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English-German translation for: Q A session
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Dictionary English German: Q A session

Translation 1 - 50 of 31292  >>

Q&A session [coll.] [question-and-answer session, e.g. at a press conference]Frage-Antwort-Runde {f} [z. B. bei einer Pressekonferenz]
Partial Matches
econ. jobs QM quality employee <Q employee, Q empl.>Qualitätsmitarbeiter {m} <Q-Mitarbeiter, Q-MA>
math. set of rational numbers <ℚ, Q>Menge {f} der rationalen Zahlen <ℚ, Q>
questions and answers <Q&A>Fragen {pl} und Antworten <F & A, F&A>
fair average quality <f.a.q.>Durchschnittsware {f}
fair average quality <f.a.q>Durchschnittsqualität {f}
math. set of irrational numbers <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>Menge {f} der irrationalen Zahlen <ℝ\ℚ, R\Q>
med. pharm. once a day {adv} <q.d.> <qd> [quaque die](1x) täglich
pharm. four times a day {adv} <q.i.d., qid> [quater in die]4-mal täglich
to have a good gossip session about sb. [Am.] [coll.]ausgiebig über jdn. tratschen [ugs.] [pej.]
ling. print q [letter]q {n} [Buchstabe]
ling. print Q [letter]Q {n} [Buchstabe]
name Quintus <Q.>Quintus {m} <Q.>
meteo. naut. squall <q>Sturmbö {f}
relig. Q documentLogienquelle {f} Q
phys. Q factorGüte {f}
med. Q feverBalkan-Grippe {f}
med. Q feverBalkanfieber {n}
med. Q feverKretafieber {n}
med. Q feverKrim-Fieber {n}
med. Q feverPneumorickettsiose {f}
med. Q feverQuery-Fieber {n}
mil. naut. Q-boatU-Boot-Falle {f}
phys. Q-branchQ-Zweig {m}
biochem. Q-cycleQ-Zyklus {m}
phys. Q-factorGütefaktor {m}
med. VetMed. Q-feverEuböa-Fieber {n} [selten] [Q-Fieber]
med. VetMed. Q-feverEuboea-Fieber {n} [selten] [Q-Fieber]
med. VetMed. Q-feverQ-Fieber {n}
med. subcutaneous {adj} <sub-Q>subkutan
audio (acoustic) flux <q>Schallfluss {m} <q>
MedTech. phys. quality factor <Q>Qualitätsfaktor {m} <Q>
math. p implies qaus p folgt q
math. Hofstadter Q sequenceHofstadters Q-Folge {f}
ling. Q-Celtic languagesq-keltische Sprachen {pl}
bibl. Sayings Source (Q)Logienquelle (Q) {f}
unit quecto- {prefix} <q> [10 ^ -30]Quecto- <q>
unit quetta- {prefix} <Q> [10 ^ 30]Quetta- <Q>
biochem. glutamine <Gln, Q> [C5H10N2O3]Glutamin {n} <Gln, Q>
which see <q.v.>siehe dort <s. d.>
nucl. Q-value [reaction energy]Q-Wert {m} [Energiebeitrag]
quality factor <Q, QF>Bewertungsfaktor {m}
idiom Q for Queenie [Br.]Q wie Quelle
John Q. Public [Am.]Hans Meier {m} [schweiz.]
John Q. Public [Am.]Max Mustermann {m}
audio sound energy flux <q>Schallfluss {m} <q>
med. non-Q wave infarctionNon-Q-Wave-Infarkt {m}
film F John Q [Nick Cassavetes]John QVerzweifelte Wut
educ. sessionakademisches Jahr {n}
sessionBehandlung {f}
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