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English-German translation for: Rub al Chali
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Dictionary English German: Rub al Chali

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

geogr. Rub' al KhaliRub al-Chali {f}
Partial Matches
curr. Russian rouble <RUB, руб>Russischer Rubel {m} <RUB, руб>
-al {suffix}-al
chem. material mineral. aluminium <Al> [Br.]Aluminium {n} <Al>
chem. material mineral. aluminum <Al> [Am.]Aluminium {n} <Al>
chem. hist. mineral. alumium <Al> [obs.]Aluminium {n} <Al>
gastr. al dente {adj} {adv}al dente
hist. Al-Andalus [also: Moorish Iberia, 711- 1492]al-Andalus {n}
geogr. El ArishAl-Arisch {n}
geogr. Khasabal-Chasab {n}
geogr. Al Fashiral-Faschir {n}
MedTech. Al equivalentAl-Gleichwert {m}
geogr. Al Hudaydahal-Hudaida {n}
myth. relig. al-Lātal-Lāt {f}
geogr. Al Mahwital-Machwit {n}
MedTech. Al prefiltrationAl-Vorfilterung {f}
mineral. barahonaite-(Al) [(Ca,Cu,Na,Fe,Al)12Al2(AsO4)8(OH,Cl)x·nH]Barahonait-(Al) {m}
mineral. cerchiaraite-(Al) [Ba4Al4O3(OH)3(Si4O12) [Si2O3(OH)4]Cl]Cerchiarait-(Al) {m}
mineral. pumpellyite-(Al) [Ca2(Al,Fe,Mg)Al2(SiO4)(Si2O7)(OH,O)2·H2O]Pumpellyit-(Al) {m}
comics F Fat Cat [Disney]Al Katzone
hist. print alineaAlinea {n} <Al.> [veraltet]
aluminium cable [Br.] <Al cable>Aluminiumkabel {n} <Al-Kabel>
aluminum cable [Am.] <Al cable>Aluminiumkabel {n} <Al-Kabel>
et al.et al. [Zitation]
pol. Al Aksa Martyrs BrigadesAl-Aksa-Märtyrerbrigaden {f}
archi. relig. al-Aqsa MosqueAl-Aqsa-Moschee {f}
art secco paintingAl-secco-Malerei {f}
archi. hist. Bab al-FutuhBab al-Futuh {n}
geogr. Bab-el-MandebBab al-Mandab {m}
geogr. Shatt al-ArabSchatt al-Arab {m}
geogr. Shubra El-KheimaSchubra al-Chaima {n}
bot. T
at par {adv}al pari [zum Nennwert]
MedTech. aluminium attenuation equivalent <AAE> [Br.]Aluminium-Schwächungsgleichwert {m} <Al-SGW>
relig. F Unverified The Book of the LawLiber AL vel Legis {n}
MedTech. aluminum filter [Am.] <Al filter>Aluminiumfilter {m} <Al-Filter> [fachspr. meist {n}]
Al-Qaedaal-Qaida {f} [meist ohne Artikel]
Al-Qaidaal-Qaida {f} [meist ohne Artikel]
pol. relig. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb <AQIM>al-Qaida {f} im Maghreb <AQIM>
geogr. Umm al-Quwain [United Arab Emirates]Umm al-Qaiwain {n} [Vereinigte Arabische Emirate]
film F Looking for Richard [Al Pacino](Al Pacino's) Looking for Richard
Al-Anon [treated as sg. or pl.] [short for: Al-Anon Family Groups]Al-Anon {pl} [kurz für: Al-Anon Familiengruppen]
relig. Al-Aqsa Mosque [also: al-Aqsa Mosque]Al-Aqsa-Moschee {f} [auch: al-Aqsa-Moschee]
geogr. Ras al-Khaimah [an emirate of the UAE]Ras al-Khaima [ein Scheichtum der VAE]
relig. Al-Masjid an-Nabawi [The Prophet's Mosque, also: Al Haram, Al Haram Al Madani, Al Haram Al Nabawi]Al-Masdschid-an-Nabawi-Moschee {f} [in Medina]
mil. pol. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula <AQAP>al-Qaida {f} auf der Arabischen Halbinsel <AQAP>
mil. pol. relig. Jaish al-Mahdi [also known as Mahdi Army or Mahdi Militia] <JAM>Jaish al-Mahdi {f} [auch bekannt als Mahdi-Armee oder Mahdi-Miliz] <JAM>
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