nowhere near grown up.
A 2014-12-15: In most cases a simple +is+ is best - the shop is near the main station.
A 2014-11-20: tor-nah (near the gate) sounds like Thorner
A 2014-10-01: +Stroha+ is a village (Dorf) near Belgrade; the language spoken there is S...
Q 2014-06-18: near the end of the discussion

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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