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English-German translation for: Ride
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Dictionary English German: Ride

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NOUN   a ride | rides
VERB  to ride | rode | ridden ... 
SYNO   to mount | to ride | to ride | to sit ... 
to ride
to ride
to ride sb. [Am.] [annoy, pester, or tease]
jdm. zusetzen [auf die Nerven gehen, drangsalieren oder piesacken]
to ride sb. [Am.] [coll.]
jdn. schikanieren
to ride [coll.] [mock]
to ride sb. [Am.] [coll.]
jdn. drangsalieren
to ride sb. [Am.] [coll.]
jdn. piesacken [ugs.]
ride [on a mount]
Ritt {m}
Fahrt {f} [Motorrad, Bahn, Karussell]
automot. travel ride [Am.]
Mitfahrgelegenheit {f}
automot. ride [Am.] [coll.] [car]
Karre {f} [ugs.] [Auto]
ride [Am.] [coll.] [car]
Schlitten {m} [ugs.]
ride [trip on horseback]
Ausritt {m}
ride [excursion in a vehicle]
Spazierfahrt {f}
automot. bike ride [the quality of riding pleasure, i.e., in a car]
Fahrgefühl {n}
ride [excursion in a vehicle, drive]
Ausfahrt {f} [Spazierfahrt]
ride [Irish] [sl.] [attractive person]attraktive Person {f}
equest. ride [path]Reitweg {m}
ride [short for: fun ride]Fahrgeschäft {n} [bes. Jahrmarkt]
2 Words: Verbs
to ride aboutherumfahren
to ride aboutherumreiten
to ride about [bicycle]herumradeln [ugs.]
to ride about [on a horse]umherreiten
to ride alongmitfahren
to ride aroundherumfahren
to ride aroundherumgurken [ugs.] [herumfahren]
to ride aroundherumreiten
to ride around [bicycle]herumradeln [ugs.]
to ride around [on a horse]umherreiten
to ride awaydavonfahren
to ride awaydavonreiten
to ride awayfortreiten
to ride awaywegreiten
equest. to ride barebackohne Sattel reiten
to ride behind [on different bicycle]hinterherfahren
equest. to ride behind [on different horse]hinterherreiten
to ride behind [pillion]hinten sitzen [auf dem Soziussitz oder einem Pferd]
to ride by (sb./sth.)(jdn./etw.) vorbeireiten
to ride down [motorcycle, bicycle; away from observer]hinunterfahren [Motorrad, Fahrrad]
to ride down [motorcycle, bicycle; towards observer]herunterfahren [Motorrad, Fahrrad]
to ride headlongdarauf losreiten
to ride offdavonreiten
to ride offfortreiten
to ride offwegreiten
mus. to ride on [jazz]improvisieren über
to ride on [to depend on the result of]lasten auf [+Dat.]
to ride on [to depend on the result of]ruhen auf [+Dat.]
to ride on sth. [depend on sth.]an etw.Dat. hängen [fig.] [von etw. abhängig sein, durch etw. bedingt sein]
to ride on sth. [depend on]von etw.Dat. abhängen
to ride outhinausreiten
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Q 2021-08-30: free ride
Q 2021-03-19: "ticket to ride" in +The Beatles+ context
Q 2020-02-16: to ride the buzz
Q 2019-10-01: shiver ride
A 2019-02-19: to ride a tiger - unwiderruflich etwas sehr Gefährliches tun
A 2019-02-19: ride a tiger
A 2019-02-19: ride a tiger
Q 2019-02-19: ride a tiger
Q 2018-06-20: to ride a rollercoaster
A 2018-01-21: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=6aRkWsWML8y0kwWN2pTYBQ&q=%22Five-ride+t...
A 2018-01-21: https://www.google.co.uk/search?source=hp&ei=7IRkWu7HMYTXkwWk17nACA&q=+%22...
Q 2017-01-21: Bumpy ride ahead for Trumpy?
Q 2016-02-16: a wild ride with a really fine writer
A 2015-08-08: +Uber+ is also, in Ameristan, a "ride sharing" company, that
Q 2015-05-25: to ride into office
Q 2015-02-24: MAKE LIFE A RIDE?
A 2014-12-13: If you aren't careful you'll be taken for a ride
Q 2014-12-12: "ride-hailing"
A 2014-07-21: If you have grandchildren and ride a motorcycle, an +Auslauf+ is a good th...
A 2014-06-23: Never give others a free ride.

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