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English-German translation for: Tale
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Dictionary English German: Tale

Translation 1 - 50 of 129  >>

English German
NOUN   a tale | tales
SYNO   narration | narrative | story | tale ... 
NOUN   das Tal | die Täler/[poet.] Tale
tale [narrative or story]
Geschichte {f} [Erzählung]
Erzählung {f}
Fabel {f}
lit. tale
Historie {f} [veraltet] [Erzählung]
2 Words: Others
tell-tale {adj} [attr.]verräterisch [ungewollt erkennen lassend]
2 Words: Nouns
absorbing talefesselnde Geschichte {f}
adventure taleAbenteuergeschichte {f}
lit. aetiological taleätiologische Sage {f}
lit. Arthurian taleArtuserzählung {f}
boring talelangweilige Erzählung {f}
cautionary taleWarnung {f} [abschreckendes Beispiel]
cautionary taleabschreckendes Beispiel {n}
cautionary talewarnendes Beispiel {n}
Christmas taleWeihnachtsgeschichte {f}
comical talespaßige Erzählung {f}
lit. didactic taleLehrerzählung {f}
lit. etiological tale [Am.]ätiologische Sage {f}
lit. faerie tale [spv.]Märchen {n} [auch ugs.: unglaubwürdige, erfundene Geschichte]
fairy taleAmmenmärchen {n} [pej.]
fairy taleFabel {f}
lit. fairy taleMärlein {n} [veraltet]
lit. fairy tale [also: incredible, fabricated story]Märchen {n} [auch ugs.: unglaubwürdige, erfundene Geschichte]
lit. fairy tale [magic tale]Zaubermärchen {n}
lit. family taleFamilienbegebenheit {f}
lit. favorite tale [Am.]Lieblingsgeschichte {f}
lit. favourite tale [Br.]Lieblingserzählung {f}
lit. favourite tale [Br.]Lieblingsgeschichte {f}
fish fish tale [Am.]Anglerlatein {n}
lit. folk taleVolksmärchen {n}
folk taleVolkssage {f}
lit. frame taleRahmenerzählung {f}
funny taleSchnurre {f} [scherzhafte Erzählung]
funny taleWitz {m}
gothic taleSchauergeschichte {f}
hero taleHeldensage {f}
idle taleMärchenwerk {n} [pej.] [veraltet]
lit. legendary taleLegendenerzählung {f}
little taleHistörchen {n} [ugs.]
lurid taleHorrorgeschichte {f}
lit. metrical taleVerserzählung {f}
screaming taleGeschichte {f} zum Totlachen
seductive taleverführerische Erzählung {f}
stirring taleaufregende Erzählung {f}
stock taleStandarderzählung {f}
summer's taleSommermärchen {n}
tale bearerSchwätzer {m} [Klatschmaul]
tale-tellerGeschichtenerzähler {m}
tale-tellingPetzerei {f} [ugs.]
tall taleLügengeschichte {f}
tall tale [esp. Am.]Märchen {n} [ugs.] [Lügengeschichte]
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A 2018-12-03: I would say that the average British person doesn't know that fairy tale.
A 2018-12-03: https://www.google.de/search?source=hp&ei=VH8FXKX5KcjRwAKVk4G4Cg&q=%22Frau...
Q 2017-05-25: The Donald and a tale of arrogant nepotism?
A 2013-09-11: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/old-wives%27-tale?q=old+w...
A 2013-01-12: +the one that got away+ is an American idiom derived from fishing; the sam...
A 2011-05-27: Reference to the fairy tale of "Hänsl und Gretl"?
A 2011-05-22: ? Tale of two cities ?
A 2011-05-11: Don't you remember the fairy tale?
Q 2011-04-12: Zitat aus Charles Dickens "A Tale of Two Cities"
A 2011-03-31: tale > Handlung; die scheint hier wenig auszusagen (Informationsrahmen), d...
A 2011-02-28: it's the tale of linking two nouns with the aid of an "s" or without one
A 2011-01-12: Rahmenerzählg > link story, frame / framing narrative / story / tale \ réc...
A 2010-02-23: a whale of a tale
A 2009-11-09: "Please, tell me a tale!"
A 2009-08-12: Fairy tale
A 2009-06-24: A tale of vice (gambling) cont'd
A 2009-04-20: s squeezy said, 'spit it out' asks for a brief statement. 'Spill your guts...
A 2009-03-28: First he has the role of the "Fairy-tale Knight" (White Knight ) of Marianne.
A 2009-03-28: Oh my fairy-tale Knight!
A 2009-03-16: Seeming to emerge out of a tale from the 1001 Nights, the glittering capit...

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