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English-German translation for: TL;DR
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Dictionary English German: TL;DR

Translation 1 - 50 of 79  >>


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meteo. thunderstorm <t-storm, T STORM, tl>
Gewitter {n}
med. Doctor <Dr.>
Doktor {m} <Dr.>
chem. thallium <Tl>
Thallium {n} <Tl>
psych. derealization <DR>
Derealisation {f}
psych. derealization <DR>
Derealisierung {f}
Drive <Dr.>
Straße {f} <Str.>
unit dram <dr, dr., ʒ>Dram {n} [Maßeinheit in Großbritannien u. Nordamerika]
2 Words: Others
material phys. drag-reducing {adj} <DR>reibungsreduzierend
2 Words: Nouns
comp. data recovery <DR>Datenwiederherstellung {f}
comp. data restore <DR>Datenwiederherstellung {f}
naut. dead reckoning <DR>Koppelung {f}
automot. QM stat. design record <DR>Designaufzeichnung {f}
econ. MedTech. QM design review <DR>Entwicklungsüberprüfung {f}
MedTech. digital radiography <DR>digitale Radiografie {f} <DR>
MedTech. digital radiography <DR>digitale Radiographie {f} <DR>
MedTech. direct radiography <DR>Direktradiografie <DR> {f}
MedTech. direct radiography <DR> [EUR 17538]Direktradiographie {f} <DR> [EUR 17538]
disaster recovery <DR>Notfallwiederherstellung {f} [Informationstechnik]
disaster recovery <DR>Disaster Recovery {n} <DR> [Informationstechnik]
econ. market. distribution rate <DR>Distributionsgrad {m} <DG>
econ. market. distribution rate <DR>Distributionsquote {f}
econ. market. distribution rate <DR>Distributionsrate {f}
MedTech. dose rate <DR>Dosisleistung {f} <DL>
double ring <dr>Doppelring {m} [Häkeln]
Dr. Dryasdust [hum.] [a boring historian]Dr. Staubtrocken {m} [hum.] [selten] [ein öder Historiker]
geogr. East Timor <.tl, formerly .tp>Osttimor {n}
unit fluid drachm <fl dr, ƒ 3, or fʒ> [also: fluidrachm]Flüssigdrachme {f}
unit fluid dram <fl dr, ƒ 3, fʒ> [also: fluid drachm, fluidram or fluidrachm]flüssiges Dram {n} [auch: Flüssigdrachme]
educ. jobs teacher-librarian <TL>Schulbibliothekar {m}
comp. QM test log <TL>Testprotokoll {n} <TP>
med. therapeutic leukopheresis <TL>therapeutische Leukopherese {f}
aviat. transition level <TL> <TRL>Übergangsfläche {f} [beim Sinkflug]
audio optics transmission loss <TL>Transmissionsverlust {m}
med. tubal ligation <TL>Tubenligatur {f} <TL>
med. tubal ligation <TL>Abbinden {n} der Eileiter [Tubenligatur]
curr. Turkish lira <TRY, TL>Türkische Lira {f} <TRY, TL>
3 Words: Nouns
educ. Doctor of Engineering <D.Eng, D.Engr., Dr.Eng., Eng.D>Doktoringenieur {m} <Dr.-Ing.>
tech. textil. Dr. Sinner's CircleSinner'scher Kreis {m}
med. Dr. Strangelove syndromeAlien-Hand-Syndrom {n} <AHS>
4 Words: Others
Internet too long; didn't read <tl;dr, TL;DR, TLDR, tldr>zu lang; nicht gelesen [Kommentar zu Texten im Internet]
5+ Words: Others
Dr. Jones is in attendance.Dr. Jones behandelt gerade.
5+ Words: Nouns
law Doctor of Canon and Civil Law <JUD, IUD, DUJ, DUI, DJU, DIU, UJD, UID, JUDr., Dr.iur.utr.> [juris / iuris utriusque doctor, doctor utriusque juris, doctor juris utriusque]Doktor {m} beider Rechte <Dr. iur. utr., auch Dr. jur. utr., Dr. j. u.>
pharm. rescue drops according to Dr. BachNotfalltropfen {pl} nach Dr. Bach
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Dr Bunsen Honeydew [The Muppet Show]Prof. Dr. Honigtau Bunsenbrenner
lit. F Dr. Death [Jonathan Kellerman]Gnadentod
RadioTV F Dr. Debolt [TaleSpin]Dr. Debolt [Käpt'n Balu und seine tollkühne Crew]
film F Dr. Dolittle [Betty Thomas]Dr. Dolittle
film F Dr. Dolittle 2 [Steve Carr]Dr. Dolittle 2
RadioTV F Dr. Fright [Care Bears]Dr. Angst [Glücksbärchis]
RadioTV F Dr. Gill Gilliam [SpongeBob SquarePants]Dr. Karl Kieme [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
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