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Dictionary English German: Thirty

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SYNO   30 | thirty | xxx | XXX
2 Words: Others
above thirty {adv}über dreißig
thirty thousanddreißigtausend
thirty-day {adj} [attr.]dreißigtägig
thirty-minute {adj} [attr.]dreißigminütig <30-minütig>
thirty-something {adj} [coll.] [also: thirtysomething] [age]in den Dreißigern [nachgestellt]
2 Words: Verbs
to be thirty30 sein
2 Words: Nouns
dark thirty [Am.] [sl.]frühe Morgenstunden {pl}
thirty-blocker [Am.] [coll.]Sonnenblocker {m} mit Faktor 30
thirty-somethings [coll.]30-39-Jährige {pl}
thirty-somethings [coll.]Menschen {pl} in ihren Dreißigern [ugs.]
3 Words: Others
at eight thirty {adv}um halb neun
at eighteen thirty {adv}um halb sieben abends
at five thirty {adv}um halb sechs
at four-thirty {adv}um halb fünf
at seven thirty {adv}um sieben Uhr dreißig
at six thirty {adv}um halb 7 (Uhr)
five thirty-five [time]fünf nach halb sechs [Uhrzeit]
lasting thirty days {adj} [postpos.]dreißigtägig
mil. o-dark-thirty {adv} [sl.] [spv.]in aller Herrgottsfrühe
mil. oh dark thirty {adv} [sl.] [spv.] [idiom]in aller Herrgottsfrühe [Redewendung]
one thirty pmhalb zwei [13:30 Uhr]
thirty or soum die dreißig
thirty-year-old {adj} [attr.] <30-year-old>dreißigjährig <30-jährig> [Mann, Elefant etc.]
mil. zero dark thirty {adv} [sl.] [idiom]in aller Herrgottsfrühe [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
to increase thirty-fold(sich) verdreißigfachen
3 Words: Nouns
hist. mil. Thirty Years' War [1618-1648]Dreißigjähriger Krieg {m} [1618-1648]
mus. thirty-second note [esp. Am.]Zweiunddreißigstel {n}
mus. thirty-second note [esp. Am.]Zweiunddreißigstelnote {f}
mus. thirty-second rest [Am.]Zweiunddreißigstelpause {f}
thirty-year-old [female] <30-year-old>Dreißigjährige {f} <30-Jährige>
thirty-year-old <30-year-old>Dreißigjähriger {m} <30-Jähriger>
thirty-year-oldsDreißigjährige {pl}
4 Words: Others
mil. at o-dark-thirty {adv} [idiom]in aller Herrgottsfrühe [Redewendung]
He is turning thirty!Er wird dreißig!
thirty-eight-year-old {adj} [attr.] <38-year-old>achtunddreißigjährig <38-jährig>
thirty-five past five [time] [coll., sl. for: five thirty-five / twenty-five to six]fünf nach halb sechs [Uhrzeit]
thirty-five-year-old {adj} [attr.] <35-year-old>fünfunddreißigjährig <35-jährig>
thirty-four-year-old {adj} [attr.] <34-year-old>vierunddreißigjährig <34-jährig>
thirty-nine-year-old {adj} [attr.] <39-year-old>neununddreißigjährig <39-jährig>
thirty-one-year-old {adj} [attr.] <31-year-old>einunddreißigjährig <31-jährig>
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A 2017-09-29: thirty bob and a tanner ~ 30 shillings and sixpence
A 2016-08-08: Oder: between ten and twelve apples / between thirty and forty minutes
A 2015-04-20: Thirty people will/are going to attend/take part this year.
A 2014-01-28: Heeding uffie's warning: out of a total of thirty items ... etc.
A 2014-01-28: Out of a total of thirty articles, ten were used
Q 2010-06-09: Rule Thirty
A 2010-02-24: Thirty-three times is referring to the 33 points he scored in the game.
A 2009-12-11: We say "oh-beer thirty".
A 2009-10-29: increase by thirty times
A 2008-12-14: ... hiding an at least thirty foot wide window
A 2008-11-06: The Thirty Years' War - subsequently Hanoverian - fell back - City of Bremen
A 2008-09-12: eight thirty
Q 2008-07-25: As a sorority, they need a minimum of thirty pledges in order to retain th...
A 2008-01-22: naja, jedenfalls passt thirty-weigh oil farblich nicht...
Q 2008-01-22: thirty-weight oil
A 2007-02-06: "two thirty" - dentist time
A 2006-11-16: ...played in two sets of thirty minutes each?
A 2006-11-16: Handball matches are played two times thirty minutes.
A 2006-07-17: ...On a shopfloor exceeding 200 sq m, more than thirty employees work out ...
A 2006-01-18: one thirty-second part each

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