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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: T-light
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T-light in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: T light

Translation 1 - 3 of 3

English German
phys. terahertz light <T-light>Terahertzlicht {n} [Terahertzstrahlung]
Keywords contained
Don't hide your light under a bushel! [idiom]Du sollst dein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel stellen! [Redewendung]
Don't hide your light under a bushel! [idiom]Stelle dein Licht nicht unter den Scheffel! [Redewendung]
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A 2013-03-11: " ... shed a faint light into ...." geht ....
A 2011-10-21: Tattoo? That puts it in a different light.
A 2011-10-13: Light is, not lights are, and I would say yellow for AE.
A 2011-09-13: romy: my post was just a suggestion in a somewhat light-hearted vein. No t...
A 2010-06-17: glowed in the ultraviolet light
A 2010-02-15: bright light
A 2009-11-11: Bacca's suggestion is fine. Initially, I'd try to play it light, though:
A 2009-07-14: pilot light > is a ,..
A 2008-08-12: incident light
A 2008-06-12: incident light
A 2008-06-10: That is ihow the paragraph staerts. but on second glance, the word order s...
A 2007-10-29: The pueblo was bathed in red-violet light by numerous spotlights.
A 2007-10-15: See XY in a different light at Christmas with these fairy lights.
A 2007-10-07: incandescent light (bulb)
A 2007-02-28: I wish I hadn't said that: The first lightning and thunder just over the h...
A 2007-02-03: Admittedly, I never saw it in that light -
Q 2007-01-16: grounded but light
A 2006-12-30: It seems a bit light for the absolute. ?
A 2004-03-31: Not light streams but light rays

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