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Dictionary English German: S N

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SYNO   S/N | signal-to-noise ... 
not specified <ns, n/s>keine Angabe / Angaben <k. A., KA>
journ. lit. author's note <A/N>Anmerkung {f} des Autors
author's note <A/N>Anmerkung {f} des Verfassers <Anm. d. Verf.>
publ. new series <n.s.>neue Folge {f} <n. F.>
ind. serial number <S/N>Fabrikationsnummer {f} [Seriennummer] <S/N>
serial number <S/N>Fertigungsnummer {f}
serial number <S/N>Seriennummer {f} <S/N>
shipping note <s/n>Schiffszettel {m}
Keywords contained
not otherwise specified <n.o.s.>nicht anderweitig spezifiziert
tech. not to scale {adj} {adv} <NTS, n.t.s., nts>nicht maßstabsgetreu
tech. not to scale <NTS, n.t.s., nts>ohne Maßstab <o. M.>
med. pharm. normal saline (solution) <NS, NSS, N/S>isotonische Kochsalzlösung {f}
electr. signal / noise ratio <SNR, S/N ratio>Signal / Rauschabstand {m} <SNR, S/N-Abstand> [Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis, (Signal-) Rauschabstand]
chem. phys. steam emulsion number <SEN, S.E.N.>SEN-Zahl {f} [auch: S.E.N.-Zahl]
material stress-cycle curve <S-N curve>Wöhlerkurve {f}
engin. material (S-N) fatigue curve [Woehler curve]Wöhlerkurve {f}
engin. material (S-N) fatigue curve [Woehler curve]Wöhlerlinie {f}
electr. tech. signal-to-noise ratio <S/N, SNR>Signal-zu-Rausch-Leistungsverhältnis {n} <SRV, S/R-Verhältnis>
telecom. signal-to-noise ratio <SNR or S/N>Signal-Rausch-Abstand {m} [oft auch abgekürzt als SRV beziehungsweise SNR oder S/N]
electr. signal-to-noise ratio <SNR or S/N>Signal-Rausch-Verhältnis {n} [oft auch abgekürzt als SRV beziehungsweise SNR oder S/N]
audio MedTech. telecom. signal-to-noise ratio <SNR, S/N ratio>Signal-zu-Rausch-Abstand {m} <SNR, S/N-Abstand>
relig. Sisters of Our Lady of Zion <N.D.S., NDS>Schwestern {pl} Unserer Lieben Frau von Sion [Sionsschwestern] <NDS, N.D.S.>
electr. useful signal + noise to noise <(S+N)/N> ratioVerhältnis {n} von Nutzsignal plus Störgeräusch zum Störgeräusch <(S+N)/N>
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A 2024-08-29: it sounds a bit like "let''s not bother about the details". Deutsch: in ei...
Q 2024-07-28: Overnight changes. (Someone else's night)
A 2024-04-19: but it's not imperative
A 2024-04-18: I do. But in this case, there's no real evidence that it's purely American...
A 2024-03-14: @Sasso: wieso? In Wikipedia war's ja richtig, nur bei uns nicht.
A 2024-01-05: Two typos: it's "none of my business"; it's not slang.
A 2023-12-17: It's not "anheuren", but "anheuern".
A 2023-11-22: Not quite "witnessed". The notar's function is not just that.
A 2023-10-20: @MichaelK: it's not a myth. I recently watched a couple of episodes of "Sh...
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A 2023-08-08: The definition of a neologism is so blurry as to be useless, today's neolo...
A 2023-08-06: It's not a general rule. Hence we should leave the choice to the contributor
A 2023-04-19: The word's not any more common in English.
A 2023-03-28: Nonetheless, it's not really germane to the discussion. These terms are ob...
A 2023-02-27: It's no code, it simply means: URL: hier Webadressen von Verkaufsstatis...
A 2023-02-25: Also, it's not like the boss.
A 2022-09-06: @MichaelK: just the other way around in my childhood's neighborhood (small...
A 2022-08-16: it's not a low-input project ?
A 2022-07-09: No, it's just a joke/game with words from a German satirical magazine. Thi...
A 2022-05-18: Nein, Gobber hat's nicht vergessen, sondern war zu faul! ;)

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