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Dictionary English German: Old

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ADJ   old | older/elder | oldest/eldest
old {adj}
old {adj} [person: of advanced age]
betagt [geh.]
old {adj}
oll [ugs.] [bes. nordd.]
old {adj}
bejahrt [geh.]
the old {pl}die Alten {pl}
2 Words: Others
-week-old {adj} {suffix}-wöchig
-year-old {adj} [attr.]-jährig [Alter]
age-old {adj}jahrhundertealt
age-old {adj}uralt
any old {adj} [coll.]x-beliebig [ugs.]
any old sth.jedes x-beliebige etw.
centuries old {adj}mehrhundertjährig
centuries-old {adj}jahrhundertealt
century-old {adj} [around a hundred years old]jahrhundertalt
day-old {adj}tagealt
decades-old {adj}jahrzehntealt
growing oldalternd
growing old {adj} {pres-p}alt werdend
grown old {past-p}gealtert
millennia-old {adj}jahrtausendealt
millenniums-old {adj}jahrtausendealt
of old {adv}weiland [veraltet]
of old {adv}von einst
of old {adj} [attr.] [postpos.]alt [von einst]
of old {adv} [esp. Br.] [for a very long time]von alters her [geh.] [Redewendung]
of old {adj} [postpos.]früherer Tage [attr.] [nachgestellt]
old Austrian {adj}altösterreichisch
old Austrian {adj}alt-österreichisch
hist. Old Babylonian {adj}altbabylonisch
old Berlin {adj} [attr.]Alt-Berliner [indekl.]
old boy [address]alter Junge [Anrede]
old British {adj}altbritisch
art hist. mus. Old Byzantine {adj}altbyzantinisch
relig. Old Catholic {adj}altkatholisch
ling. Old Danish {adj}altdänisch
Old English {adj}gotisch [Schrift]
old English {adj} <OE>altenglisch <ae.>
old familiar {adj}altvertraut
old French {adj}altfranzösisch <afrz., altfrz.>
old German {adj}altdeutsch
Old Germanic {adj}altgermanisch
old gold {adj}altgold [Farbe]
old hand {adj}erfahren
ling. Old Icelandic {adj}altisländisch <aisl.>
hist. ling. Old Iranian {adj}altiranisch
ling. Old Irish {adj}altirisch <air.>
ling. Old Latin {adj}altlateinisch <alat.>
ling. Old Nordic {adj}altnordisch <anord.>
ling. Old Norse {adj}altnordisch <anord.>
ling. Old Norwegian {adj}altnorwegisch
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A 2024-05-04: alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen > old wine in new bottles
A 2024-03-07: Old juveniles use Facebook. Silly suggestion.
A 2023-12-10: The old fart posturing again, waffling on what he does not know.
A 2023-11-23: Or maybe he has closed the old and started a new account yesterday.
Q 2023-11-11: Am I the only one who feels that too many old entries are being reopened t...
A 2023-06-13: to become a tottering old fogey
A 2023-04-23: oder vielleicht: with the elegance of an old nag / plowhorse masquerading ...
A 2023-04-01: old Chemnitz entry. Delete.
A 2022-11-08: "Once driven forever smitten" - an old ad-slogan for Vauxhall cars
A 2022-11-06: ? OG - old git - alter Knacker ? (fehlt übrigens im Wörterbuch)
A 2022-09-02: It only takes 2 of us to delete old entries
A 2022-03-30: ...und old McDonald?
A 2022-03-17: Good old OED
A 2021-11-16: Such use of an apostrophe is old-fashioned.
A 2021-11-05: More old-man memories.
A 2021-10-13: From the DRW, a old example (my emphasis).
Q 2021-09-04: Use old nickname
A 2021-06-01: Danke RedRufus; MW gibt old-fashioned an (das geht auch als Klammerhinweis)
Q 2021-02-23: old German
A 2021-02-15: > 18:29 — Is not the artificiality of grammar old hat?

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