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English-German translation for: Writers
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Dictionary English German: Writers

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NOUN   a writer | writers
jobs lit. writers
Schriftsteller {pl}
Schreiber {pl}
jobs lit. writersLiteraten {pl}
writers [female]Schreiberinnen {pl}
art writers [graffiti writers]Graffitikünstler {pl}
2 Words
shorthand writersStenographen {pl}
type writersSchreibmaschinen {pl}
various writersverschiedene Schriftsteller {pl}
Unverified Writers Guild [always capitalized]Autorenverband {m}
lit. writers' guildSchriftstellerverband {m}
jobs lit. writers' meeting [also: writers meeting]Schriftstellertreffen {n}
jobs lit. writers' organizationSchriftstellerorganisation {f}
lit. writers' sceneLiteratenszene {f}
journ. lit. writers' sceneSchriftstellerszene {f}
film writers' strikeAutorenstreik {m}
3 Words
association of writersSchriftstellervereinigung {f}
ling. recent English writersmoderne englische Schriftsteller {pl}
4 Words
tech. manual for technical writersHandbuch {n} für Redakteure [z. B. Dokumentenersteller]
rarity of good writersSeltenheit {f} guter Schriftsteller
hist. lit. Sturm und Drang writersStürmer und Dränger {pl}
lit. Union of Soviet WritersSchriftstellerverband {m} der UdSSR
5+ Words
to rank with the greatest writerszu den größten Schriftstellern gehören
hist. lit. Heidelberg group of romantic writersHeidelberger Romantik {f}
prevailing opinions of writers on this subject / topicLiteraturmeinung {f} [allgemein]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Freedom Writers [Richard LaGravenese]Freedom Writers
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A 2015-07-02: German writers seem to think that their readers understand the expression.
A 2015-03-05: The funny thing is that it's often the writers ...
Q 2015-01-18: Inflections writers
A 2014-05-19: It was made up by the writers of +The Thick of It+ - http://en.wikipedia.o...
A 2013-12-09: sie (human writers) seien von sich aus inspirierend gewesen.
A 2013-05-24: Headline writers.
A 2013-03-24: proficient in English, I'm not very much in letter-writing, we're no great...
A 2013-01-16: @dearjag: Disagree. I know my bad U.S. writers. The "is involved" stands f...
A 2012-12-29: No, and that's why it's a cliché. Useful for writers in a hurry to finish ...
A 2011-12-16: Theokratius: Not sure I or the German-language writers at the links can agree.
A 2011-10-10: dozen // writers
A 2011-10-02: The term "milky blond" seems to be popular with writers of fiction.
A 2011-09-30: wandle: You are courageously assuming that screen writers know the differe...
A 2011-09-13: Writers sometimes mistakenly use belie to mean the opposite, possibly conf...
A 2010-07-25: writer's (not writers)
A 2010-07-25: Could also be a big grin to express the writers amazement at his / her own...
A 2009-09-07: it's a snippet, but maybe an important little thing to know; writers are a...
A 2009-06-26: A cliché then is by definition a bad thing, not to be employed by self-res...
A 2009-06-26: I think 'wie Vieh erschlagen' is only a simile used by some writers.
A 2009-05-02: ...favorite of writers...

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writers' meeting
writers' organization
writers' scene
writer's spasm
writers' strike

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